Open On A Mission

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Charlotte had to admit that being a full time mother was tiring. There were a lot of responsibilities, especially when twins were involved. Dan had work he had to do, whilst their oldest was at daycare, so Charlotte was minding the twins whilst also trying to get her shopping done. With Quidditch season not in play yet and an afternoon off at the wand shop, there was lots of shopping to do, and so Charlotte tried her best to stay on top of her game, pushing the stroller along with her as she entered each shop, and piling the bags onto it. The twins were content, sleeping most of the time, until both of them woke up. With screaming toddlers in the stroller, Charlotte quickly made her way to a park bench, stopping to take a break and give each of her children a baby apple to eat. They both quietened down and Charlotte sighed as she began going over the list of things she needed to get in her head. She was thankfully pretty much done now, and would wait for her children to finish eating before leaving to give herself a bit of a break.
Now that Dimitri and Ares were officially a couple, Dimitri had become a lot more aware of his body. He had taken to going out on morning jogs, when his mornings weren't spent with Ares. He enjoyed those mornings, though his apartment felt even more empty than it had before when Ares wasn't there. He was just looping around the park when he saw someone there that hadn't been there before. Deciding he needed to take a minute to sit down anyway, he slowed to a stop near her and smiled. "Hello! Lovely day, isn't it?" He asked, looking up to the sky.
Charlotte watched as her children ate the apples and became distracted as a man stood near her and spoke to her. Not many people really spoke to her out in public, unless they recognised her and wanted an autograph, but even then, people usually kept to themselves. Charlotte was more than happy to speak to him however, glad to have a conversation with someone new. "Oh yes, I receive this weather with joy! It's lucky, really, because this is about the only day I have to do some shopping." Charlotte said conversationally. "What are you up to today? Anything exciting?"
Dimitri stretched a bit, smiling at her before moving to sit down. She looked familiar. "Just out for a jog," He told her, tilting his head and studying her curiously. "I know you from somewhere," he murmured, half to himself. "Are you a big fan of Quidditch?" He asked. "I go to a lot of games, my boyfriend plays," he smiled fondly at the term. It was still new, but he still loved it.
Charlotte watched as the man sat down, scooting over a little so he could join her. She nodded as he said he was going for a jog. "That's good! I wish I was motivated to do that!" she exclaimed, laughing a little. Three children definitely had a toll on the woman's body, but with the small amount of time she had, there was barely any left for her to even think about doing some exercise and getting her body back into shape. As he began asking her about quidditch and thinking he knew her from somewhere, Charlotte chuckled a little, finding it odd to be recognised outside of the quidditch season. "Oh, I play for the Holyhead Harpies. Are you fan?" she asked him casually. He mentioned his boyfriend and Charlotte smiled. "Who's your boyfriend? I might know him!"
Dimitri chuckled. "Well, you have better things to do with your time," he teased, winking and looking to the kids. "Are they yours?" He asked, curious. Is this what regular people did? Went on errands with their kids? He was distracted as she answered his question, smiling fondly. "Ares Jeffreys. He is chaser for Kaikoura Kea," he replied, running a hand through his hair.
Charlotte nodded as the man asked if her children were hers. "Yes, they have a day off preschool today, and my husband is too busy with work to look after them right now, so they're with me today while I run around doing things." she explained, happy to take out her youngest daughters for a little bit during her small time off. They were genuinely good company, and Charlotte was somewhat glad that no one else was available to look after them, so long as they stayed well behaved. "Oh I know Ares!" Charlotte exclaimed, happy to hear a familiar name. "He went to school with me actually. He was the year below in Hufflepuff. He's really nice from my experience, you've found a good one." she replied, giving him a small wink. She was glad to hear that people from her school were doing well.
Tri smiled, nodding as he looked between the woman and her girls. He had never thought about kids before. He wasn't sure he was ready to start now. He liked his and Ares' new dynamic, who needed a loud, needy mess maker? Ares was already stuck with Dimitri. He blinked as she said she knew Ares. He laughed. "What a small world," he grinned at her, brushing a hand through his hair. "Dimitri Korrinov," he introduced himself. "If you do not mind, what is Hufflepuff?" He asked, curious and not as worried that she would judge him for his lack of knowledge. He hadn't wanted Ares to realize that Tri didn't understand what in the world a Hufflepuff was.
Charlotte smiled and nodded as the man commented on how it was a small world. The woman always thought that, and she was thankful for everyone that she had ever met. The man then introduced himself as Dimitri Korrinov. "Oh what a lovely name! It's very unusual, and I like that." Charlotte said, wishing she had more of an uncommon name herself. She then realised she hadn't told him her name either. "I'm Charlotte Owens." she told him with a smile. She chuckled a little as he asked what Hufflepuff was. It shocked her that he didn't know anything about Hogwarts, and that Ares hadn't told him. "Did you not go to Hogwarts? Hufflepuff is a house. There's also Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. I was a Slytherin." she explained, wondering what school he went to if it wasn't Hogwarts.
Dimitri smiled at her words, laughing lightly. "Thank you. I was born with it." he winked playfully. "I like Charlotte, too," he returned her compliment. He chuckled nervously at her explanation. "I was tutored privately at home. And I have been too shy to tell Ares I did not understand what a Hufflepuff was." He explained to her, running a hand through his hair. "He is stubborn man. I have been chasing him for a long while now," he laughed lightly.
Charlotte laughed along with the man as he made a joke before in turn thanking him for his compliment. "It was actually my grandmother's name!" she exclaimed matter-of-factly, not knowing who else might have known that. It was an old name, there was no doubt about that, but Charlotte liked it too. "Ohh, home schooling sounds fun!" she said, not having met anyone before who was in that situation. "At Hogwarts there were times where I really missed my family, so being homeschooled would completely help that, especially if your parents had the time." Charlotte couldn't imagine herself teaching her children at her home. Both her and Dan had busy lives and there was no way either of them would have the time or patience. "How did you meet Ares?" she asked conversationally.
Dimitri nodded. That was very sweet, to be named after an older family member. He shrugged as she commented about homeschooling. "It was alright," he agreed with no real commitment. It could have been better, but it also could have been worse. He didn't want to talk about his parents, so he skipped over that to return to his favorite subject- Ares. "I went out to get drink and he was there looking handsome and broody," he laughed. "He is stubborn, but I am as well. He barely wanted to speak, but by end of night I had convinced him to go on walks with me. We started out with one a week perhaps, but slowly there were more and more walks and eventually I convinced him to go on date with me," he laughed, pleased with their progress.
Charlotte simply nodded as the man said homeschooling was alright. She figured it wouldn't be the best, as there would be barely any interaction with anyone else and less opportunity to make friends, but somehow people like Dimitri made it work. She wanted to ask him why he was homeschooled, but held back, as she wasn't sure whether or not that would be touching unwanted territory. She just listened as he spoke about how him and his boyfriend met. It made her smile, as she genuinely felt like it was a nice story, and much better than Charlotte and Dan's. "Aw, that's so cute! I always imagined meeting the love of my life after school, but I met my husband in school which is boring, but fun. We basically have known each other since we were eleven and I didn't even have any romantic feelings for him at first." she explained, not being able to help herself. "So do you guys live with each other or are you still just going on dates and stuff?"
Dimitri chuckled, crossing his ankles. "That is not boring," he contradicted her. "You grew into love, and had the opportunity to watch each other grow." He smiled at her. His smile shifted to a pout as she asked if they lived together and he let out a dramatic sigh, dropping his head back. "No, he still lives with Xavier." He turned to look at her, his pout shifting to a smirk and a playful wink. "I will convince him eventually, it is my next challenge," he laughed lightly.
Charlotte chuckled a little and shrugged as Dimitri spoke positively of Charlotte and Dan's story. Thinking about it like that really made it seem a lot better. Usually the woman was good at being positive, but she just thought Dimitri and Ares was one of the cutest couples, despite only finding out about them today. It was good to know that he was doing so well. "That sounds like a good challenge!" Charlotte exclaimed, laughing along with him as he said he would convince Ares to move out with him eventually. "They are very close though, so it's a tough one, but I'm sure you can do it." She smiled at him, hoping it would work out.
Dimitri's eyes widened at her words, and he snapped his fingers. "That's it!" He smiled brightly. "I had it backwards," he grinned, propping both arms on the back of the bench. "I should not try to have him move in with me. I should win the brother and move in with them!" He laughed, not realizing he had misspoken a bit. He smiled at her. "You are genius, Charlotte."
Charlotte laughed as she somehow gave Dimitri the best idea ever. "You're welcome." she told him, glad to help people however she could. She sighed as Willow threw the remains of her apple on the ground, and then began crying because she couldn't get to it. It was amazing how the brains of a small child worked. "I'm sorry." she said apologetically to Dimitri, getting a tissue and picking up the litter. "I guess I've gotta go now and take them home for a nap, but it was great talking to you!" She smiled at him, glad to have made a new friend. She had been so occupied with her life that it had been hard to make many more friends, and she was very grateful to have met him. "Good luck with Ares though, I'm sure it'll work out in the end." She was speaking over Willow's cries now, so she quickly stood up and gathered her things.

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