Open Overwhelmed and Oblivious

Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
(Open after Kris posts with Brooke)

The young Gryffindor felt like she never left the library. Her head was always in a book even after she was forced out of the library. She had rarely socialized with her roommates; something Emmaline did feel bad about. She liked the new freedom of socialization that Hogwarts gave, but she simply was terrible at balancing friends and school. Her arrow always went towards school. There was too much to do, too much to focus on, too many essays to write. Who in their right mind had the ability to balance it all!

Emmaline sat at a table, all to herself, as her books spread across open to random pages. The young girl's neck was craned furiously writing notes on a piece of parchment. The young Gryffindor had even more to prove this year. She was the older sister to a young girl who had just arrived at Hogwarts. Emmaline knew deep down that her younger sister was not as absorbed into school as she was, but still, River was smart. Emmaline had to show she was better, she had to be. The voice of her mother ringing through her head as she put the quill down to rubbed her temples. This was all a lot. Exams were coming and she just was not ready.

Emmaline closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. The thoughts were whirling from every subject, to her mother's most recent harsh owl, to the laughter of her friends. She had to get her priorities right. I just have to work harder She thought to herself, still rubbing her head as if it was about to explode with thoughts at any moment.
Brooke wasn't concerned about exams exactly, but she wasn't about to let her grades slip or let herself fall into bad habits just because she was feeling comfortable in Herbology this year. Unlike her sister, Brooke wasn't about to let her intelligence go to waste just because she was finding her first few years at Hogwarts fairly easy.

Scanning the library tables for a good spot to get in some more exam revision, Brooke paused when she spotted Emmaline. The two of them weren't very well acquainted, but Brooke knew Emmaline by reputation, if only because she'd been a first year who'd managed to be top points winner for her house last year. The House Cup winning house in fact. It wasn't often that Brooke was shown up so thoroughly, and Emmaline had seemingly managed that without even knowing it. Brooke could feel the temptation to be jealous of Emmaline, but mostly, all she could see in the other girl was an opportunity. If Brooke worked and hung out with students like Emmaline, it wouldn't be long before she was up there earning top points and finally making herself a stand out student.

Clearing her throat, Brooke settled in a seat across from Emmaline, giving the other girl a friendly smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting, do mind if I join you?" She said, gently sitting her books down in a spot that wasn't taken up by Emmaline's own spread of study materials. "I thought maybe we could exchange notes on Transfiguration or something?" She asked, taking a more to peer as subtly as she could on whatever Emmaline was working on.
Emmaline had been lost in thought wondering what else she could possibly do. She simply could not live with herself if she did not meet the bar that she set for herself last year, which was higher than anyone could have expected. Except her mother of course, even her own mother wondered why Emmaline had not worked harder. Always more, always work harder. She thought, her brain running with all the incantations, spells, and notes she still had to take for the upcoming exams.

The young girl let out a sigh, to herself. It was a lot, that was easy to see. However, she was broken out of thought when she heard the voice of a young girl. Opening her blue eyes, Emmaline looked up to see a Slytherin second year in front of her, placing her own study materials next to her own. Brooke I think she thought trying to remember the second year girl's name. Brooke sounded right, but Emmaline was not the best at remembering faces when she had so much more important things to remember. The young girl could swear she shared some of the same classes with her however. All the second years shared at least one class at one point it seemed, no matter the house.

"Oh of course" Emmaline said trying to contain some of her study materials. It was difficult as she simply had so many. Piling some of the similar class notes on top of eachother, and stacking a few books she was not currently using, the young Gryffindor looked up at Brooke. "I'm just trying to get everything done. You know exams are coming faster than anyone expects." She said knowing she sounded like a dork. Emmaline could not help it sometimes. Her words often came out before her brain thought about what she was saying.

The sound of transfiguration make her mentally shiver. She absolutely hated that class this year. It was terrible to participate in, however it was necessary. "I'd rather skip the Transfiguration for now." Emmaline said with a small smile. "Not the biggest fan of the class this year" She admitted honestly. "But if you do need some help. I'd be happy to." She added, trying to find her transfiguration notes in the piles of papers on the table. As much as she hated the subject this particular year, she was always happy to lend a hand. The young girl was used to sharing her notes with friends.
Brooke smiled when Emmaline let her sit, appreciative to have a bit more space at the table. "You certainly seem prepared at least," She said mildly, nodding towards the spread of books with a smile. Really though, Brooke was quite pleased that at least Emmaline seemed to take her studies seriously. It would have added insult to injury if it turned out she had just fluked her way into being tops points earner last year, but as it stood, Brooke was starting to consider if Emmaline would be better as a friend than one of the competition. "The new stuff has been interesting," She said after Emmaline mentioned not enjoying Transfiguration. She was quietly curious if that meant Brooke was doing better in the class, but she could but that aside. "I might take you up on that." That would be one way to gauge where she was compared to her peers at least Brooke reasoned. "What are you working on? I've got some mandrake stuff I need to finish up in my journal, but it's pretty tedious. Mine bit me last week while I was feeding it, can you believe it? I haven't had much motivation to work on it since," She said, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

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