one of those days

Blake Smith

Well-Known Member
Blakes muscles were tensed and he was squared up at his little brother. He had been fighting with him for ages now and was seriously annoyed with it all.He couldnt even remember why they were fighting now. "Look for god sake Riley why on earth are you being like this. Do you even know why we are fighting or are you just letting off steam. Just shut up and get lost." He walked close to him so he was just meters away.
Riley looked at Blake and no longer saw his brother but a stranger. He pushed Blake away as he got to close. " You never listen and now is no different. I can forgive you when you were never there for me when i needed you to be and when you would just do nothing when dad would hit me and mum. But this is different. I will never forgive you traitor." Riley walked to the other end of the room and downed a bottle of firewhiskey. He couldnt deal with Blake now he diddnt want to ever see him again. He turned around and through the bottle at him, although he knew it wouldnt hit him as it was a rubbish shot.
Blake flinched as his brother through a bottle at him, even though it went nowhere near him. This was it, Blake had had enoigh and decided to do the mature theing and headed towards the door. "Ok then Riley do what you want . I will be back when you have calmed down alittle." He opened the door and walked out, slamming it hard behind him. As he walked out he went down a dary back alley of some shops and began to sort his temper out, which usually took some time. As he turned a corner he walked into a young girl. Blake diddnt respond and just looked at her sternly.
Shaylah had a lot on her mind just recently. Her dad was abut to get remarried to her mum and her mum was pregnant. On top of that, it was becoming hard to hide her secret best friend from her best friends because she was starting to spend more and more time with Lily. Also, there was the fact that Shay had to try and help Lily get her possesions back from the weird Kadey girl befor she realised what Lily'sactual name was and spread it across the school. To say the least, Shay was stressed.
She turned the corner int one of the back alleys and bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going, dumb ass!!" She glared up at the bloke in front of her.
Blake frowned. "Watch who you are talking to mudblood. Manners go along way and you should learn that, and to watch where you are going, are you blind or something."Blake turned around ready to walk away, as he scrapped the floor with his shoe some mud went in the girls direction. He smiled to himself.
Shaylah's jaw dropped. The one thing she hated was when she was called a mudblood. They were disgusting scum and she didn't want to be referred to as one. She didn't care about the mud because she always ended up covered in mud no matter what she was doing. Shay turned round and spotted her dad. She shouted to him and called him over to her. "You're going to regret that now." She laughed. Shay turned round when her dad got to her. She put on a face that made her look like she was about to cry. "Daddy, the big mean man just called me a mudblood and chucked mud at me. Wha are you going to do to him??" She glared at the bloke then looked back up at her dad.
Blake was shocked by the girl. He rolled his eyes spoiled bratt. He sized up the guy she ran to. "You know little girl if my dad lied to me about my blood status then i would be hugging him like that i mean how old are you, about 12-13 so that would be over ten years your preciuse little daddy has been lying to you." He smiled cruely at her then slyly reached into his back pocket where his wand was so that he could draw it easyly if needed.
Jay glared at the bloke in front of him. Still glaring, he said "Shay, go home. I'll be back in a bit." He knew tht Shay knew the deal and he heard her footsteps leave the alley. He didn't turn around though. He kept his eyes on his target. "So tell me, how do you know what blood status my daughter is??" His voice was flat and emotionless. He was used to this kind of talking and had been doing it for most of his life.
Blake stiffend up at the way that the bloke spoke to him. It was weird but Blake wasnt to keen on speaking to him. " See thats for me to know isnt it, but still thats not really the point is it. I mean if you loved her you would never lie to her and the loinger you leave it the worse it will become. She hates non pure bloods then she will hate herself right, and her mum." He gave to guy a cruel smile then began to walk off in the opposite direction.
Jay was losing his temper with this bloke. He walked over to him and pinned him against the wall by is neck. He then lifted his wand out of his sleeve and pointed it staight at his face. "Tell me or you're going to wish you never met me."
Blake laughed and then kicked the guy hard in the stomarh then pulled his wand out. "Mate i regret meeting you just for your ugly face." He walked over to him and then pointed his wand at him with a smile. "Cruico"
Before the spell hit him, Jay said the first spell that came into his head. "Protego." The spell flew away from him and he glared at the bloke. "Did you seriusly think you could do anything to me." He laughed evily. Then he smiled at the thought of what he was about to do. "I hope you had a good life because it's about to end." He grinned and raised his wand. "Avadakadavra (sp)"

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