- Messages
- 67
- OOC First Name
- `Leo
- Wand
- Willow 12 Inches Augurey Feather Core
Elbio Aiello was finally belonging somewhere. The castle of Hogwarts in less than a month, had became his new home and place that he could house his prospects for his new life. Used to another kind of lifestyle of fast changing locations and of no permanent place to call home, he was still having a difficult time to consort with his new environment. There were times that the castle's walls looked like narrowing around him. Even outside the castle, in the grounds, he was still feeling confined within the invisible walls that were determining the school's boundaries. The announcement that they could visit the neighbouring village during the weekend, acted like a balm to his soul. So early at Saturday morning, he passed through Hogwarts' gate and followed the path to Brightstone.
He wasn't alone. He might haven't made any good friends yet but he always had his pet owl, Blizzeta. He had found the little owl when it was just a wounded chick in a provincial city of Italy, when he and his brother were moving to avoid the authorities. Ever since the creature had became his new companionship when he had to stay alone for hours, when his brother was receiving his auror training. The shops were just opening as he entered the quiet streets of the village. After a short stop at Honeydukes, from where he supplied with a bag of sweets, he headed to the park which was completely deserted so early in the morning. He left the bag of sweets on the root of an old tree, before shoving a marshmallow in his mouth. He let the owl roost on the lower branch of the tree as he was taking off his jacket and drew out of his pocket a sling and a glowing, round, blue stone. "Okay! Let's see if that time spent in Hogwarts owlery has taken its toll on your skills." he said and with that, Blizzeta soared into the sky with a loud hoot.
Elbio placed the stone in the sling's, leather pouch and swung it, rotating it slowly twice to let the projectile seat in the pouch. With a flick of his wrist, he released the tab at the precise moment and the stone shot into the air. The ural owl dove towards the glowing projectile and followed its arced course. Before starting losing height, Blizzeta trapped among her claws with an elegant flip in the air. The bird returned back to him with a screech and landed on his extended arm, dropping the stone in his open palm.
"Nice work! Here's a little something for you." he praised his little friend and took out of his pocket and owl treat that Blizzeta pecked and swallowed greedily. "Should we try once more?" he asked his feathery friend, who flied up high again with a hoot of approval. He placed again the stone in the pouch and started swinging it. The tab slipped off his thump before completing the second rotation and the stone was released earlier, getting more height and distance from what he had calculated. "Oh damn!" he uttered as the projectile flew far away at the other end of the park. His owl didn't attempt to catch the stone this time. It knew it was out of its league and it didn't want to waste its energy unnecessarily. He bit his lip and placed his hands behind his head as he was hoping that it wasn't going to hit the person that was entering the park.
He wasn't alone. He might haven't made any good friends yet but he always had his pet owl, Blizzeta. He had found the little owl when it was just a wounded chick in a provincial city of Italy, when he and his brother were moving to avoid the authorities. Ever since the creature had became his new companionship when he had to stay alone for hours, when his brother was receiving his auror training. The shops were just opening as he entered the quiet streets of the village. After a short stop at Honeydukes, from where he supplied with a bag of sweets, he headed to the park which was completely deserted so early in the morning. He left the bag of sweets on the root of an old tree, before shoving a marshmallow in his mouth. He let the owl roost on the lower branch of the tree as he was taking off his jacket and drew out of his pocket a sling and a glowing, round, blue stone. "Okay! Let's see if that time spent in Hogwarts owlery has taken its toll on your skills." he said and with that, Blizzeta soared into the sky with a loud hoot.
Elbio placed the stone in the sling's, leather pouch and swung it, rotating it slowly twice to let the projectile seat in the pouch. With a flick of his wrist, he released the tab at the precise moment and the stone shot into the air. The ural owl dove towards the glowing projectile and followed its arced course. Before starting losing height, Blizzeta trapped among her claws with an elegant flip in the air. The bird returned back to him with a screech and landed on his extended arm, dropping the stone in his open palm.
"Nice work! Here's a little something for you." he praised his little friend and took out of his pocket and owl treat that Blizzeta pecked and swallowed greedily. "Should we try once more?" he asked his feathery friend, who flied up high again with a hoot of approval. He placed again the stone in the pouch and started swinging it. The tab slipped off his thump before completing the second rotation and the stone was released earlier, getting more height and distance from what he had calculated. "Oh damn!" he uttered as the projectile flew far away at the other end of the park. His owl didn't attempt to catch the stone this time. It knew it was out of its league and it didn't want to waste its energy unnecessarily. He bit his lip and placed his hands behind his head as he was hoping that it wasn't going to hit the person that was entering the park.