Open One Last Dance

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Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (26)
Ava had debated a lot about coming to this, but she couldn't quite help it. She didn't want to miss this. It felt... odd, not having anything with her for Vader, and not planning on going to him immediately. The thought... actually made her a little sad, and it stung to think again that he didn't need her anymore. She brushed it away, hiding the little bit of her that wished Elio was here, and ignoring that little piece of her that wanted to see someone in particular.

In an attempt to distract herself, she spent a good bit of time getting herself ready, and she had to admit by the time she walked into the ball, she felt very pretty. She held her head high, trying to act like she had everything together, but in the end she still ended up at the edge of the dance floor, biting her lip. Now what?
Emily would be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed about not having a date for her final Yule Ball. It felt like she should be marking this occasion with someone special, but it had been a long time since she had had anyone like that in her life. Abian was... the less said about him the better, and nobody since had really managed to catch her eye. So here she was, all alone for her final Yule Ball. She had dressed up nice, determined to look her best even if she didn't have anyone to appreciate it, and decided to just try and have the most fun she could. Sure Alice would be busy with her boyfriend, but there were plenty of other people Emily could bother. She was pleased upon arriving to immediately spot someone else alone, standing by herself at the edge of the dancefloor. Emily made a beeline for Ava, sneaking up behind the Ravenclaw and linking their arms together, pulling the other girl towards the dancefloor. "Come ooon no point in watching, let's dance!" She said brightly, beginning to sway her hips as she dragged Avaria onto the dancefloor.
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Ava nearly jumped out of her skin, looking up to see Emily dragging her to the floor. She couldn't help but smile a little shyly. "Hi, Emily," She couldn't help but giggle a little as the girl dragged her onto the floor. She followed willingly, glad for the distraction, and trying not to look around for Vader. It was stupid how much she missed him since they saw each other often, but since they had been separated for a year she couldn't help but be anxious when they were apart for long. The lack of sleep probably didn't help. She laughed lightly, swaying her hips as well. "You look nice tonight," She complimented the other girl. She knew Emily spent time with Alice a lot but she hadn't spent much time with her.
Emily giggled softly at Ava's compliment, starting to dance properly as she replied. "I look nice?! Mate, you look like a fairy princess!" She replied, gesturing to the flowers in Ava's hair. "This is so cute, it must have taken forever!" She laughed happily, taking Ava's hand and raising it to spin the other girl around. "Where did you even find a dress like that?"
Ava started to dance as Emily did, slowly relaxing around the other girl. She giggled softly at the compliments. "Thank you," She replied, twirling as Emily raised her hand. "I know a fashion designer, she snagged me while I was visiting for a graduation party and made me this dress, said I had inspired her or something," Ava answered, laughing lightly.
Emily's eyes widened as Ava explained how she had come by such an elaborate dress and she actually stopped dancing for a moment. "You know a fashion designer?! Like, a professional? That's so awesome!" She exclaimed, beginning to move with the music again after a moment. "You must get all the cute free clothes and stuff, that's so cooooool!"
Ava laughed lightly, continuing to dance with Emily. "She's not famous or anything, but she went to school for it," She replied easily, moving to take Emily's hands as they danced. "My dad knows a few people though, from back in the day when he was a professional photographer, before the Ministry," She added.
Emily linked hands with Ava as she listened to the Ravenclaw talk, still dancing cheerfully. "That's so awesome!" Emily grinned. "Was your dad like, a fashion photographer? I mean, duh, I bet that's how they met. That's seriously so cool! Did you ever do modelling for them? Like, wearing the designer's clothes for catalogues or ads or whatever?"
Ava laughed lightly. Emily's energy was contagious. "No, he photograpphed nature mostly. Do you remember Kira Wolf? She was in the year above us, we're friends. The fashion designer is her older sister, I was at the graduation party for Kira and the Michaels twins when her sister grabbed me for the dress," She explained.
Emily listened to Ava talking about her life in awe, nodding. "I have no idea who any of these people are, but knowing a fashion designer is definitely cool." She grinned. "My mum made my dress actually, she sews sometimes but just like, for fun." She shrugged, smiling. "Secret perks of having a parent at school with you."
Ava laughed lightly. "Two of them were prefects, silly. Sapphire was the Slytherin quidditch captain, the tiny angry one." She shrugged, it didn't matter much to her if Emily knew who they were or not. "Ohhh that's so cool!" Ava fawned over Emily's dress, looking it over again. "I didn't know your mom made clothes!" She gushed, laughing brightly. "It must be nice having your mom around all the time," She chattered, feeling more like herself than she had in a while.
"Oh right." Emily laughed. "I like, never know who prefects are. Except Alice and Vader, obviously." She added, feeling a fresh rush of pride all over again at the thought of her best friend's title. Emily could never imagine caring as much about school as Alice did, but she was immensely proud of her best friend's hard work. She grinned when Ava complimented her dress, spinning around to show it off. "Thanks! She usually likes to make more boring stuff, we had a whole argument about how short the skirt is, but I think I look cute." Emily grinned, brushing her skirt down with a flourish. "It's definitely cool having her here. It's really nice to just make an appointment when stuff's getting too much and just... get it all off my chest."
Ava laughed, smiling. "I only know prefects because I was one." She ignored the little twist her heart did at the thought that she was no longer one. She laughed as Emily spun, watching her. "I like the way it spins," She replied easily. "You do look cute!" She agreed. She paused a little at the words. "Who's your mother?" She asked, realizing she didn't know who Emily's mom was.
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