Opposition Inept

Regina Erdentine

Well-Known Member
A brunette haired girl shot up from sleep, her eyes sprining open and her body sitting up right in bed. Tilting her head to the side, she gazed at her reflection on the far side of the room. The girl on the other side smiled and scanned her arms, feeling her face over and over, hopping out of bed feeling as though she'd just been released from a prison, moving her arms around the air, basking in her freedom at once. Zaya was out, and now it was her turn to shine, she changed into her long, black skinny jeans, and sleek black leather boots, white tank clad torso wrapped in a black leather trench coat. She walked over to the mirror and looked at her and 'the attatched' through the mirror, smiling at herself, and slyly smirking at her sisters. She blew a kiss to her reflection, and strutted quickly out of her apartment and mounted her broom. Her trench coat tails blew in the wind as she sliced the air on her broom, the wind in her hair and smacking her right in the face. By the way it was only about five in the mourning, the streets were normally bustling, but at this time, only a few workers started setting up their shops. Zaya swung herself off her broom not even coming close to the ground and she landed safely on her feet. The dawn clouded the air, with it's light mist and tinged blue light as the sky turned from a dark velvet blue to a corn flour teal, bidding farewell to the night.

Zaya walked over the cobblestone path, and pulled out her wand. She held it between her thumb and index finger, racing over to a wall, she checked if anyone was near her by whipping her head to either side. She held her wand like a quill and wrote on one of the shops, 'Zeered' only she knew what it meant, but she did it in big, but beautiful writing. Tagging the side of the wall was remedial, and nothing compared to what she could do to cause trouble. The person left to clean it up wouldn't be able to do it so easily either.
It was not easy living in his brothers shadow, actually it was down right depressing. Now he had a girl over visiting and Alexius was beyond jealous. His brother had all the damned luck in just about all aspects of life. It irked Alex no end and could not understand why the fates were constantly dealing Maximus a good hand and allowing him a bum deal. He had told Constance and Merrina his adoptive mothers that he was going to stay at a friends house while Zoe was at theirs, one day with the doting couple was more than he could stand. Both women had been surprisingly fine with his leaving which aggravated him even more, as if they could careless what happened to him.

Bazille was a small wizarding village just outside of the large muggle town of Vannes in France, it was great but he wanted to desperately just get away. Having passed his apparation exam earlier that year he left to go see his mate Cole who happened to live in New Zealand. Both boys had a penchant for drinking now that they were of age and as soon as they hooked up went to the nearest bar to Coles house. How Alexius woke up to find himself having fallen asleep in an alleyway was beyond him. He scratched his head and looked about him, nothing seemed even vaguely familiar and there was no sign at all of Cole.

Standing up he took out his wand and scourgified himself. His mouth tasted like he had swallowed a moth ball, smacking his lips together he walked out of the alley and spotted a girl vandalizing some property. He couldn't help but smile, she looked nice. Real nice so Alex in his disheveled state of mind approached her.
"Is that the latest slang now for 'you've been tango'd?" he grinned stuffing his wand into his back pocket and shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.
Regina twirled around to see a guy. His cheesy attempt to flirt with her was amusing, but Zaya wasn't really in the mood to be facetious this morning. She looked at her tag on the wall and then at him, pinching both ends of her wand with each set of index fingers and thumbs. She walked over to him slowly. "Is that how you interpret my work?-" she paused and left a space for him to give his name. She turned on her heel and wandered over to a cafe seat, petting the chair next to her, gesturing to go right ahead and sit there. This boy was cute; sweet baby face, not such a chiseled bod like Zaya preffered but he had some muscle in him, his eyes clear and lined with dashes of mischeif. He wasn't easy to read but Zaya got the picture.
The girl was really cute, he got that much but for her to be out marking up the town like she was some mad radical just seemed a tad childish to Alexius. Surely there were better ways to outsmart the grown ups? To challenge herself and push the boundaries a little bit more? He eyed her for a moment before removing his hands lazily from his pockets and taking out his own wand flipped it in his fingers before doing a really cool capital A and S interlinked one slightly higher than the other. His initials right beside what she had named as her work.

"Interpretation is not all it's cracked up to be from a distance my own initials look like a snake swallowing a lemon" he chuckled putting his wand away again and following her over to the seats. He was cold now, damn cold. Falling asleep on the ground had not been his biggest brainwave yet but he had obviously been the worse for wear. Again his wand came out and he floated a few blue bell flames about them for the extra heat.
"So Zeered is that like your hook, your name? Like Zeer?" he asked her wrapping his arms about his to keep the little bit of heat he still had inside him.
Zaya raised her eyebrows, smirking foxily, he was even cuter closer up. "You're right, it does look like a lemon." She said jesting lighty, giggling with a cute grin. "Well my name is Zaya, 'Zeered' is just a tag. My hook is whatever you want it to be." She admitted, flatly, raising her eyebrows, then looking away off into the distance, turning her head towards a building across the street. She listened to a song in her head as Ashleigh sung to herself and Zaya listened. It was awkward, she didn't know wha to say or think, Ashleigh cursed at her from the inside, telling her to make her move already. Zaya fought with her, and insisted she wasn't a floozy like she was, and besides what would she know about guys, she'd never been with one before. I need a hero. I'm holdin' out for a hero 'til the end of the night. Ashleigh sang, Zaya peirced her nails through Ashleigh's forearm. "OW," She let out a small cry, but Zaya quickly pushed her aside before she could ruin anything else. Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate. She turned back to the guy again and smiled, acting as if nothing ever happened. "When the shop open, do you want to grab a coffee?" She asked sweetly, lowering her voice and looking out of heavy lids.
Alexius sat down in a seat across from her mentally filing her name away but knowing he'd probably forget it if she didn't repeat if regularly for the next twenty minutes. His brain wasn't functioning at maximum capacity just yet, still yawning away and wishing he'd curl up and fall asleep somewhere again. But he couldn't just leave a cute girl on her own, especially when his brother wasn't here to try to jump in and steal her before he even go a decent sentence out.
"Zaya" he merely nodded his head, strange name but it suited her somehow. He had never heard it that was for sure but then again how many Alexius' were running around now about the place nowadays. His parents love of Latin and anything from Roman and Greek Mythology had played apart when they had named their twins. He had gotten landed with Alexius which he seriously didn't mind most of the time but when it like himself were compared with his twin brother Maximus, then he grumbled about his name alot.

She spoke again to him and though lost in thought for a moment had gotten the gist of the question. He grinned at her.
"Yeah you know a coffee would be great. I'm Alexius by the way" he gave a curt nod with his head this time, her seriously couldn't be dealing with the handshaking still.
Zaya smiled and looked down, then she looked across the road, making a bad mistake to look inside the shop window. There with pleading eyes, was Ashleigh, she wanted in with this hot guy too, but Zaya made it quick to tell her not to mess with her right now by glaring at someone in the mirror that wasn't even there, but her own glaring reflection. She turned back to see Alexius and smiled, sweet name, it reminded her of Al'exis', but it was cool, and powerful reminding her of the Greek god Adonis. She tittered lowly to herself, "Please to make your accquaintance Alexius," strange as it was, but that was not how Zaya acted earlier, she became more flirty, and ditsily moved her body in weird ways, trying to show off her torso discreetly. Ashleigh had climbed over Zaya and now she was the attachee in amongst the outside world away from the thoughts. The girl stood up, but looked as though she fought with herself, looking like her body was too heavy for her legs. "Ex..cuse.... me" Zaya muttered grunting, walking rigidly over to an alley way that was close by before she threw a hard blow over her own face. She sighed with relief after that, but felt like she couldn't hide it, that her behaviour was just a bit too much for this guy, she hoped she hadn't scared him away. She knew he wasn't going to think the same of her now. Ashleigh irritated her so much, she just wanted to tare her hair out.
Alexius watched her closely, she was cute but there was something different about her and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Of course typical teenage boy that he was instantly thought about what he would like to do. Her hair looked good enough for his fingers to run through and that mouth of hers. As she told him it was a pleasure to make his acquaintance he chuckled loudly. It sounded like something his mothers would say to people their own age.
"Well Zaya I have a feeling that the pleasure is all mine" he shook his head briefly wishing the cafe would open soon so he could get that hot coffee in him.

His gaze strayed to the graffiti marked shop across the way and turning back to her to tell her that perhaps finding a different cafe might be better for them both. It was then she excused herself, eying her for a while he could have sworn he saw her slap herself. The girl was a strange one but how often had he given himself a good thump across the jaw to stop himself from doing or saying anything else remotely stupid. So the girl was a little cookie, strange was good wasn't it? Average was not in his book, his brother did average until it came out his whazoo well he had done average until hooking up with the red head.

He stood up and walked the few steps to the alley leaning against the corner of the cafe building as he looked at her. Alex couldn't help but smile. Yeah, strange was definitely more interesting.
"So how about we move along to a different cafe. If they open up this one and start waffling about the state of the shop across the way, I'm liable to laugh my sides off. We can apparate to another one. I've never done a side along before but if you trust me, I can try" he held out his hand to her, swallowing a lump that was forming in his throat. He had never asked anyone to trust him with anything before and could not understand why he wanted her to trust him now, yet for reasons beyond him. He did.
Zaya laughed with embarassment, but brushed it off too easily. She was good like that, recovering quickly from small outbursts like that one. She smiled even bigger when she saw that he wasn't afraid, or slightly creeped out by her behaviour. He suggested another cafe, being on the same page with him just then, thinking that they'd get into some poopie for being the only ones there amongst graffitied walls. This Alexius guy, was far more her type then she wanted. Usually she hated getting attatched to people, but she hated how he was just so charming on his own, just his face made her mad at him for doing this to her. She felt for this guy, and they'd only just met, Zaya might've appeared tough at times, but when it came to boys, she was just a weak little piece of delicacey. She looked down at his hand and wondered, what if they splinched or something. Something in Zaya made her realise if his nerves were too high, or if he was too anxious, there was a definite possiblity of splinching. She took his hand, but didn't hold onto it, she slid her hand up his arm and hugged him. It was strange for Zaya to hug people but Alexius was a magnet, and she couldn't refrain herself from pressing herself against him. His warmth calmed her and she closed her eyes. She whispered three words of confirmation that it was ok to go. "I trust you." She whispered, and she waited.
Alexius waited for her to take his hand, it felt like an eternity and as he waited he drank her in. There was truly something otherworldly about her and he liked it. There was nothing conventional here, nothing that could be nailed down or pressed to conform. She was as different from any girl he had ever met before, as the night was to day. His eyes moved to his arm as her hand slid up it. Soon her arm was about him and their bodies were touching, hers pressing against his as if they were used to doing this every day, every minute. Alex found he didn't mind that idea at all, her body felt amazing against his but he knew he'd have to be careful not to get himself overly excited by the closeness of her body to his. One wrong move and he could lose a finger or ear or worse.

His arms came about her, holding the small of her back as she spoke to him. Something in him seem to soar at those three little words. No one had placed absolute trust in him like that before, he discovered in that instant that he didn't want to let her down. Wanted to hold that trust like a shield about them. He closed his eyes concentrating harder than before on apparating knowing where he wanted them to go. Slowly opening them he gazed at her, a hand reached over to tilt her face to his and as his mouth came to kiss hers gently he effortlessly made the apparation.

Both bodies joined like one being sucked through the vortex that would bring them to their destination. When they reapparated at the very end of the town just a few feet away from the nearest shop, his lips were still on hers. His hand that had tilted her chin was now cradling her face. With great reluctance he parted his mouth from hers, staring into her eyes hoping she wouldn't slap him for being so damn forward.
Zaya lifted her head from resting it on his shoulder, she shuddered suddenly as his lips met hers. The rush of excitement overwhelmed her and she was almost tempted to prop her leg up onto his thigh, but she had to play cool. She was caught by surprise also, it completely catching her off guard, and she clenched a fist on top of his shoulder, closing her eyes as they warped through the hole, she gasped, feeling every bit of her body thrash and curl about, her mouth still on Alexius'. Before long, she felt the ground under her feet, and their mouths, never once separated. Her heart fluttered with passion, and beated through her chest so hard, the boy and girl's hearts almost touched. Zayaopened her eyes slowly as the softness of a heart filled kiss departed, and left her, the boy that posessed it, still standing with her in his arms. Her face faded into a sour scowel, and she stepped back. Knowing that it'd be too dangerous for him to be with her. She knew he was falling, and as much as she wanted him to, she couldn't let it happen. But Zaya simply couldn't stay away. She giggled, dumbfounded by how much she liked it. By how much she liked him. Her face softened back into a star struck awe, and she moved closer, holding him and resting her head on his chest, feeling loved for the first time in her life.

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