out for a kick(ett) around

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Maka Kickett

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OOC First Name
okay. i just had this idea, and instead of letting it wallow for a while i thought lets post it and get the ball moving.

I would like to introduce to you Maka.

look how cute that grin is (albeit not quite as cute as younger his grins.
Maka is 13, going into third year and has hardly made a ripple on the surface of the school. I am hopeing to change that soon. unlike his older siblings the boisterous Myuna and the tough Lowan. maka is the soft heart of the family. he has always had his siblings watching over him, teasing him but ready to stand up for him the moment someone looks at him funny. actually one of una's teenage goals was to protect lown from the torment of her life trying to balance her gamma zab and dads family expectations and shortcomings. but hat is a story for another day. basically maka is a lot sweeter and gentler than his siblings.
so what is this idea that i have had.
well. i was thinkin about maka and remembered that one of my origional plans was gor him to be bi. and then i thought. you know what. thy not. i could see him making friends with another boy and then sort of becoming more than friends.
i can then see lowan catching them or something. and teasing maka in a friendly way, the way only siblings can get away with. but sometime a little down the track someone else finds out and seriously teases him. which lowan finds out about either by overhearing or finding maka/boyfriend upset. and he is not happy about that. and well we will work something out from there. it would probably include a fight.

so what i need is a 2nd-4th year student who may be friends and partner with maka. and then an older probably student who will at a later date tease/torment the boys.
I hope that makes sense? any questions ask away.
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