Orion Draco Snow

Orion Snow

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Unyielding Pine Wand with Acromantula Web Core
"Seize the day or die regretting...

the time you lost..."

It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over
Drag you down below, down to the devil's show
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">
[name] Orion Draco Snow
[etymology] text
[origin] text
[nicknames] text
[alliance] text
[birthdate] text
[age] He is 12.
[gender] text
[sexual orientation] text
[dialects] text
[hometown] text
[residency] text
[heritage] text
[blood status] text
[blood type] text
[main wand] text
[occupation] Student; Second Year
[health status] text
[allergies] text
[pet] text
I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
To be his guest forever (Peace of mind is less than never)
[five words] text
[personality] text
[beliefs] text
[boggart] text
[fears] text
[likes] text
[dislikes] text
[goals] text
[good habits] text
[bad habits] text
[strengths] text
[weaknesses] text
[loyalties] text
[magical talents] text
[other talents] text
[patronus form] text
[annoyances] text
But I'm too young to worry
Hate to twist your mind, but God ain't on your side
[chinese year] text
[zodiac sign] text
[fixed sign] text
[interpersonal sign] text
[planet] text
[element] text
[birthstone] text
These's streets we traveled on will undergo our same lost past
An old acquaintance severed (burn the world your last endeavor)
[martial status] text
[whom/when] text
[name and name] text
[past relationships] text
[innocence] text
[past sexual partners] text
[turn ons] text
[turn offs] text
[aphrodisiacs] text
[the perfect fe/male] text
[the perfect date] text
I found you here, now please just stay for a while
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
[playby] text
[ages used] text
[former playby] text
[ages used] text
[natural hair] text
[hair modifications] text
[eyes] text
[height] text
[weight] text
[complexion] text
[scars] text
[birthmark] text
[smile] text
[body build] text
[body modifications] text
[dominant hand] text
[style] text
I can move on with you around
Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal
[school] text
[hogwarts house] text
[special titles and awards] text
[extracurricular activities] text
[favorite subject] text
[best subject] text
[loathed subject] text
[worst subject] text
[favorite professor] text
[loathed professor] text
[grade average] Grade
[owl grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[newt grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[graduated] text​
"I hand you my mortal life...

but will it be forever..?"

I'll do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="1"]Spouse[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you
You're now a slave until the end of time here
<FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">[history]
""I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time......

but I'm too young to worry..."

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger!

People in RP: Title
People in RP: Title

It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over
You should have known, the price of evil, and it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Lyrics: Blue - Seize the Day by Avenged Sevenfold; Black - Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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