Open On the Lookout

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Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (13)
Magne liked dances a whole lot. They were just really really fun to him. He liked being able to just hang out with friends, eat some good snacks and have a good time. It was just always fun. He had put on most of a suit, he didn't really have a full suit, but he was close enough to it. He headed into the hall and made a beeline to the snacks, grabbing a plate and putting a few of his favourites on to it, a little on the lookout for any of his friends.
Tanith didn't particularly like dressing up, but she put on something nice anyway, thinking it was a more cute casual look. Besides, she needed to get better at being more social. Not that she really wanted to be. But she didn't want any of her sisters on her case about it. She was wandering idly, not really wanting to talk to anyone. But she'd seen Magne, and after a moment of hesitation, she walked over to him. "Hi," She greeted, a bit shyly.
Magne smiled as he was greeted by someone he knew, someone he liked. "Hey Tanith!" he said as he waved at her, and when she was close went in to give her a hug. "YOu look really nice," he complimented easily.
Tanith was surprised by the hug but didn't pull away, patting his back a little awkwardly and hiping her blush wasn't too bad. "Oh! Er, um, you too?" She offered, swallowing hard. Her siblings weren't the biggest huggers and she just wasn't used to it.
Magne gave her a brief hug and then pulled out of it and gave a warm smile. "I always feel underdressed," he said with a smile, looking his outfit down. "I'm not a fancy dance guy, what about you?" he asked her with a warm tone.
Tanith cleared her throat, brushing her hands over her skirt. "Well, erm, I try to dress nice, but I don't know about the really fancy dresses all the other girls have on," She admitted with a shy smile. "Are you waiting for someone?"
Magne shook his head. "I keep meaning to ask someone to the dance, and then I forget," he saids to her. "But it's okay, because I then just look for my friends to hang out with. Are you waiting for someone?" he returned the question to her.
Tanith shook her head. "Oh, no," She replied, feeling a little less awkward when he didn't have a date either. She didn't comment on no one bothering to ask her, not wanting to sound upset about it. "I don't always come to these, honestly. What do you usually do? Just dance, have snacks?"
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