Closed One Great Mystery

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Yvette Maxwell

Danseuse Soloist 🩰 Introvert 🥀 Calm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Yvette twirled around for her cousin to see what her mum had bough for her. It was a lavish designer cocktail dress but it was beautiful. At first she was confused why would her mum buy her something she was never going to wear. It was rare she actually goes at the ball. But she guess it'll change this year as the dress was expensive enough not to be worn on. The Slytherin fourth year was excited to attend the ball but only to watch the people who had dates and talk smack about them.

After showing off, Yvette and Philip, walked out of their common room. Leaving a disheveled Nora. Once they both arrived at the Great Hall, she and Philip separated to find Avaria, his date. Yvette sigh as she walked by the food and drinks section. This was the time she didn't want to do, loitering was not her. Bored that early, Yvette got her a punch drink and walked around the Great Hall. Smiling to people she knows along the way. When she didn't noticed someone in front of her and bump to this person.
"Seriously, you almost made me spill my drink on my dress!" Her voice was a little bit harsh. She checked her dress if it was okay before looking up at the person who she bumped into.
Joshua was beginning to think his sister didn't like dances or she didn't like coming to dances with him. Joshua surveyed the hall and saw no hint of the loud latina that was his younger sister. If she didn't want to attend the Yule Ball, that was fine with Joshua. He didn't want to hear during the school break about him ditching her when it was the other way around. Joshua will just have to enjoy the ball with or without her. Previous dances weren't that eventful for him, he wanted to make this night a little different. A little more memorable other than being a third wheel to his friend and their date.

Joshua fixed his spiffy, blue blazer on him and wander the ball endlessly. He been keeping a low profile lately, working on his speech impairment. Other than Hogwarts Monthly and quidditch, Joshua had done little to no socializing. There was a very good reason for that and he felt confident his speech was coming along well. Joshua wanted to test himself out and see how he progressed with his stuttering. Joshua was thinking to approach someone standing sideline by the dance floor when he accidentally collided with a girl. Joshua's jaw fell, feeling his neck growing hot. "I'm sorry! I, ah," Joshua stops himself from stammering, it's hard, it was working though he was managing it. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to bump into you," he said smoothly, feeling more confident in his speech by the second. No stuttering, he was off to an okay start.
She heard the person who bumped her apologized, Yvette looked up and raised her eyebrow. The Slytherin girl thought she had seen him before but was too busy to even give him a glare if she did see him somewhere. "Oh, I thought you're a first year. These cockroaches are just in my way everyday." Yvette told the boy as she shook her head and batted an eye. Once she regain her mood -the mood she always have when excited- She smiled at the boy. "Apology accepted. Anyways, you seem alone just like me. How do you find Yuleball? I always think it's for icky lovers but I get to wear an expensive dress, so, I say I like it a bit." She took a sip from her cup while surveying the dance floor. Everyone were just dancing and snogging. Ick! "I'm Yvette, by the way." Yvette introduced herself without looking at the boy.
Joshua didn't know exactly how to respond to someone who called first years cockroaches. It's a weird way to refer them as such, but he not one to judge. Either way, he nodded agreeing with the girl, maybe. "No, fifth year here," Joshua responded, again no stuttering there. Joshua stuffed his hands inside his blazer and glance around before he gave up a believable answer to her question. "It's going well, I like to come for the delicious food," Joshua fibs, feeling a blush coming on. That wasn't true, sometimes he had to come to escort his sister and sometimes he came for a story for the Hogwarts Monthly. This year was meant to be different. "Or the music," Joshua added onto his lie. "Joshua," he smiles over at Yvette. "Icky lovers, you think everyone here is together?" Joshua asked the girl. That would exclude him when he comes with his sister. They had similar features, he hopes no one thought he was dating his younger sister.
Yvette sips from her cup while she hears from the boy, Joshua. The brunette Slytherin chuckled lightly. From the looks of it, and what she thought of him; Joshua wasn't here for the food. But is asking his true intent of coming will ruin the mood? She was Yvette after all. Finishing the last liquid in her cup, Yvette rudely gave the cup to a passerby like they were the server.

"Truth or Dare?" She finally said and while her tone was more of a question. Her face was telling him that it was an announcement. "I know you're not here for the food. We get the same food on Christmas day." Yvette wiggled her eyebrows playfully . The Slytherin's first time attending the Yuleball and she wouldn't mess wth it. "If you pick Dare, I will go lightly on you but if you go Truth. You have to give me your real reason why are you here. Simple as that. No punishment." Yvette was smiling, a little chuckle but that was it.

She realized who he was and said,
"Oh, and if this encounter comes out of the Hogwarts Monthly ... expect something from me." Passersby were looking at then and while her words are serious. Yvette manage to smile at them. "Truth or Dare?"
Joshua gave the pretty, ah, girl a perplexed look that couldn't be define any other way. She was nice looking, yes, but a little strange, a little rude just from his observation in the moment. He can't say he met someone so outlandish in their approach.

Joshua hesitated for the second, was he really going to play her little game? Joshua reached around his neck and rubbed it uncomfortably. He was uncomfortable for so many reasons, he wonders if he should bolt out of there and cut his evening short. But no, he won't. This was just another thing to force himself to do, even if it might terrify him in the process. "Okay," Joshua steadily says, but instead of picking truth he went with the other option. He wasn't just about to admit why he may have come to the ball tonight. To be honest, that could have very much changed already in his mind., "I choose dare."
Yvette was surprised that Joshua agreed to do it but choose Dare instead of Truth, which she was anticipating for him to answer. She was calm and nod to his answer. Yvette thought of something fun to dare him with. He seems shy and always to himself. The girl's thought was still on the dare when the song on the dance floor changed into something up beat. "Okay, do the sprinkler dance. In the middle of the dance floor." She did promise that the dares will not be harmful. Yvette wiggled her eyebrows again as she muffled a laugh.
Joshua's face turns a little red, yeah there was no way he was going to do that thing she asked him to do. Joshua scratched his head, he was thinking ways how to bail. How to get out of this. "N-no," Joshua stammers, his stuttering returns briefly. "I choose truth," Joshua changed his mind, turning to face Yvette a little more. "I have to escort my sister usually to these dances," that was partly true, but not all. He won't continue because he felt that was sufficient enough. Also, he didn't exactly know what she meant by sprinkler dance, he was curious but not tonight. "Do you play games like this all the time?" Joshua questions the girl, it was strange but it kind of made their time here a little interesting so far.
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