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Crystal Simons

Active Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Crystal was out buying a few things, she really was looking for something she could bring home for Emmy. Crystal just wanted her niece to feel more comfortable at home, she knew it could be hard to adjust but she wanted things to fast forward to the part where things were natural and easy. So here she was in Obsidian Harbor looking at a outside jewelry display. It had lots of metal things but what she really wanted was something in stone that would help the young girl. Then she saw a bracelet made of turquoise for balance and protection. She thought it was perfect, she was about to go in and buy it when she almost ran into someone, "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." She said looking up to see a woman.
Renea looked around and then up at the sun. It was a beautiful day, and she was leaving a jewelry shop where she had found a few pentagram necklace's for her daughter, Harleigh. It was just another couple for her to wear, her daughter was strong about her faith. Renea closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun turn her skin a golden color but, she was interrupted.
"Oh, no worries. I should have been out of the way." Renea said to the lady. "I apologize." She smiled kindly.
Crystal smiled glad that the lady wasn't mad, some people these days just went ballistic over the slightest little things. "We'll just say it's nobody's fault then." She smiled extending her hand, "I'm Crystal." She wondered if maybe this woman would have time to talk, with all the fuss around the house she really hadn't had time to make friends here, and she needed friends to lean on and talk to from time to time. She wondered if woman could be one of them.
"The name is Renea. Are you in a hurry?" Renea asked hoping the lady could stay to talk a little bit. She didn't have any friends really around here and she hoped to meet some people. Renea knew some professor's but she didn't really hang out with them. "I was just getting a couple of pentagram necklaces for my daughter." She said trying to make conversation.
Crystal smiled, "Nice to meet you Renea, I'm not in a hurry I just have to by that bracelet." She said pointing towards the window display, Renea had said she had bought pentagram necklaces for her daughter and she wondered, "What religion is she, if it's not too personal?" Crystal didn't mind different religions, she was christian which had been interesting being a witch and all but she had gotten over it through the years. She knew a lot of wizards and witches that just pushed off religion because they didn't now what to believe being what they were.
"Alright, we can talk if you'd like, while you buy it." Renea said smiling. It was pretty and she could understand why she wanted to buy it. "Oh, our whole family is Wiccan. It's just basically the nature part of that, magic has always been real. My husband and I raised our son and daughter as wiccans. My son actually just turned 18. He makes me feel old." Renea said with a laugh.
Crystal nodded as she started to open the door to the store, "That's nice that you want to instil your beliefs in your children, I try and do the same with my own son Tyler but he doesn't like it so I am letting him find his own way." She said smiling, she didn't mind that there religions differed, it was no reason for them not to be friends. "My son is just had his sweet sixteen so I know how you feel." She smiled, she wished she could have done something for Adam but he hadn't been at her home by that point. But she had decided as long as Adam and Emmy were at her house there birthdays would be celebrated. She knew they didn't get that in there old homes.
"Yea, I let them believe what they want, but I give them the option and they took it." Renea said smiling. "Yea, Max just turned 18 and him and his little girlfriend went off to a club, so i went shopping." She said sighing. Her kids were growing up way to fast. She wish they were little again. Renea looked around the jewelry store again. Nothing else of interest really popped out at her.
Crystal nodded as Renea talked, she understood what she was saying. "It must be hard, he'll be moving out soon huh?" Crystal worried about when Tyler moved out. What she would have to do without having to take care of him. Crystal picked up the bracelet eying the price, it was expensive but real. She took it up to the cashier asking her to gift wrap it and handing her the money. "I dread the day all the kids I look after leave." Realizing how strange that sounded she decided to explain, "I take care of two relatives children. My niece and nephew one from each of my sisters." She smiled, she was happy to take care of them even under the circumstances.

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