Out of bounds on purpose

Jasmin Gray

Well-Known Member
Jasmin couldn't sleep. She got dressed, and snuck out of her dorm. She looked around, and saw the coast was clear. Jaz sneaked around the castle, deciding if she should go to the Forbiddon forest. It seemed a very Jasmin-ish thing to do, so she snuck out of the castle and into the forest.
Jasmin climbed up a tree and sat down. "Why me?" she said to the tree. She often talked to trees, she didn't like bing alone sometimes, and trees didn't get angry at her. "WHY ME?!?!?!" she screamed, and put her hand over her mouth, terrified she had been heard.
Jasmin sighed; she never had any luck. Most of the girls she knew had boyfriends already, Jasmin didn't. Jasmin's twin, her only friend, had been seperated from her. "Stupid Sorting hat, stupid Hufflepuffs." she said sourly.
She tried not to cry, biting her lip to stop the hurt that was threatening her, the hate that would consume her. She closed her eyes. "They don't care, nobody cares." she said.
She lay down on a branch. She stayed there for hours, thinking of nothing but the hate she had for everything.
"I hate this stupid, stupid school." she whispered.
Caillie was awaken by a bad dream. To calm herself, she thought that it would be better to have some fresh air. Caillie knew very well that they're not allowed in the forest especially at night but she really has an attitude for breaking rules. She walked quietly towards the forest. It was a cold night and the only thing that she hears is the strong wind that makes the trees sway a bit. For a second, Caillie would like to go back but then, she heard someone. She tried to follow the voice shaking a bit then she stopped when she saw a girl probably the same age as her. Cai is surprised to find a fellow student in the forest. She approached her and said, "Err...Hi, I heard your voice a while ago and thought to check where that sad voice was coming from. I'm Cai."
Jasmin wiped her eyes on her sleeve, as she heard a voice. She looked down from the tree, suprised someone would actually think to look up. "I'm Jasmin." she said, not trusting herself to say anymore.
With that kind of reply, Caillie knew that something is bothering the girl.
"Hey...what's up?...I know we don't really know each other so I hope you won't mind my
intrusion, but I guess there's something that bothers you at this moment." Caillie said calmly to Jasmin.
Jasmin took a deep breath. "I'm leaving Hogwarts, to move closer to my father, and I don't even know him.... And he hates wizards." she said sadly.
Caillie was so shocked of what she just heard that all she was able to say was, "What?"

After she has recovered, she asked "What about your mom? What did she say about that?"
Caillie has too much questions on her mind but she thought it would be best if she'd let Jasmin tell her.
So she stood quietly waiting for Jasmin's answer.
"My mum died a few weeks ago, thats why I'm leaving." Jasmin said. She still didn't like talking about her mother, she didn't want to believe she was really gone.
"I'm sorry to hear that" Caillie replied. If only she knew that, she would not have asked. It must have made Jasmin really sad, Cai thought. "I know that it's really sad to leave this place but maybe your dad wants to be with you so he wants you to leave this place and live with him."
Caillie said hoping that it didn't make Jasmin more upset.
"Well, he would hardly see me anyway, I'm going to Durmstrang." she said. No-one could understand how it felt moving away from everything you knew and loved, Jasmin thought bitterly.
Alex had been sleeping in his tents when a scream he thought he heard woke him up. He got dressed but then thoguht he was being stupid and decided ot go back to sleep but his instincts get nagging him to go look. In the end he shoved on his shoes and walked out with his wands annoyed at who ever it was had woklen him up. He thought he heard voices as he neared the forest edges and stated walking in. He knew he heard voices now and took his wand out. 'Right, whoo's there. Own up,'he said, his glasgow accent broad from tiredness. He kept walking to the voices and saw two girls. 'And you're havign troubles sleeping?'he asked jokingly.

(it's ok me joning isn't it?)

Jasmin peered out of the tree, as another person joined her and Caillie. "Was I really that loud?" she thought out loud. "No-one, it was your imagination ." she joked.

(just to make this clear, Jasmin is sitting high in a tree...)
(yeah, i knew that. :p :D thanks for the entusiam. jk )

Alex smiled and and rolled his eyes at her crap joke. 'Yeah you were or I suddenly have supermans powers,'Alex joked back. 'I am just going to have to guess you two couldn't sleep then because you never answered the question, Miss sitting in the tree,'he smiled.
"Oh my gosh, now where's my secret supply of kryptonite?" Jasmin joked. "Pretty much..." Jaz shrugged, but she still looked irritated. "I'm guessing I woke you up?" she asked.
Caillie looked at the newly arrived guy then said " Hi" with a grin. She was thankful that the guy had a sense of humor. That way, Jasmin wouldn't be too upset.
'I'll be happy to go to your secret hideout and get some,'Alex joked back before noticing she looked quite irritated and so did the other girl. 'Yeah, I thought someone was getting eaten in the forest with that scream,'Alex said smiling. 'ANything wrong or just the feeling of the moment?'
"Nope, no-one being eaten.... at least I hope not.." Jasmin said seriously, trying not to smile. Her face broke into a big grin. "Ok, I am terrible at keeping a straight face." she said. Jaz bit her lip, wondering what to say. "I'm moving schools, not a big deal." she said, trying to sound like she didn't care, and failing dismally.
Alex smiled, rolling his eyes at her failing to keep a straight face. He had to bite his lip when she said she was moving school. 'Is that seriously all that's wrong?'he asked sounded almost mocking but not. He smiled, holding back the laugh.
"Sorta..... My twin sister won't talk to me, and apparently I have another sister somewhere in the school!" Jaz said. "Oh, and I have to live with my father, who gave me this scar.." she pulled back her sleeve to show a huge scar, running from her elbow, almost down to her wrist. "...when I was two years old. That's while I'm not at Durmstrang getting detentions." Jasmin said the last part as a joke, but she was prone to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Alex smiled understandingly. 'It'll all turn out eventually, not saying in the enar future mind but eventually.'he said before pulling up his sleeves, showing numerous of scars that crossed over one another and continued underneath his sleeves. 'This is what you get when you try and sort things out instead of leaving them be'he said seriously, looking at her. 'And if you think these are bad, that's only the start of them.' Alex pulled back down his sleeves and smiled widely. 'I know how you feel about the sister stuff. I found out that I had a dad who was still alive, eventually found him in the streets drunk and turns out he didn't want me so he threatens to kill me if I don't scarper then suddenly find out that I have a twin brother, met him in my first year without even knowing it at the start and he is a complete jerk.'ALex said, pausing a lot. He didn't make any sign of showing how unhappy he was about it but made it into a joke. 'Detentions part I can't really help you with. Just don't get caught,'he said winking. 'Anything else?'

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