Out for A walk

Alexia Mason

Well-Known Member
Alexia walked through Brightstone. It wasn't to bad out and she was sick of sittig around the house doing nothing. It just wasn't like her to not be doing something. So she had went out to try and stop her mind from blowing up. She really needed to paint. She had just bought her own house and all the walls were white. It had no emotion and she hated it. She looked around and started thinking of all her options. It wasn;t long before she felt a bump and fell down only to catch herself just before hitting the ground. She had ran in to a wall. 'Back to old habits.' She thought.
Daniel had just come back from seeing Gareth, well, he wasn't meant to be seeing Gareth lately, their parents felt it better for everyone if the siblings got separated for a while. Naturally, they had disobeyed and met up anyway. He was walking down the street, checking out any guy or girl that was relatively nice when he walked past them. He was checking out one girl, about to move on to a particularly buff guy walking past, when the girl walked straight into a wall and landed, very in-elegantly, on her bum.

Daniel couldn't help but chuckle as he approached the girl and offered to help her up. "You know, you're meant to walk around the walls. You can't walk through them." HE grinned at her. She was pretty hot. "So, who are you then?"
Alexia looked up to see a boy in front of her. She smiled, he held out his hand and she pulled herself up. She swipped off her pants and looked at him. He didn't look half bad. She laughed at what he said. "I'm aware." She focused her eyes on her bleeding hands and quickly slid them in her pockets and flinching at the pain. "I'm Alexia." She quickly smiled again hoping he didn't see her hands.
Daniel did, in fact, see her hands. "Give them here. Come one, I can heal you know." Having four brothers and five sisters in one family meant you learnt some useful things, like simple healing spells for when the younger ones hurt themselves and they didn't want the adults to know they were doing something they were told not to. It happened a lot back home. "Come on, I don't bite." He grinned, showing his teeth before laughing. "I'm Daniel by the way. You know, If you wanted to know the random guy you're talking to."
Alexia rolled her eyes at Daniel. "I've been known to bite." She smiled. "I know how to heal too, but i wasn't sure... you could have been a muggle." She held out her hands anyway she wouldn't stop him from helping. She didn't meet many nice people now a days so she didn't want to get on this ones bad side. "Thanks by the way, if you would've walked into a wall I probably would have laughed." She grinned at him.
Daniel laughed. "Ooh, best not get on the wrong side of you then." He grinned and raised his eyebrows at the next comment. "Oh no, there is no way I could be a muggle, trust me." He laughed again, this girl was quite gunny actually, whether she meant to be was a different story. "Well that's nice but, you see, I don't walk into walls." He grinned at her.
Alexia smiled she was actually having a good time. "Are you sure about that because you look like the type." She grinned. SHe hadn't really been this nice to anyone in a long time and thought about doing it more often. She liked Daniel at least that was a start. She knew why she was normally so bitter but turned her attention back to Daniel she was glad that he had stopped.
Daniel kept grinning. "Nope, I definately donb't walk into walls, I do have a tendancy to push a pull door though." He laughed, even though it was true. "So then Miss Alexia, How old are you?" He honestly expected an answer along the lines of don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age but he had to ask anyway.
Alexia smiled and giggles a little, she pushed pull doors too. She looked at him for a second, she couldn't believe he had aske the age question. She didn't really mind but the guy must have guts to ask. She smirked, "Hoe old do you think I am?" She raised an eyebrow. She wondered what he would say most thought she was a couple years younger than she was but still.
Daniel adopted a thinking pose, stroking a very long pretend beard. "Hmm, I'm going to go with somewhere between eighteen and twenty two." He grinned. "Am I anywhere close?" Hopefully, this way he couldn't be in the wrong. Any older and it was a compliment and any younger it was also a compliment. Truth was, he couldn't tell ages, he couldn't really match face to age.
Alexia smiled, "I'd normally consider that cheating, but yes I'm 20." She looked at him, "How old are you?" She really was curious about it. She started thinking about what his age might be. '19, 20, 21 maybe?' She thought. She figured that he was somewhere around her age. Or at least he acted like it.
Daniel grinned. "I'm the same. Twenty years young." He laughed and looked around for a place to sit. He was getting bored with standing, plus it hurt his legs. "So then tell me about you."
Alexia smiled, "Well I moved here a few months ago, I just got a new duplex, and the brother that i havn't seen in years moved in next to me." She looked back at Daniel, "What about you?" She was starting to like him a lot. SHe wondered what he thought of her. She looked over and saw a bench a little wase a way, "Do you want to sit down?"
Daniel nodded and went over to the bench. "Well, I've lived all over but the family just moved here. I have loads of siblings, my mum is pregnant again, I'm the second oldest, ummm, I think that's everything about me really." He really couldn't be bothered to name all of his siblings. He probably couldn't anyway, for some reason he always forgot to mention Kayne, well, it was more he forgot to mention one of the siblings but it was usually Kayne.
Alexia smiled he had a large family that was a difference. All she had was Alexander. SHe sat down next to him. "Well that must be nice having a big family." She thought about her mom, missing for some time now. It brought down her mood a bit so she tried not to think about it. Instead she thought about being an aunt. How Alex had gotten back with Kandee and now she was going to be according to Alex the baby's "fun" Aunt Lexi. She smiled again, it was going to be great.
Daniel laughed. "I wouldn't say nice was the right word really. There's the two shy ones that sit and read, they're okay, The overly camp brother that disturbs most of our family, my gay brother who over compensates by going to the gym, my plastic younger sister, my responsible older sister and the psycho little brother who should be put in restraints before he tries to kill someone. Not to mention the weir-do twins." He wondered how Alexia would respond to that. He didn't often talk about his family so when he did, well, let's just say the flood gates opened and it all came out. He decided to try and control his ranting for now, she would definitely be scared off if he even started having a go.
Alexia smiled at how wonderful it would be to have family. "Well speaking I only have my half-brother Alex, it tends to get kinda lonely. Well for me at least, I'm going to be an aunt soon so he dosn't have as much time for me anymore. But I'm used to it after my dad dieing and my mom going missing without a trace. And then the fact that I hadn't seen or heard from Alex at all untill he moved here." She stopped wondering what he would say. She hadn't told anybody about her family in a while but she felt good telling Daniel.
Daniel paused, unsure of what to say to that. "Well, sounds like we both have exciting lives doesn't it?" He smiled, kind of awkward from the situation she had just put him in. If he tried to change the topic she could feel hurt because he didn't want to talk about it (Some girls did) but if he didn't she might think he was taking to much of an interest in her personal life. "So..."
Alexia decieded to change the subject she didn't want to break down in front of him. "So... where did you go to school?" She figured that was a safe subject to change to. She had done well in school, well besides from all of her trouble making. But the teachers liked her anyway because of how she excelled in her studies.
Daniel sighed, she had changed topic. "Hogwarts Scotland, yourself?" He had been a hufflepuff, though not one of the reject ones who got bullied. If anything he had been one of the most popular boys in school. He was pretty good looking and was doing pretty well grades wise, not to mention his loveable attitude to girls', one of the few popular guys who wasn't a d!ck.
Alexia was shocked. "Your kidding right?" She had went to Hogworts Scotland. That would mean they had been in the same class. She tried to remember him but got nothing. "I went to Hogwarts Scotland." She was so cunfused how could she not remember him.

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