On Top Of The World

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Dan ♡)
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The new year had started and Charlotte was very excited. She was growing up now and, after a lot of arguments with her parents, she had successfully chosen the subjects that she wanted and hoped that they would not put any extra pressure on her this year, especially after the lecture she managed to get about improving her grades. Despite this, she was confident that she was going to do much better than last year and couldn't wait for classes to start. She found herself wandering around the castle, not really sure where she was going. She figured that she might as well just explore the castle by herself. Maddie and Hemi were probably off doing their own thing and Charlotte did not want to disturb them, especially considering that it was the start of the year and Maddie now had her brother to look after as well as herself.

It didn't take long for Charlotte to take herself to The North Tower. She never really visited the place much and the last time she had visited it was in her first year which was far too long ago in her opinion. She grinned as she took the last step and looked out onto the grounds. The view was absolutely magnificent and it was even more mesmerizing than at night when she first saw it. She made her way over to the edge and leant over the railing, looking down at the tiny people below her going about their ways. She wanted to yell out at them as if she was on top of the world but didn't and simply took a sigh of relief as the wind blew through her hair.
Merrill had grown very fond of the north tower in her sort time at Hogwarts. The view was better than anything she had seen before, and she loved that she was around long enough to actually learn every little detail. Today Merrill decided that instead of eating lunch with her classmates she would take it up to the tower, and enjoy the view while she ate. Her pymy puff was on her shoulder as she walked up the stairs occasionally making squeaking noises. Merrill wanted to show him the view as well. She thought the dorm room might get a little boring for him. Merrill felt her legs burning as she finally climbed the last step. She had gotten better with the stairs, but it still took a lot out of her. Thank-fully she was able to catch her breath relatively fast. When she looked around the room she noticed there was another girl there. This place has been so busy. I need to find a more secluded spot. Merrill thought to herself. She didn't want to leave now though so instead she took her backpack off, and set up the blanket she had brought. Merrill pulled a bottle of pumpkin juice out of the bag, "Hi. I was about to eat lunch. Want to join me? I probably brought way too much." Merrill offered to the girl. She had noticed that she had put on a little weight since coming to school. There was just so much good food all the time. Her parents never let her eat as much as she wanted.
Charlotte jumped when she heard the sound of a girl's voice behind her. As she quickly turned around, she noticed that the girl was younger and she definitely seemed like a first year. Charlotte was quite disgruntled at the fact that someone smaller than her managed to scare her but she was still glad nonetheless to have some company. On the bright side, she hadn't met a first year before and was looking very forward to talking to her. "Hello!" she exclaimed politely, still trying to catch her breath from the sudden scare. She hoped that the girl wasn't going to mention it and tried to brush it away as she continued to speak. "I would love to eat lunch with you. Do you do this often? Where do you even get all of this food from? If you sneaked it from the Great Hall I really do commend you because I've never really had the guts to do that, not that I'm scared of breaking the rules or anything; it's just that the house elves really do try their best to make a good meal for us and it would only seem unfair to steal some of the food that could be shared later between everyone. Besides, if you don't eat everything you sneak out then that would definitely be a waste once it goes off. At least in the kitchens, it can be kept nice and fresh." She sat down next to the younger girl on the blanket. No one had ever asked her to eat lunch with her before and she was very grateful to be sharing this particular one with a potential new friend.

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