- Messages
- 7,769
- OOC First Name
- Mia
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Dederick
- Wand
- Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
- Age
- 49 (2/2013)
Out of Character:
- AKA, this love isn't good unless it's me and you
Briar had graduated. that was the bee all and end all now. she was no longer a student and at eighteen she was well and truly an adult in the wizarding world. once the ceremony was over and the last of the graduates collected their diplomas she got to her feet. she managed to congratulate as many people as she could as she made her way over to her family. she smiled as she greeted them and thanked each of them for the support they had given her, not just today but over the years.
soon her mind was on someone else who was in the audience who she had seen from the stage. and with a little encouragement from her sister she set off to find him. it didn't take her long to see him, he was quite tall and on his own but getting through the crowd of families, friends, staff and students was a little awkward.
Eventually she broke out of the wall of bodies. and made her way over to him. by now she wasn't sure what to say. why was he here? did he know someone else like he had known Jaden? or was he here for her? who had sent the invitation? she knew she hadn't, even if she would have wanted to the last time they had made clear that he had no feelings for her even if she did have them for him. she wanted to head back into the oblivion of the crowd but it was too late now surly he would have seen her. her mouth had gone dry, she cleared her throat as she got closer to clear a limp which was fast forming. she paused quickly at the drinks table to pick up a glass of pumpkin juice before she covered the last few meters. standing nonchalantly next to him she leaned against the wall trying to at least appear calm when she was no where near that inside. "I wasn't expecting to see you here Dederick. how have you been?" she said. sure it was a lame conversation starter but she couldn't think of what else to say. as why are you here. i didn't think you cared about me, and you don't seem to be with anyone else here. was a little rude and the other option sounded like some clingy girl who hadn't gotten over him.
Out of Character:
- sorry for the slight god mod. I will edit it out if you want but I cant think of how else to start it.