Wren was still new to New Zealand, and was finding that finding places was harder than expected. Unaware of the area she was in she approached a stranger. "Excuse me..." She spoke, her mixed accent hard to pinpoint. "Where am I?" Her face flushed with embarrassment. She must have looked a fool.
“Girl, I wish I knew!” Alfie told her in slight annoyance and slight nervousness. They were both in a place they probably shouldn’t be and she looked too young to really probably be able to protect herself if they were attacked, which probably meant it was up to him. Great.
Wren gave a sigh and stamped her feet slightly. "Fudgeeee." She whined, not exactly wanting to swear loudly in public. Not that this looked like an area where children should be - but she didn't want to chance it. "You new here too?" She asked, looking for any sort of street sign. "It would help if all these buildings didn't look the same. Dark, damp, and like they needed a remodel a century ago."
“Yup,” Alfie said, popping the p. “Just got here today actually, I was looking for my cousin, but he didn’t meet me like he was supposed to, so now I got lost.” Dammit Sam, he knew he should have asked Phillip. But he hadn’t wanted his Uncle to know he was in town.
The girl laughed slightly, glad her ears were accustomed to accents of all types. German was one of her more familiar ones, as she went to Durmstrang for three years while her mother gallivanted them around the country with her new boyfriends. "I'll beat him up for you, if you want." Said the girl with a laugh, trying to bring humor into the situation. "I'm Wren. Maybe if we stick together we can find our way out?" She asked, giving a slight smile.
Alfie laughed at the girls suggestion. “Nah, he’s an auror, he would probably be pretty good at protecting himself, we all sort of are,” he said thinking about his family. “Nice to meet you, Wren, I’m Alfred, but you can call me Alfie.” He looked around to see which direction they should go before grabbing her hand and heading in the direction he was sure he’d come from.
“Just because he’s good with magic doesn’t mean he can fist fight.” She joked, following him. She smiled when he introduced himself. “I’m glad you go by Afie. Alfred would be your grandpa name.” She giggled. “How do I know you aren’t like going to off me down here?” The girl asked, making conversation for a minute. “I mean, I’m hoping to be an auror so I think I could take you, but you might be whatever they’re calling death eaters now.”
“Hm, maybe not, I’ve never asked.” He knew Sam’s mother had been a muggleborn, it had been part of why there had been a rift in the family. Or so he’d been told. He laughed then. “Nah, my Grandpa’s name is Wilfred, and my great grandpas name is Ambrose.” He turned to her and stopped walking. “Aw, nah, I’m not a scitorari, my uncle would kill me!”
“We’ll see. I might be a trained fight!” She jokes. Her arms were thin, form unimpressive. The odds of her being a trained fighter were as good as the odds of her being half giant. “See Wilfred, Alfred. Grandpa names. But for all I know you are a grandpa, just a young looking one. You aren’t right?” She asked laughing, keen to just have someone other than her younger sisters to talk to.
Alfie looked at her a moment, but didn’t comment. She didn’t look like she might be a trained fighter, but really, what would he know about that? “I don’t think so, pretty sure I don’t have any kids... though my Uncle did just find out about an unknown one, but I don’t think that will happen to me!”
Wren laughed a little awkwardly. “Guess that depends on how many girls you actually remember.” She had no problems with unknown kids, mainly because she would have to be pregnant to have one. “Single then?” She asked, making conversation. “Divorced.” She added, finally sharing something about herself.
“I remember all of them, there weren’t that many”, he told her, though he wasn’t sure why. He’d only had one girlfriend at beauxbatons, but they hadn’t survived graduation. “Been single a while, been busy.” He was surprised though to hear her say she was divorced. “Really?” She seems too young to be divorced.
“Busyness is good. Better to be single than jump from one person to another all the time.” Wren spoke honestly. After all, her mom hadn’t stopped jumping. It was disgusting. “Huh, yeah, didn’t like that I wanted my own job. Wanted a house wife. So I packed my stuff and came back here and bought an inn.” She spoke proudly. Though her Inn wasn’t exactly something to be proud of. After all, she’d been tricked into buying a pigsty. “What do you do for a living. Wait. Can I guess? You... look like a healer.”
“You help people in unfortunate circumstances.” She said pointedly. “What does your charity help? My mom once dated a guy who ran a charity. Turned out he was embezzling money from it.” She shared while taking another turn. “Hmm I was sure it was this way.”
Alfie tugged on his companions hand to stop her. “No, I think we’ve got all turned around. Lemme see if I can get a message to my uncle.” He quickly sent of a messenger patronus before looking back at her. “Well, I don’t wuite have that part figured out yet. It’s just me at the moment and ... I don’t really have a focus.”
She watched him send off a patronus. She would have done the same but she didn’t have anyone who could have come and got her. “Well, would you like some help? In exchange for a little manual labor?” She asked, getting a great idea. “I’m trying to fix up the Inn a little but... it’s unplottable until I do. Can you maybe help with the getting heavy things in part, and I’ll help with your charity and recruiting new members?”
"Oh!" Alfie dropped her hand immediately. "I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise, I don't usually make a habit of holding random women's hands, I promise!" He shook his head. "Contact info is good actually."
Wren giggled. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone you were scared." The Filipina woman searched her purse and pulled out a scrap of parchment and a pen. She wrote down a muggle phone number as well as a location in case he wanted to send by owl. "Until I can get it plottable, then it has a muggle landline." She said. "I've had tons of fun being lost, but want me to just apparate us to the harbor?" She asked laughing.
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