one of the boys

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar had to plan her costume well. it wasn't a particularly hard costume but it would look weird for her to leave the girls dorms as a guy, the same as the toilets, and it would also be odd for her to enter the boys toilets as a girl. so instead she packed all of her costume into a bag, preying that she wouldn't forget anything. then she made her way down to some empty classrooms dressed in her normal clothes. the classroom that she picked had two doors each leading onto different corridors. quickly she locked each of them with magic and set about changing. she had most of the basic things already on quickly she added the finishing touches. once she was happy with the clothing took the most important aspect of her costume out of her bag. it was, for most people just a bar of fudge, but as the students who visited the joke shops would know, it was gender fudge. she broke the bar in half and chewed it. she felt the effects straight away. From now on she would be Brian,
Once the transformation was complete (a lot less painful than her normal transformations) he packed his things away, ready to be picked up when he headed back to her forms or the next morning. he placed the rest of the fudge in her pocket for later. he then headed towards the second door and unlocked them both slipping into a group of students also making their way to the feast. once he entered the great hall. he wasn't sure what he should do. so, doing what anyone would do when faced with this problem he headed to the food table and started picking up food for his plate. first a couple of pumpkin pasties (he was hungry the gender fudge hadn't done anything to stop Briars constant hunger). then he looked around wondering if he could find anyone he could talk to. Briar hadn't told anyone who she was going as so she wondered if anyone would recognise her as brian. she hoped not.
Sui Chin couldn't beleive that she dressed like a different person today, the way she looked was just hilarious for her to take. That she entered the feast giggling at herself, wearing a blonde wig was really funny for the girl. The fact that she was Asian, made it mroe interesting for her work the outfit she made last night. It had different beads, glitter , chains and a disco ball necklace made out of paper mache. It was far different from what she had wore before, perhaps very different. She arrived at the Great Hall dressed in her inspired Lady Gaga outfit and saw different people wearing their Halloween Costumes as well. There were really pretty and nice, Sui Chin wandered around the hall to see that it was decorated that suited it's theme.

As she was roaming the Hall, the Gryffindor noticed a familiar face and decided to approach the student. She wasn't sure if that was Briar or another person, so Sui Chin decided to poke the persons back and waited for the girl to turn."Briar? Is that you?" she whispered while poking the boy. The stranger looked like a boy, as he was wearing an attire for boys. Though the sixth year wondered what was the students costume, it wasn't enough wearing an attire. Sui Chin then stood there waiting for the boys reply, crossing her fingers that it was indeed Briar dressed like a boy perhaps.
Brian looked around as he felt someone pock him in the back. she recognised Sui Chin, one of the girls from Briars dorm. and apparently she recognised who he really was. however he has ready to enjoy the evening of being a guy and he didn't want to be herself again right now. so he shook his head apologetically. "No Sorry, I am not Briar, but close though, I am Brian, Brian Cullen, Nice to meet you". he said offering his hand to introduce himself. he had decided at the last minute on what sure name to introduce himself as. he couldn't use the name of any of his friends as that would be obvious, and he couldn't use a different mane from his family as he had no family. he decided on Cullen, the surname of the boy he had met earlier that year, the boy who had bit him and made him who he was. "good costume by the way, although I am not sure what it is I am afraid." he said wondering, it looked vaguely like a muggle singer but he wasn't into music much and wasn't sure if he was right and if he was, he didn't know the name.
As the boy noticed her, she instantly knew it was indeed Briar. Though she gave a gently giggle when she saw her as a boy. That was indeed different and a very unique costume, she smiled at her trying to get use to her appearance. "Close enough! Nice to meet you to Brian, I'm Sui Chin! But for tonight I'm a wannabee Lady Gaga." she replied cheekily. She knew that there were only a few wizards who knew Lady Gaga, as she was famous in the muggle world and not in the wizardry world. It would be really interesting to talk to a girl dressed and moves like a boy, so Sui Chin decided to stay longer and perhaps get to know the said Brian Cullen. She knew it would be really fun to talk to Briar, as Brian.

"Thanks! I'm dressed up as Lady Gaga, she's uhmm famous in the Muggle Word." she replied twirling her blonde wig. The wig was just so silky that Sui Chin adored wearing it for the few hours, she returned her attention at Brian and gave a little giggle once more. She just didn't really believe she was talking to Briar's alter ego or something, perhaps her inner boy. "So what's your costume?" Sui Chin asked looking at her while winking. She wondered what was his costume if he was a boy, the sixth year liked Briar's hair in an up do.
OOCOut of Character:
the fudge has caused her hair to shorten itself, It is just the picture i am uing that makes her look like it is an updo :r as i had to use it as it is my PB which is what gave me the idea for the costume in the first place.

Brian smiled trying to imitate the lighthearted chuckle that she had heard guys use before. "well it is a pleasure to meat you Sui Chin, or should i Say Lady GaGa" he said winking. he was getting used to holding himself like a boy, he had been practicing for a couple of weeks, examining the way boys worked, it was a surprise how natural it had come once he had taken the fudge. "I think that i have heard of Lady Gaga, didn't she sing a song about bad romance, right? As you can tell i have been dull with my costume and gone as a toff schoolboy, I know its boring, but i couldn't think of much else" he said trying to put on a posh accent. in truth there had been a couple of other ideas, one as a centaur, as he now felt good enough at transfiguration to pull it off, but but to past events she didn't want to. or as a werewolf, but she didn't feel comfortable enough to try that one, maybe she would try one of them next year, and really pull out the stops. Brian thought that Sui Chin seemed to recognise him, but he didn't show any signs of doing so, "would you like some butterbeer?" he asked turning around and picking some up off the table, something that Briar hated, but to keep appearances up he forced himself to drink some, he was surprised it tasted a little better than e remembered, maybe it was because he was now used to drinking he worst drink known, wolfsbane potion, weather it be that or just that he had been in a bad mood the only other time he had drunk it but he managed to drink it without letting it show on his face how much he didn't like it.
OOCOut of Character:
Uh, I have to admit I didn't read the whole first post of yours xD Next oh ok.

Sui Chin giggled once more, it was fun to play pretend games most especially if it seems to be real. Still she liked the idea and decided to play along with Briar's alter ego. "Yup she did, oh it's not that boring it's cool!" she exclaimed hoping that she could actually touch Brian's hair. It seems so amazing, unlike Sui Chin who decided to wear a wig. Of course she didn't wanted to dye her virgin hair, it would be horrible to have actual blonde hair as it wouldn't suit her. The sixth year continued to smile at her wondering if this pretend would be continued, hopefully it would as she enjoyed it very much.

It seems like forever since the last time Sui Chin had talked to Briar who now turned to Brian, the last time she talked to her was during the snow ball fight though she didn't stayed that long. She was glad that now was a great time to talk to her, the Brian thing even spices up the idea. As she was offered butterbeer, Sui Chin was glad to accept one. "Sure thing, Cheers!" she replied while signaling her for a toast. The only person who was missing was Sidalee, she missed talking to her and how the Gryffindor hope that she could make it for the feast.
Brian nodded, "thanks, I sort of ran out of time to do anything else." he said, he had decided that if anyone would ask him he was a Slytherin fifth year. this was goof for him to get around as he knew many of the fifth years. however if the person he was talking to was a fifth year he would become a sixth year.
Brian realised that he hadn't talked to Sui Chin for a while however he didn't know how to ask how she had been without confirming that he was in fact Briar. "To halloween" he said as they raised their bottles in toast. it was a lame toast he knew but something was better than nothing. "so Sui Chin, are you meeting up with friends here?" he asked wondering if there was anyone else that he would have to pretend in front of. It was sort of like acting in drag, but she thought it was easier as the fudge had taken care of many things, her voice was different for a start. he put his hand up and ran it through his hair, like she had seen Icarus do before. it was certainly shorter. maybe Briar should cut hers shorter when she turned back, but mayne not, it was nice for a night but she doubted it would feel the same short when she was flying.
It was her birthday and the last Halloween she will ever have at Hogwarts. Seeing that she will never step a foot here ever again, Jaden made the best of her costume this year, making her skin look grossly cut in places, were decayed flesh covered her entire body, and using blood to make it seem like she was bleeding from out her mouth. She had a long knife (plastic) of course hoisted at the side of her belt. She wore black tatter pants and tore up sleeveless shirt, on her feet she wore dirty scum boots covered in dry blood. She had to admit even as a zombie she look damn good for a tomboy. Leaving the serenity of the dungeon she made her way up to the feast in slowly collective stride. Jaden jump out at few first years staring at her with worried eyes, "Rrrrgh you bastards!" she chuckle watching the sight of them running away.

Appearing at the entrance of the hall, she look around to see who she will be messing with tonight. No one call to her attention right away, except this odd looking boy walking around with some girl dress like some 'pop' star or something. She snickered, what was so interesting about the boy's wear? It's freaking Halloween and he was dress as a dork. She hardly pay mind to boys, ever, but it was her birthday why not scare the living crap out of one?! Edging so close to the couple, Jaden snap out her long knife and waved it over head as if she were ready to strike. "Who the hell are you suppose to be?" she ask the boy sliding her knife down at her side.
OOCOut of Character:
I was sort of hoping to run into Jaden, this may get interesting

Brian saw someone heading towards him, with a knife raised. didn't think that it was real but he wasn't sure so he stepped slightly in front of Sui Chin. whoever it was the costume was good. the girl, he was pretty sure it was a girl, had cuts up and down her arms, with skin that looked like it was decayed. her face was an abnormal grey colour, and there was what seemed like blood running down her face. Brian was glad when she put the knife away, It wasn't that he was scared of the knife, even f it was real, but it was easier to think about his costume when he didn't have a knife ready to strike him. "that is an awesome Costume, much better than mine" he said. looking down at his own dress shirt, Blazer, tie and trousers. it was more similar to what someone would wear to the ball not halloween. he tipped an imaginary hat before he said what his costume was. "I am a upper class schoolboy" he said, trying to maintain the male body language. then he offered her his hand to shake like a she assumed a scholar at one of the fancy schools would to. "I am Brian, Brian Cullen, Nice to make you aquantence" he said hoping that the girl would introduce herself, so he knew who she was.
"More like a bloody as wanker" Jaden snickered looking down at the boy's hand. "I'm not shaking your hand, I don't know where it's been" she shook her head eying the stranger very closely. "Never knew a Cullen attended here, I'm Jaden, Jaden West. What house you said you were in?" seven years in this school and all of a sudden Cullen (Out of all names) came out of nowhere attended Hogwarts. Pretty odd, but she hardly made the connection that quick. Jaden was quick to get bored easily and look for someone else she can start trouble with. She had to make the best of this night, it was her birthday why the hell would she not cause trouble. It's not like Hogwarts did anything good for her, pfft the whole school should be a target to her boredom.
Brian snorted when the girl said that a bloody wanker would be a more accurate description of his costume. "I think you may be right there" he stated. he wasn't particularly sure who the girl was but she actually seemed pretty cool. he retracted his hand "thats cool" he said however he had a strange suspicion that he recognised the girl. she was looking at him odd too like she recognised him. he could have kicked himself when she introduced herself. Jaden was the girl who he had fallen out with the previous year. and she seemed to recognise the name cullen. cr@p. He would just have to try and make do. "yeah, I'm new here, only transferred in this year for my OWL's, I'm a ravencalw, how about you what house are you in?" he said the whole story was made up. she just hoped that he would be able to keep up with all of the additions to his new identity. he already knew that Jaden was a snake so he changed his original plan for a different house as it would be better to hide his identity. he had chosen Ravenclaw as the ravenclaws had a tendency to keep to themselves, so it was likely that a Ravenclaw fifth year could not be known to any of the other students.
Deep inside the sixth year wish that she could talk to the real Briar and not Brian. Still at least Sui Chin was able to meet another side of Briar, so instead she tried to play along. As they raised their glass, Sui Chin couldn't help to giggle once more. It's been a while since she's been seen around the castle, Sui Chin was too busy writing for the Hogwarts Monthly that she didn't had time for mingling with her friends and fellow students. Perhaps it's the right time for her to do so, as she finally decided to manage her time well. "Uhmmm, not really but I'm hoping that Sidalee would be joining is here too." she replied trying to look for her. It would kind of be a reunion perhaps the three would reunited, though it would also be interesting to see them dressed in different personas.

As they were busy talking with each other, another student showed up. She sure does look prepared for Halloween, and even brought a knife along with her. Sui Chin didn't recognized the girl at all but when she heard her name, she couldn't help to giggle. She remembered the name Jaden West almost five or four years ago. Sui Chin's former friend Daryl Black was blabbering about some tomboy he had met and preferably chased. Though from what she remembered, Jaden was back then girl-looking. Still the memories were fun to reminisce, Sui Chin gave a lot cough for Jaden to perhaps notice her.
Just what this school needed, more transfer and for what? She rolled her eyes unnoticed and look away from Brian Cullen. She would have any other day ask if he was related to her old friend, but she remembered his family. He didn't have a brother name Brian, besides Cullen surname was very popular amongst Europeans. "I'm in Slytherin" she replied with her hand at her belt, the hilt of her fake knife was made of rubber, she wished it was real. So she could actually hit someone with or you know maybe kill someone? Anything to have a good laugh that night. "Not the best house in school, especially when your head of house is an old fart" she commented flicking a lock of brown reddish hair away from her face. The red had been bleeding out because of the sun, she remembered it use to be such an autumn color now it was brown.

"And what are you laughing at? You think my name funny?" seriously she stared at the so called pop star. She shook her head, "Try not fall with the ill Brian" she gestured at Sui. "Swear the stupidity level in this school dropping like a sack of poop. Don;t get to caught in her cob webs" Jaden added to her insult directed to Sui. She sway to move, this conversation was going no where to her likings.
It was normal for the Gryffindor to giggle as much as she could, there was something about her that made her laugh this days. Perhaps she needed one after being overshadowed and left out. Still she knew that the Slytherin was confused why the heck why she was laughing, she had the right to but there was no reason to be rude. Then again the girl has some issues, insecurity issues supposedly?Jaden West indeed changed, from the last thing she heard from Daryl years ago. She looked cute at some point and she was odd. From what it seems to be a creature in front of her, she looked still odd but not that cute anymore. "Who said your name is funny, I'm sure I didn't." she replied while looking at her with her doe like eyes.

She didn't changed a bit. Sui Chin thought knowing all Jaden's words were directed to her. Jaden didn't even know her and now she's playing pretend games with her, just like what she's doing now with Briar and Brian. "I'm laughing because of what I've heard of you from my former friend Daryl Black!, you know the imbecile here who's completely insane too!?" she yelled hoping Jaden would clearly hear her. Or was she too stupid like the other students here in Hogwarts to hear or understand what she just said. Sui Chin didn't liked any arguments and enemies at all, she was just being her at times. Being tough and defensive to protect herself and that only, but she never did wanted any conflicts between her fellow schoolmates. "Just a heads up why I'm laughing a while back, sorry if you got the wrong idea." Sui Chin said once more, but this time in a calm and friendly voice.
Brian looked as sui chin who she said that Siddalee would be coming. it wasn't that she didn't want to see her friend, it was more that she knew that Sid would recognise her straight away, and she didn't want to spoil her cover, especially with Jaiden there. "Think i know Sid" he said winking at sui chin, hopeing that she wouldn't give her away. she was thankful that she didn't. it was sort of fun when people didn't recognise you. "I don't know many slytherins I'm afraid" he said. he was glad for the distraction of sui chin talking about names, as she had just felt a pressure that she had come to associate with transformations. she put one hand into her pocket and broke off one small square of fudge. she then turned around to the food table. she picked up a cauldron cake and before she bit into it she put the fudge into her mouth and swallowed it feeling the pressure retreat, thankfully before any physical change occurred. by the time he turned back around he had a mouthful of cake. "I can assure you Jaden, I am more than capable of looking after myself" he said. it was a rather Briar comment, but it sounded like something a guy would say. Briar realised that she hadn't talked to Sui Chin in a while, maybe tomorrow she would have a prober conversation with her friend. as herself and not as a boy.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry that i keep changing what gender i talk about Briar/Brian in. Hope you don't get as confused as me :p
OOCOut of Character: Edit
Madz says that she cant get online so i guess just RP without Jaden and assume she gets board goes to find someone else to annoy/scare/talk to.
Jaden never been the type to get annoyed that easily, no she has change over the year. Now she was a lot calmer these days except when she wanted to start some trouble. And tonight it was in her to cause a little problem between Sui and Brian. "Who the hell is Daryl Black and why would I care what the hell he's ever said about me?" she directed her eyes at Sui. The girl was so stupid, disgusting looking to look at. Clearly Jaden did not find this female attractive to play nice. She retrace her steps back to Sui, where she stood uncomfortable around her. Jaden raised her hand and picked a lock of Sui's hair to twirl around her finger. "You know what your a very pretty girl, it's to bad you waste time gagging over the male gender.." she smirk a little looking at Brian.

"Lucky man you are Brian" she laid a slap very hard on Brian's back. She wanted take back her comment, "I apologize for what I said Sui" course she wasn't really. Her eyes pulled it off, her faced fit a mask that wasn't her own, well she hid it well under tons of make-up. So how would they tell if she was sincere or not? To make it up to them, she took out treats from them deep into her pockets. "Here enjoy got them from Salem" she shove them into Brian's hand. "Well I should be off to enjoy the rest of my birthday have a nice night" she wander off so they could be alone.
Brian raised one eyebrow at Jaden as she said that she didn't care what Daryl had said about her, she was still as easily annoyed as she had been the previous year, but then again no one was in pain this time so it must have been an improvement.
When Jaden method of attack seemed to change brian paused wondering what she was up to. what was Jaden implying when she had said you are waisting it on the male gender? she only just managed to bite back a laugh when she said what he was a lucky man. she wondered what Jaiden would be saying if she knew who he was. the knife probably wouldn't have gone away so fast thats for sure. Brian was surprised when jaden gave her something."thanks" he said not quite sure why she had given anything to her, after all she was the reason that she was no longer allowed on the quidditch team. she was thankful though that boys clothes had deep pockets. she place it inside. "I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy birthday, hope you enjoy the rest of your evening" he said smiling at Jaden. She could feel Her opinion of the girl slightly improving. she didn't seem quite as bad as the girl on the quidditch pitch last year. she she thought that Jaden was out of earshot she looked at Sui Chin and said, She seems in a better mood than when i met her last year, or maybe she just likes me more as a guy, you were right you know about who I am"
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