Old School Week Oopsie-Daisy: Class 3

Helios Obasi

kid brother | scaredy cat
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Helios had been worried to come to day care, but his sister ran the club, and it gave him something to do. but, this was his first day and everyone had been doing some painting when he had knocked over his cup of dirty water all over the table. He froze in his spot, worried that he'd get kicked out.
Olivia had enjoyed the daycare, she preferred being in a magical world not in a muggle world and it was easier to be surrounded by people of her own. And when she heard something being knocked over, Ollie immediately turned her head to see a little situation happening to a guy who was here for the first time. She grabbed some paper napkins and went over. "Take mine, I always spill the color everywhere," as a typical kid, Ollie had a high voice and she just talked that way and smiled widely. She was happy to help. "And I will help you too" she got down to start cleaning up
"Thank you," he said immediately to the girl who was being nice to him. But he couldn't let her clean alone. "Can I help?" he asked.
Ollie smiled at him and nodded. "Of course! Two would make the job easier," she giggled and nodded. "I'm Olivia by the way, Ollie," she immediately introduced herself.
Helios wasn't sure how to help, but he nodded. "I'm Helios," he said, before darting off and grabbing some things to dry the mess. When he came back, he smiled a little. "No nickname, just Helios," finishing his introduction.
Ollie nodded at him as he said his name and then went off and came back. "We can be friends if you want? You're here for the first day and I'm longer, we can be friends?" It was easy with kids to make friends, just as easy as Ollie just did.
Helios was very surprised that she wanted to be his friend. He glanced around himself, looking for her to be clearly talking to someone else, but she wasn't. ”Okay,” he agreed. He needed a friend and she was offering. ”What's this place like?”
Ollie giggled when Helios looked around but then he agreed and Olivia was happy. "Oh, it's nice. Kids are fun, teachers can be a little boring but they're okay too, activities here are cool," she gave him a short description.
Helios listened intently. He needed to remember what this place was like. Though her description was short. "You're older, right?" he asked.
"Most likely if you're under ten," Ollie nodded. "I am going to Hogwarts next year" she explained a little. "When are you going?"
"I'm nine," he said. "So you're eleven or about to be eleven"

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