Out of school and has no life

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Well hello all who are reading this. I'm counting on you to reply as well ;)

So, Teddy has been through quite an ordeal in the past few months that have lead to the decision to leave school and help out at home.

The quick version of the story would be; His father died leaving his step mother a mess who went out and drowned her sorrows in alcohol at night. Seeing as she is looking after three children, two of which aren't even able to talk yet, Teddy was disgusted by her behaviour. He left school so his seven year old sister would have a break from looking after the babies.

What I want is a distraction for him. Right now he is drowning in nappies, bottles and bed time tears. What I'm thinking is a couple of people who are there as a shoulder for him to lean on, maybe a girl who is impressed by his selflessness and gets a small but obvious crush on him and, this isn't a demand but more of an after thought, maybe a babysitter who is older than him that comes round sometimes to help carry the load. Not too much older but around 17-19 that he can get a small crush on but she thinks of him as a kid.

If you have any other ideas then please reply,

I have Belinda ramos.. She's my newest charrie. Idk much about her yet xD
I'm up to the crush plot Thingy if u want xD
I have Karah Green that I could offer up to Teddy to have a crush on him (although she wouldn't really know that it was a crush, maybe she would just admire his hard work). She is the youngest of her siblings so she wouldn't understand his position totally but admire it none-the-less.

Secondly, I have Jennifer Wilkonson who Teddy could crush on? Jenn is in her sixth year and will be turning seventeen shortly, so the age isn't that off. She doesn't have a job so she could easily babysit for extra money now that she has broken ties off with her mother who was wealthy-ish. She wouldn't think of Teddy as a kid but she would have a big problem with dating someone younger. I don't know why, but that is how Jenn rolls. lol
Belinda; How old is she? What school does she go to?

Karah; How old is she?

Jennifer; She sounds pretty good but wouldn't she still be in school then?
she's 21 and used to go to W.A.D.A
Karah Green is in her first year.

Jennifer Wilkonson would still be in school so we would have to roleplay them through letters and through the breaks.
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