Old School Week on the search for unicorns

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
Willow was back at school. she was looking forward to this year because she would be taking care of magical creatures it was the subject in the whole curriculum she was most interested in. over the break, she had visited the new wildlife sanctuary and had seen some unicorns. there was a rumour that some lived in the forbidden forest. so this sunny Saturday afternoon as she had no classes and nothing else to do she headed into the grounds, walked halfway around the lake to an area slightly hidden from the castle slipped between the trees on the search for unicorns.
Mazikeen hadn't ever really gone to the forest before, but she'd just been by the lake when she'd noticed the other girl slipping between the trees and heading into the forest. She would know that mop of hair anywhere. Willow. Mazikeen followed her into the forest, "Willow," she called out as she crossed the threshold of the forest boundary. "What are you doing?" maze asked when she caught up with the girl.
Willow turned around and started to double back when she heated a voice behind her. She recognised it as her friend and housemate maze. hey maze. I am going on an adventure trying to find unicorns. Do you want to join she said happy to have a friend with her
Mazikeen listened as Willow told her what she was doing, ”There are unicorns in the forest?” Maze might’ve been more inclined to go in if she had known this fact. She’d been in once before with Fleur and Mervyn but they had just been looking about just for the sake of it. The teen was very excited to join it, so when offered she nodded, ”I’d love to Willow!” the girl agreed excitedly, ”Whereabouts do you think they would be?”
Willow shrugged when maze asked if there were unicorns in the forest. I don’t know. That is why I am looking for them she said as they started to walk deeper through the trees. i don’t know where they would be. Maybe in a clearing. Maybe not she said looking around. how was your break? she asked.
Mazikeen nodded, "That's some good logic," the girl had to admit if they would be any where then they'd be in the forest, "So we're looking for a clearing, shouldn't be too hard in all this darkness," Maze said excitedly, she shrugged a bit too, "BORING, my mums are thinking of adopting another kid, and I just wanted to be back at school. Yours?"
willow smiled as maze said that it was some logic. it was fairly flawed logic. or so broard it could mean anyhting. "I didn't know your parents adopted. well welcome back to school. I wonder how long it will be before you are wishing you were home now we have extra elective classes" she said as maze described her holiday. "mine was good. my mum finally stopped being so controling. and we went to the new wildlife sanctuary." she said. it had been a good break.
Maze shrugged, "I don't want a sibling though, it's just always been the three of us," the girl knew she was complaining and it would be fine. "I'm doing care of magical creatures this year, I won't be wishing such a thing at all!" Mazikeen listened as her friend talked about her own holiday, "Oh wow! I so wanna go, what's it like?"
willow nodded "I know that feeling. mum and dad were talking about having another child a while ago but didn't. it is just the three of us against the world." she said if actually often felt like that. mum would bring her campaigns home and her dad often felt like the world was against him. "and my aunt uncle and cousin" she added. they were close to the atearas. "I am doing that class too see you there" she said. "the sanctuary is really cool. i saw unicorns, a griffin, bowtruckles and a thunderbird."
Mazikeen wouldn't mind another child, maybe. She nodded along, "It's just me and my mums but It's us against the world!" the gryffindor smiled happily when Willow was doing the care of magical creatures class with her, "Oh wow! That sounds amazing. You'll also know what to look for for unicorns in this forest right?"
willow nodded when maze said it was her mums against the world. she realised that maze referred to mums as plural not parents or mum and dad like Willow did. but she didn't want to question it, it was 2047 after all.. Willow chuckled when maze said she knew how to look for unicorns. "not really i have been shown the basics but my mum is the professional. she said. what animal are you most looking forward ot learning about" she asked referring to the class they would both be taking.
Mazikeen nodded at what she said, "Oh that's really cool!" Mazikeen thought for a moment then at the question, "I want to learn about thestrals!" maze said a little more excitedly than the subject would really merit her to do. "I won't see them but they seem cool, you?"
Willow nodded when Maze said that she wanted to know more about thestrals. "they seem really cool. I won't be able to see them either." she said. she was glad that she couldn't. "I want to learn about hypperfrifs" she said. "arr...professor Atera Is pretty cool. so that should be fun classes." she said. her aunt had taken the job. she had only found that out recently but it had made her all the more excited for care of magical cretures.

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