Outside again [Finished!]

Kyle Alcott-Ward

french | theatre dad scrivenshafts asst manager
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Matt ) ( Gay
Apple, 13 1/2 inches, Essence of Belladonna
8/2011 (52)
Kyle was simply wandering on one of his rare days off, when he decided to explore the grounds some more. He had been looking around the castle a lot, memorising routes to places he was likely to need to know, like classrooms, bathrooms, and whatnot, but he hadn't really been outside since that day he met Llhei.

He wandered out, shivering slightly at the icy New Zealand spring air. The sun was shining, but the grass and all the leaves and flowers were covered in dew from last night's rain. He never got used to the odd sensation of being warmed by the sun and frozen by the air at the same time. Folding his arms to conserve heat, he wandered across the grass, looking around the grounds and wondering where he was going to explore first.
She had always been planning on going to her favorite spot but she hadn't got any extra time. Llhei was in the common room and doing some homework when the water at the lake called her. She thought that she was all fed up with all the lessons and homework in each subjects, so, she decided to go to her spot. Leaving all her work unfinished.

Llheione was wearing her favorite white jacket with printed hearts on it. Her jacket was open slightly, and her boots was pretty wet at the sides. It had been raining last night. She was on her way to go to the lake when someone caught her attention. She stopped walking and stared at the boy, by far. Soon, she realized that it was Kyle, the cute boy who always blush. she said silently and chuckled.

She didn't understand why, but she was walking towards Kyle. Seems like Kyle doesn't realized that he has company now. "Hey! going some where?" she smiled and said while her left hand covers her eyes from being blinded by the ray of sun.
Kyle was lost in thoughts about the climbing potential of a large tree in the distance when he heard someone call out to him, turning around and blinking. He grinned when he saw Llhei walking towards him, shielding her eyes. "Hey!" He smiled, walking over to her. "Llhei, right? How have you been?" He said with a grin when he reached his friend.
Kyle greeted Llhei, thank god that he remembers her. She removed her hands and smiled at him.

"Yes, im Llhei. Good thing you remember me." she joked and release a sweet little laughed. "Im quite good, but im tired doing all the homeworks and stuff." she said and faced towards the lakefront.

She fixed her jacket by closing the zippers right up to her chest and stomped her boots to shake off all the dirt that stick to it.
"How are you?" she asked and stood beside Kyle.
Kyle smiled warmly. "Of course I remember you! I never forget a friend." He grinned, then nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. The homework is insane! I wasn't expecting nearly this much when I came here..." He sighed, turning to face the lake with Llhei.

"I'm pretty good too... Having a lot of trouble with the quills... it's weird, writing with a feather. I wish we could just use pens and pencils." He smiled, rubbing his arms. The chilly air was nipping them under the sleeves of his black skivvy. He shivered slightly, and smiled. "Man, I will never get used to how much colder New Zealand is than France."
Llhei smile grew even wider when Kyle said he never forgets a friend. When he started to talk about all the assignments they were having, Llhei groaned as an agreement to what he said. They were both watching the silent water of the lake when she heard about the quills.

She chuckled first before she faced Kyle and talked. "I know, right. Good thing my cousin taught me how to use them." she chuckled jerking her head backwards.

Then Llhein saw Kyle rubbed his arms, "Still cold isn't it?" she smiled and shiver a little. Then she moved a little closer to Kyle grabbing his left arm.
"Lucky." Kyle smiled, when Llhei told him her cousin had taught her to write with a quill. "I had so much trouble at first. My homework still all looks like one big black smudge, but I'm getting better." He smiled warmly, watching a small puff of his breath float away. He looked up, and a cloud had covered the feeble spring sun, bringing a new chill with it.

Kyle nodded in agreement when Llhei commented on the temperature, about to suggest that they walk a little, to build up some body heat, and maybe find a warmer spot to stand, when he felt soft hands wrapping around his arm, and froze, face heating up with a blush. He'd never really been touched by girls before, besides Jessy, who didn't count because she was like family. He'd heard boys in his class at primary school talking about who liked who, but he never really got into it, having always seen girls as friends, he'd never even thought about Llhei like that.

But her hands were soft, and warm, and after all, she was only holding his arm, maybe it was just a friendly gesture to preserve warmth. And when he thought about it, Llhei was nice, and friendly, and quite pretty, and she had called him cute, but in a nice way, not like his sister's meaner friends. So why was he even worrying? Kyle relaxed a bit, smiling at Llhei, though his cheeks were still a bit red.
When Llhei took the action on grabbing Kyles arm she saw that his face turned bright red. He still not used to this kind of things.... But he sure is pretty cute when his body reacts and reveals his inside feelings. she thought and chuckled loudly.
"You're blushing....And i know you know that i've said that your cute when you does that." she said between little laughs and hugged Kyles arm a little tightier to teased him more.

When she finally stopped teasing Kyle she thought that it is a great idea to walk and talk at the same time with a shining sun above them. "Wanna take a walk?" Llhei said as she started to walk towards to her right side her hands still on Kyles arm.
Kyle blushed more when Llhei called him cute, and hugged his arm tighter. She was so sweet, and nice, and he really wanted to say something to that effect, but he just drew a blank, totally caught off guard by this display of affection, and unable to think straight enough to say anything in return. Instead, he just smiled back shyly, hoping Llhei would understand that he did appreciate it, and would say something back if he could think of anything to say.

He was relieved when she proposed a walk. That sounded much safer than just standing here smiling like a bright red idiot. "Sounds great." Kyle grinned, walking with Llhei as she began heading to their right, the cool air brushing lightly against his face. A brief thought crossed Kyle's mind that maybe he was supposed to hold hands with her now, but that sounded far too ambitious to him, so instead he said "So, are you having a good time settling in here?" It sounded stupid to him, but at least he'd said something.
The sun shine above them as they walked together. It's been so nice to have some close friends now... she thought when Kyle asked if Llhei's having a good time settling here. She paused for a moment and looked at Kyle, giving him a questioning look, "Wow, Kyle what a random question." she said and chuckled at her own joke. "Well, of course im having a good time, no... GREAT time to be exact." Being around in the magical world is fantastic! It's been amazing...

"So.. have you met lot of new people here.. friends..?... girlfriends?" she teased Kyle again so she could see him blushing more. After a few walk Llhei spotted a place where they can relax a bit more. She pointed out to the tree and said "we can sit here." she said, before she sit Llhei get her scarf on her pocket and lay it on the grass so they wouldn't be sitting entirely on the wet grass.
Kyle giggled embarassedly when Llhei said it was a random question. He had just said the first thing he thought of to say that didn't sound toooo stupid in his head. "That's good." He smiled. "I was really freaking out at first - magic seemed like such a scary thing to me, because I'd never encountered it before. It's gotten easier though... I can't believe it's almost holidays already!" He smiled.

Kyle nodded when Llhei asked if he'd met many people, though the nodding ceased, and he turned bright red when she mentioned girlfriends. "Uhm... not really..." He stammered, relieved when Llhei said they should sit down, praying that she would just somehow forget the question she had asked. Kyle sat down next to Llhei, relieved that the grass over here wasn't as wet as the grass they had been standing on earlier, thanks to the sun that was now shining overhead.
They were heading for the tree when Llheione heard Kyle giggle when she points out that "what a random question", seeing him giggling made her giggle too. Then again she was right that teasing him will made his face turn to bright red.

They were relaxingly sitting right next to each other on the roots of the tree and facing the water of the lake. Both, were silence in a couple of sec when Llhei remembered asking him about gf's. She's not planning on letting go of that question. She wanted to know about his past relationships, if he had. "So....how many girlfriends did you have, again?" she asked straight forward. Llhei bent her knees and hugged it closer to her chest and lean her head on it, looking at Kyle directly at his face. She looked like willing to listen to what he'll say.
Kyle blushed hotly, hugging his knees as well, for some kind of imaginary protection. "I... Uh... I..." He stammered, face bright red. "My best friend is a girl..." He finished lamely, wanting to hit himself. 'My best friend is a girl... how stupid are you? Kyle thought to himself, screwing up his eyes briefly in frustration. He bit his lip, staring straight in front of him, not wanting to look at Llhei in case she laughed at him.

It then occured to Kyle that he could throw the question back, and hopefully take the focus off himself. "What about you?" His voice came out more teasing than he thought he would have been able to muster, still embarassed as he was. "Got any boyfriends?"
Llheione couldn't help laughing when she saw Kyle's face turned red as tomato and by saying his best friend is a girl. Llhei stopped laughing, she don't want Kyle to get the wrong impression by laughing at him.

Llhei was caught off guard when Kyle threw the question back at her. She just didn't show it, Llhei hid it with a fake smile and looked away at Kyle. Then she find a way to teased him again. She faced Kyle showing her charming but teasing smile. "Of course, i have a bf... you." she said and smiled, wanting to know how he would react.
Kyle blushed more when Llhei laughed at him, but smiled shyly too. It had been a pretty lame response, and Kyle was pretty sure that if he was in Llhei's position he would be laughing at himself too.

Kyle jumped slightly when Llhei called him her boyfriend. Was that what he was? What they were? Or did she mean boyfriend like boy friend, as in a boy who was a friend. Kyle didn't know, so he stayed silent, face heating up, fingers fidgeting awkwardly with each other. He didn't know what on earth he was supposed to say, so he just looked at Llhei, hoping she would confirm what she meant.
The ravenclaw first year starts laughing when she found out Kyle's reaction. She thought that her plan worked, she saw Kyle's face turned redder, looks like all his blood run up to his face. Llhei saw his fingers starting to rumble with each other.

She stopped laughing and reach out Kyle's hand, "Hey..." she smiled a little and said again "FYI, you are my boyfriend, i mean.. your a boy that is my friend right?" she giggle after but turned serious, her warm right hand touches Kyle's face, too, "....But i like you..." she give a little smile after it.
Kyle smiled when Llhei said he was a boy who was a friend. That made things simpler, though her hand on his was making it a whole lot more confusing, and that confusion was doubled when her hand touched his face, warm and soft compared to the still-chilly air of the spring morning.

When Llhei said she liked him though, something clicked in Kyle's head, and for once, he knew what he wanted to say. He shifted the hand that she was still touching, moving to shyly hold her hand with his own. "I like you too..." He smiled shyly, cheeks reddening slightly, but not nearly as much as before. Finally, for once, Kyle had said something, and it had felt like the right something.
Llhei doesn't have to pretend on what she's feeling as of right now. Having Kyle's hands on hers felt amazing, a great way to start a day.It surprised her, she really didn't expect that he'll said that he liked her too.

Llhei was very happy and she hugged Kyle tightly....

(i guess its finished. couldn't think straight and really can't rp.. hehe... sorry if its too short)
((Ok, fair enough :) It's cool haha I keep almost writing really short things, but I wind up padding them out XD))

Kyle smiled when Llhei hugged him, hugging her back. She felt nice in his arms, soft and warm, slightly bigger than he was, Kyle used to always being the smallest no matter who he was talking to. When their hug ended, Kyle found the courage to shyly take Llhei's hand in his, feeling the warmth and softness, and smiled shyly.

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