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Acacia Dunn

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
5/2034 (29)
Acacia knew moving to another country for school would be strange, but nothing had really prepared her for a summer christmas. Even now - it was march already, and the weather was warm. The sun wasn't as scorching as it had been in the heights of summer, but it was pleasantly toasty, and the weather was perfectly reasonable for Acacia to take a walk outside in short sleeves. The light fall breeze was pleasant, and Acacia could see she wasn't the only person taking advantage of the weather. She didn't really have a goal in mind, other than maybe running into someone she knew, or making a new friend if she encountered anything interesting. Sometimes it was nice to just walk and observe, and be somewhere with lots of people around.
Sometimes, April liked to try new things just because she could. Today was a nice day in March, and she knew she needed to be outside. But because that was where she usually tended to be on sunny days, the new places to explore were running out rapidly. But today, April had had an idea. She was going to climb a tree. It had been more difficult than she had expected, but once she managed to sit on a branch she quite enjoyed it. As social as she usually was, she did like having a moment for herself sometimes. Being up in a tree made you surprisingly invisible, as not many people looked up. She spent some time watching people from her quiet hiding place until she grew bored, but then she realized this was the perfect opportunity for a prank. She wasn't really the type to prank people often, but sometimes it could be funny. As a girl approached the tree, April let herself swing down with her legs hooked over the branch so she would hang upside down. "Hi!" she said with a big smile, waving at the approaching girl. Hopefully she wouldn't scare her too badly, she did look quite young.
It was too nice of a day for Tuesday to stay indoors so she decided to try and do some homework outside. It seemed like a good idea at the time, to get her away from her usual environment so she wouldn't be bored and focus on her homework, but instead the scenery just provided more of a distraction to her. After several unsuccessful attempts at studying later, the Gryffindor resigned to shut her book and put her things away. As she slid the last notebook into her bag, she recognized a girl coming up ahead and saw that it was the younger first year that'd been assigned to be her little sister in Heta Omega. It didn't seem like she was in any particular rush to get anywhere, so Tuesday got up and dusted herself off to meet up with the girl and see if she wanted to hang out. She hoped the younger girl remembered her. "He-" Tuesday began before screaming when something swung out from midair. After jumping back, she took in the form of an upside down girl and Tuesday exhaled deeply. It seemed Acacia had been her target but Tuesday hadn't even seen her so she had been caught off guard too. "You scared me!" she told the stranger, still jumpy from the rush of adrenaline, only laughing belatedly as the shock wore off and the embarrassment settled in.
The area of the lawn Acacia was in had seemed rather peaceful to her, a nice, quiet place to go for a walk. She definitely hadn't anticipated a girl dropping out of a tree right in front of her. Yelping, Acacia jumped back, and put a hand over her heart for a moment, completely startled. The girl who had surprised her didn't look threatening though, and once Acacia calmed down slightly she was able to laugh. Before she could say anything to the girl who had dropped from the tree Acacia heard a voice behind her and she turned her head to see the girl from Heta Omega who had been assigned to mentor her. "Oh, hi!" She said happily, pleasantly surprised to see Tuesday. She then turned back to the girl who had popped out of the tree. "You scared me too, what are you doing up there?"
April had meant to scare the young girl, at least startle her a little for a laugh. But she was also startled when another girl appeared as if out of nowhere for her. She gasped, then giggled. "You scared me!" She said to the girl, turning it around. April recognized her from classes but couldn't recall her name. She turned her head to look at the younger girl. "I was trying to scare you, just for fun. But I was up here to see if I could." She grinned, enjoying dangling upside down for now. "I could come down if you guys want, I promise I'm less scary with my feet on the ground."
Tuesday laughed when the upside down girl said she'd scared her and then shook her head, still laughing at the girl's antics. She recognized her from classes and knew she was in her year but she wasn't sure how Acacia and April, if she could recall correctly, knew each other well enough to have pranks played. "Were you waiting for Acacia specifically or was anyone going to be your target?" Tuesday asked in amusement, looking to the younger girl. Then she turned to the upside down girl and nodded her head when she suggested coming down, which Tuesday felt was much safer for her. "You should be careful, you might fall!"
Acacia really wasn't sure why the girl in the tree would say Tuesday had scared her, when the situation was clearly the reverse - she had dropped down to startle them both. She was glad to have Tuesday around though, as a buffer between her and the strange tree girl. "You shouldn't scare people for fun, that's not very nice." Acacia commented, folding her arms. She shook her head in response to Tuesday's question, glancing back up at the tree girl. "I don't think she was waiting for me, I've never met her before..."
April shrugged at the older girl's question. It felt a little weird to shrug while upside down. "Sort of a spur of the moment thing, I wasn't waiting for her specifically." She said with a small smile at the younger girl. "Acacia is a cool name!" But then she rolled her eyes. "I wasn't being mean, just having some fun." She said pointedly. The older girl's comments made her snort. "I don't need to be careful, watch." She descended as gracefully as she could, moving down the tree quickly before hopping down onto the grass. "I'm April." She said then, grinning. "And I really am less scary with my feet on the ground, aren't I?"

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