out in the sun, playing with an agel

Raziel Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
9 3/4", Oak, wood wand with Phoenix tail feather core
Raziel was in the kitchen of his beautiful home with his adorable son whose was laughing about as loud as his dad. They had just finished with a good hardy breakfast, Raziel was wiping his sons face and the baby kicked widly as raziel teased the boy by poking the infants nose and shouting 'boop'. The houseelf was busy wiping the counters and table down and he could not help but smile at his master and his young master as they played.

"I am sorry Star, I will get out of your way and tell anyone who is looking form I will be in the back with young master Gabriel."Raziel said to the young house elf as he head outside in the sun to play with his son. Raziel found a nice patch of grass and laid his down on the ground and the boy was unsure of the green stuff called grass. Raziel rumbled with laugher as he watched his son try and figure out what the green stuff was, as the wind blew softly causing the grass to sway.
Jacqueline Black arrived back from Bleak Street fairly early. Business had been slow so she decided to close early and come home. She opened her door to her home and walked inside. She could hear nothing inside the house. Jacqueline frowned. Had Raziel left again? "Raziel?" she called out into the house. It was useless there was no reply. Where was Gabe?

Beginning to panic, Jac walked quickly though the house. She saw the young house elf who told her that her husband was outside with the child. She smiled and thanked the elf as she walked towards the back door. She found her husband and her child. "Gabriel!" she called out, grinning at the young boy as he came running to his mother. She laughed as she picked him up swinging him around as he giggled wildly. Jacqueline grinned at her husband. "Hi honey. How was your day?" she asked curiously.
"Well I was going to sleep in but I decided that I would hang out with the cutest boy in the world. We had a rather messy breakfast so to leave Star with the mess and came out her to play in the grass and in the sun." Raziel said as he wiped his butt off and stood up to kiss his wife. "How was your day, your home rather early?" Raziel said as he tickled Gabriel which caused more rounds of laughter.
Jacqueline smiled at her husband as he stood and kissed her. She was thankful once more to have him back in her arms. She sat Gabe down to go back to his playing. "I decided to close early. Business has been slow so there wasn't a need for me to be there today." she told him with a grin on her face. "I thought I would come see two of my favorite boys." she said, teasing her husband.
"I was thinking maybe we could have a few people over maybe play again of quidittch or have a small party of some sort. We were once young and now I think we have lost that youthfulness and fire. We need friends love?" Raziel said as he kissed his wife again this time tickling her a little.
Jacqueline smiled at her husband's idea. She did not really like it since she had spent years distancing herself from people. However, for Gabe's sake, she would do it. She nodded her head. "Would that make you happy darling?" she asked him.
"I think it would be fun also, I do not think we had a party big enough for the birth of Gabriel" Raziel said as he ran over and picked up his son and tossed him up and down in the air making peek a boo sounds which caused him to laugh and drool a little. Raziel stopped aftera few moment to wipe a way the drool and kiss his son on the forehead.
Jacqueline laughed at her silly husband and baby. She shook her head, an amused expression on her face. "We didn't have a party at all. You had already gone and I was too tired to think about it." she said with a coy smile.
"Well then we will hold a party for our bouncing baby boy, We will go all out but it will be more of a bbq. Formal can be stuffy so I want use to go a little casual with this, this time around. We need to blow the dust off on our owls and start this summer off right." Raziel said as he kissed his son on the forehead and hugged him close.
Jacqueline Black nodded her head in agreement. "A bbq sounds like a good party for a child." she said, thinking it would be nice to have an outdoor party though they needed to wait until it wasn't so cold outside. "Who all should we invite?" she asked as Raz talked of dusting off their owls. She watched as Raziel interacted with the little boy. Gabe and Raziel were getting along nicely and the man seemed to love his son a great deal.
Raziel picked up his son who was rubbing his eyes and reached for his wifes hand as he head into the house." Why dont't we invite a few of our friends, I could invite a few of the guys from work who were at my promotion to Auror. We can invet all the kids who want to go and if you wuold like some of your other professors maybe a few of the older students if you want." Raziel said as he walked into the den and lit the fire placewith a quick of his wand. He sat down on the comfortable couch and summoned Gabes crib which appreared close by the couch. Raziel laid his son down and magicked the crib to rock softly, he then reached for his wife to snuggle with and watch there boy.
Jacqueline leaned into her husband's arms, dropping the last of her defensive barriers. She sighed softly as she closed her eyes. She was very tired. She nodded her head at his idea. "Yes, I think that you are right. I suppose I could invite a few Professors and the children. They haven't seen Gabe too much." Jac said thoughtfully.
"Then it is settled, we will hold a BBQ and send out the invites when the weather begins to warm up. Now you should rest and I will wake you when when gabe wakes up, or would you like to due something else.." Raziel said as he wrapped his wife up in his warm embrace. He loved her greatly but he realized that she was up to her neck in work and very rarely got time to just rest and relax. He wanted to help take some of the burden off of her but he had not quite found out how yet with out it being obivious.
Kiera Potter apparated to her mother's house. She was starting to get along better with her mother, finally beginning to forgive her after her abandonment as a child. Kiera knocked on the door and was greeted by a house elf. The elf took her to where her mother and stepfather were playing with her young brother Gabriel.

Kiera smiled slightly up at her family. A small bump and begun to form on her abdomen though it was hardly noticable. It was the reason she was here today. "Hey. What's going on?" she asked as she had caught them in an embrace.
Raziel wheeled around with his wand drawn being by yourself for a long period of timme made you a rather jumpy character. Raziel had a rather nasty curse on his tongue ready to go when he realized who the young woman was, and lowered his wand slowly. It was Kiera, his daughter in law and she had grown in the years since he had last seen her. Raziel could not help but smile at the young woman as it was her that he admired the most she was strong opinioned and was extremely brave. He was glad to see that she was alive and well, he had heard through the office and his wife that the young woman and her husband had been attacked which sent him into a furry.

"Keira!!" Raziel said as he stood to greet the woman. He wondered what she would say to his return, he did not know how much she respected his marriage to her mother or if she approved but he knew that she would be the hardest to win over. Raziel bowed to the young woman and gave the room time to adjust to the new arrivial. Raziel turned ands cast a buble charm around his son which would prevent him from hearing the conversation but allow Raziel and his mother the ability to her him.

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