Closed Out in The Open

Felix Carnahan

circus performer🔥middle child🔥'61 grad
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Curly 9 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
04/2043 (20)
Felix had enjoyed doing his training at the shop since it was easy to work around his work schedule. He already had to come to the shop for work so coming a little early or staying late just made sense. But realistically he knew that set up couldn't last forever as he got closer and closer to a full transformation. He still didn't how what form that would be but so far he knew it involved a lot of hair. He yawned as he waited for his boss and former professor to show up. Felix had been instructed to meet him in a field just outside of Obsidian Harbour. It was still pretty early in the day but the sun was already bright and shinning, and he was already starting to sweat.
Aeon had been looking forward to today's session for a while. The change of scenery, the wide open space, it was all one step closer to the end of Felix's training, and he had to admit that he felt quite proud of the young man's progress. He apparated into the field, dressed lightly for the December heat, and strode the rest of the way over to Felix, raising a hand in greeting. "Morning." He said. "Shame it's not a cooler day." A coat of fur was not ideal on a day like today, and so far it seemed neither of them were particularly adapted for warm weather. "How are you feeling?"
Felix turned quickly when he heard Mr. Summer's arrived and waved to his boss. He let out a nervous laugh at the comment about the weather. Considering how much hair had been involved with his previous practice sessions he was inclined to agree. "Yeah that would be nice." he said a bit wistfully. He swallowed hard at the older man's question. "A little nervous." he admitted. "But excited too." he added quickly. He kind of felt like if he didn't do this now he might forget and have to start all over. He knew that wasn't true. Felix had worked hard for this. It wasn't a skill that could blow away overnight.
[jusitfy]Aeon gave a reassuring smile, knowing all too well those very feelings. This moment, a culmination of years worth of practice, was as exciting as it was terrifying. "Don't worry. You can do this. We wouldn't be here if I didn't think you were ready." He encouraged. With the dangers involved in the process, training these new animagi could be as nerve-wracking for him as it was for them. He withdrew his wand and relaxed his stance. "Shake off any feelings of doubt and focus on what you've achieved already. At this stage it's more simple than you think. You're simply taking the individual pieces you've learned so far and putting them all together. It's exactly the same as a partial transfiguration, you're just pushing it further." He said. "Visualise the change, and then make it a reality. Like so," He continued, and allowed himself to transform into his own animagus form. The once-man-now-husky gestured with his paw for his student to attempt the very same thing.
Felix felt for a moment that there should maybe be a bit more fanfare to go along with what felt like a big moment in his training. But it was probably best he didn't have an audience in case something went wrong. He was rarely ever alone, so it felt especially odd as he took a few steps away from Mr. Summers since he had a feeling is form would be rather large from the partial transformations he had done leading up to this. For months it felt like he had been tip toing to an edge of a cliff and now all he had to do was jump. Which sounded terrifying but he had to remember he knew what he was doing.

He listened to his former professor's words and took them to heart. Had Harper been this scared, he wondered as he took out his wand but made sure to wipe his sweaty palms on his shorts before breathing slow and steady. It was hard to visualize what he would become without knowing what it would be, but in the few moments before he made that final push it came to him so clearly he wasn't sure how he had missed it. The transformation felt like tripping. Like when he would walk upstairs in the middle of the night and think there was another step left but his foot found nothing but air. But this time instead of flailing Felix leaned into the sensation and suddenly he was on all fours and much much larger, and much much furrier than he had been moments before. Where there once was a boy was now a large brown bear.

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