On a walk

Kit Hartley

Well-Known Member
The sun sparkled off the lake, dazzling Kit. He narrowed his eyes against the harsh glare and continued walking along the lakefront. He'd woken up that morning with a strange craving for the great outdoors, and where better to go than the lake? As usual he was hoping for a glimpse of the giant squid, but his hopes weren't overly high.
While he walked, Kit thought to himself about Kyle, and how insufferably stupid he seemed to get around the second year boy. It was pathetic, Kit was surprised that Kyle wanted to be around him at all. But nonetheless, Kit was glad to have made another friend. He wanted to make as many as possible in this place, just as long as the people he made friends with were nice. Kit was afraid of mean people. He didn't want to be made a fool of. He did that enough on his own.
Lost in his thoughts, Kit suddenly looked up to see that he was now standing almost in the shade of a large tree.
Angel was far away, day dreaming about nothing at all. His mind was totally blank and he was determined to keep it that way when he was jarred uncomfortably from his nothingness by the sound of someone approaching. His eyes flicked open and immediately he was alert. Truth be told his friend count was low and his trust of others even lower. He sat up straight and glanced subtley over his shoulder at the boy walking towards him. He recognised him from somewhere, but he wasn't sure where....
Kit stopped in his tracks, surprised to see a boy wo looked around his own age sitting under the tree. As the boy looked over at him, Kit couldn't help but think that he'd seen him before. He frowned and decided to go introduce himself to the boy. Kit walked forward a few steps to enable himself to see him properly. Yes, he definitely looked familiar.
"Um, hi," he said shyly, ducking his head slightly.
Angel looked the boy up and down, thinking. Diagon Alley. Suddenly it clicked. "Hi," Angel paused, "I'm Angel, but I believe we've met before no?"
Angel glanced around him, wondering if he should perhaps stand up. He didn't like being below the other boy. It made him feel inferior which he hated. He shifted uncomfortably uncrossing his long legs.
Kit bit back a smile at the other boy's voice. There was just something about it that he liked... Strange. As the boy said his name, a wave of understanding rushed over Kit. "Oh, I remember now! I'm Kit," he said. Angel looked uncomfortable, the way he was squirming about. "Do you mind if I sit?" Kit's legs were beginning to get tired; he'd been walking for quite a while, and he wouldn't mind staying and chatting for a bit.
Angel relaxed, "Go ahead." He nodded at the ground next to him and re-crossed his legs.
"Ravenclaw?" He asked, looking out at the boy from under his lashes. He couldn't deny he felt slightly awkward around him. Though he seemed nice enough, quite sweet really.
"Out walking?" The corner of his mouth twitched as he tried his best to be chatty.
Kit smiled and sat down, glad Angel seemed to be quite nice. "Uh-huh. You're... Slytherin..?" As the other boy looked up at Kit from under his eyelashes, Kit's heart skipped a little. What the hell?
"Yeah, I felt like going outside... It's such a nice day." Kit leaned back on his hands and smiled serenely.
Angel smiled back, hoping it was nice and not a frightening grimace that scared the living day lights out of Kit. He'd seen his mother react in such a way...
"It is... And the grounds are nice and quiet this time of day." Angel plucked a bit of grass and twirled it between his fingers absently. "So... Where are you from?" He asked softly, finding himself curious. A very strange occurence indeed.
The smile on Angel's face was slightly weird, almost like he wasn't used to the facial expression. It was a lovely gesture nonetheless, one which Kit gladly reciprocated. As if he was able to stop smiling anyway.
"Yeah, they really are, there's hardly anyone around," Kit said, nodding his agreement. He watched as Angel played with some of the lush green grass. "I'm from Dunedin, in the South Island. I live down there with my Mum. How about you?" Kit inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of the grass.
Angel nodded, "It's much better like this." he attempted a smile again. "Oh really? I'm from there too. How are you liking it here?"
he dropped the grass into his lap and nibbled at the tip of his finger, a habit his father hated but Angel was rarely aware he was doing it. He studied Kit's face intently. It was a nice face.
Kit's face broke out into a grin; he couldn't help it. "Really? Cool! Maybe I'll end up bumping into you next holidays or something." Kit blushed as he realized how forward that sounded. "Uh, by accident, y'know..." He watched as Angel brought a finger up to his mouth. "It's really nice, I love it. How about you?" The intensity of Angels gaze made Kit blush.
"Yes, of course, accidentally..." Angel murmured more to himself than anyone else. He noticed Kit's face darken and wondered why that was. "Much better than the muggle world isn't it?" Angel grinned in a way that was distinctly predatory, running a hand absently through his hair. "I mean not having to hide who you are constantly... especially when you're angry..." Angel trailed off, running his hands down his thighs and breathing deeply. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on inside his mind right now, but it was freaking him out. Maybe he could ask Jeremiah...

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