Only because I'm forced to...

Andrew Belo

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sandalwood Wand 14" with Moonstone Powder
Andrew Belo still couldn't quite understand why he'd been chosen as the one person this contest winner would meet. He was the bad boy on the team, well one of them anyway, and he'd earned himself a decent number of fouls this year and gained a new level of notoriety among the quidditch league's players because of his actions on and off the field. Things had changed for him over the winter, and Andrew was a different guy, much more moody and dark than his previous lighthearted party self. When his coach had sat him down for a talking to, he'd been expecting to be benched for the final game, thinking that the guy had finally had enough of his attitude and unsportsmanlike conduct for the year, but that's when he'd found out about the contest. Some brain over at Quidditch Illustrated had decided to run a contest trying to find a superfan for every team, and he was to meet the winner for the Thunderers.

Perhaps it is a punishment, Andrew thought with a sigh as he left his home several days later to go meet the fan. Sending one of the twins would probably have been the best option. They were much more friendly than him even when he'd been happier. Apparating to the destination, Andrew was glad to see he'd arrived early. It would give him a chance to put his best face forward, his publicist said, and put on a big smile for the camera, which he did as soon as he saw one. It didn't matter though. The press seemed to love his 'dark side' as they called it and they certainly loved starting rumors about what had caused it. Holding a team jersey that he'd already signed, Andrew waited impatiently for the person to arrive. He didn't even know who to look for, but if the person was a big fan, they'd recognize him, he supposed, or they'd at least see the camera man who'd been assigned to tail them to get pictures for the magazine.
Allysha Winters still couldn’t believe that she had been chosen as the person out of millions of fans to meet with one of the Thunderra Thunderers. She was going to meet one of the Beaters from the team, Andrew Belo. He was definitely one of her favourite members. As she walked towards where she was supposed to meet up with him, she couldn’t help feeling lucky. She had been a fan of the Thunderers for many years and in her opinion they had gotten even better when Andrew had joined. The contest had been relatively easy in her opinion. All she’d had to do was to answer a bunch of questions. It had all been too easy for the nineteen year old. And she wondered when she was going to get there. She was sure that she was late already, which made her fairly sad as she didn’t like to keep people waiting, but on the whole, she was going to enjoy her day and she hoped that Andrew would also. It was going to be such a super fun evening. She couldn’t wait.

As she turned the corner she came upon a man with a camera and Andrew Belo standing in the middle of it all. He was holding a team jersey. She squeaked in joy and started to run towards it. When she came closer she stopped and started to walk at a more controlled pace. She walked up to Andrew Belo and smiled happily. He had signed the team jersey which made her that much happier. And the fact that he was hot was definitely an added bonus. “Oh my gosh, Andrew I love you so much” She called as she squealed.
Andrew heard the contest winner before he saw her. Turning his head towards the squeal that was coming from further down the block, he watched as a petite blonde young woman bounded her way towards him. At least she's pretty, he mused. He'd been dreading the winner to be some overweight, nerdy guy who he was going to be forced to interact with for the next few hours. Now, he realized it would be easier to spend the hours away since the woman was fairly attractive.

He was about to introduce himself when he realized it would be quite unnecessary as the girl professed her love for him. She was the winner of the contest for a reason. It probably meant that she knew everyone on the team. At least she hadn't jumped on him. That had to be something, right? He probably wouldn't have minded if she had, not much anyway. Andrew was used to fans adoring him and calling his name and professing their love for him. He'd even had a marriage proposal sent to him via owl once before. "Thanks" he said, flashing her a dazzingly white smile. Holding out the jersey to her, he spoke once more. "Here's a gift for you..." he waited for a second and then dropped his voice. "This is the part where you tell me your name. I mean it's only already know who I am after all" he grinned. If he was going to be forced to do this, he might as well enjoy himself. So long as the girl was just an energetic fan, things couldn't be that terrible.
Allysha grinned as he spoke to her. He was even hotter in real life then he was in magazines. She smiled. She was the biggest fan in the whole of the wizarding world. She smiled as he flashed her a smile. She was definitely going to enjoy herself today. It was going to be a few hours only, but she would enjoy it anyway. As long as she got to spend the time with Andrew. He was after all her most favourite player. He may have only been the Beater, but he was the best beater in the whole game. She took the jersey he offered and cuddled it. She really did love the Thunderra Thunderers. She pulled the jersey over her head and smiled as he asked her name. She had to admit. It was only fair that he know her name as well. “Oh, I’m Allysha, but you can call me Ally if you want” She said smiling wider.
OOCOut of Character:
hmm, so what now :shifty:
OOCOut of Character:
I thought you'd never ask ;)
Andrew continued to watch in amusement as she accepted the jersey and immediately put it on. "Nice to meet you Ally" he added with a smile. The photographer waved his hand indicating that they should move closer so he could take more pictures. Andrew looked straight at the camera for a few seconds and then grew bored of it and turned away. The cameraman sighed and continued clicking obviously used to people doing this to him.

"So, are you ready to get out of here? I'm supposed to give you a tour of the locker room and the pitch so you can see where the magic happens." He hoped that she wasn't a shrieker because what he had to say next was likely to elicit such a response. He also hoped she wasn't a fainter, though that would certainly make his evening shorter. "Alright...give me your hand so I can apparate us there" Andrew said as he held out his hand to the girl. He wasn't concerned about the camera guy because the guy knew where the place was and if he didn't Andrew couldn't care less.
Allysha smiled and blushed slightly as he said her name. And he said it with a smile! She looked over at the cameraman as he waved for them to move closer. Doing as she was told, she almost fell over from sudden proximity. She shook away the dizziness and smiled as the cameraman got annoyed. She was really getting to like Andrew, more then a normal fan whom has never met there idol. She loved him like a fan who was completely and totally obsessed with their idol. This, if worse came to worse, could be hazardous to both their healths.

Allysha held her breath when Andrew asked his question. She was going to be given a tour? It was so awesome. It was talking all her self control not to shriek out like a dying bird. This, according to her friends, is how she sounded all the time. She held out her hand as instructed and then waited for the swirling to start. She really did hate apparating. She much preferred to fly.

OOCOut of Character:
Oh good lord, that was a dismal effort. Even for a tired me *shakes head* <_<
When her hand was safely in his and he was fairly certain that she wasn't going to pass out, Andrew apparated them just outside of the stadium. Being a bit flashy, he would have preferred to apparate them right onto the center of the pitch, but the groundskeeper had denied the request, saying it would be too much to remove the charms that had been placed on the pitch. In addition to the whole no apparation charm, the stadium itself held a charm against muggles. If a muggle were to come here, the pitch would look like nothing more than a soccer field or what would have passed for a soccer field if it didn't have a huge 60 foot sinkhole in its middle. To Andrew and Allysha and the cameraman who'd just apparated with a loud crack and fallen over, it looked like an immaculately clean, recently built state-of-the-art quidditch facility.

He looked over to be sure Allysha was ok because the last thing he needed of his personal woes was some kind of lawsuit on his hands because he'd transported her improperly. The Prophet would surely have a field day if that occurred. "You ok?" he asked, his blue eyes anxiously awaiting her reply. The camera man didn't even garner any of his attention. When he was sure she was fine, Andrew stepped towards the door he entered through every day and held it open. "After you...alright. This here is our locker room. You can look around if you want" he shrugged. Inside was a large bench in the center and around it was placed nearly two dozen square sections where the team members kept their stuff. Inside each were two sets of quidditch uniforms and their gear, easily revealing whose locker was whose. He could see his from where he stood, his last name Belo facing stitched onto the back of his Thunderers jersey. "Have any questions so far?" he asked as he leaned against the wall while she looked around.

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