Older Student Friendships/Relationships.

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David Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

This, my friends, is David Pike, a character loosely based off of my cynical somewhat depressed self. He's in Slytherin because of his depression most likely, so yah. He's depressed on the inside, but he prefers not to show it. He can be a fun person to hang around with, but he prefers two or three close friends over lot's of somewhat close friends. Although he does tend to get to know everyone just a little bit. Since I'm new here and so is he, I'd like for him to make some friends, and I'd like to make some friends as well. So, if any of you have characters (possibly new characters) around his year, feel free to post something about it here. He's not a super mean person, but don't tick him off or be overly-cheery.
alright dude i have stefan here whos is a 5th year too maybe friends or enimeies?
ikr. umm stefan can be uptight and a bit of a idiot. hes also kind, caring, wont take offence from things, bubbly. i also wanna say hes just pulled out of a crippling depression after losinghis adoptive father so hes gonna be quite uptight when they first meet but thats about it reley
He's only bubbly when he is bored which isn't that often
Okay so I have two people for you.I'm not sure if they will work but it's up to you ^_^


Star Moon-fifth year Ravenclaw.Star is a very sweet girl.She unlike Kate doesn't find it easy to stand up for herself and doesn't have a strong will.She is easily influenced by other people.Up till last year she was very quiet and unsociable.She had no friends up until last year when she met Sammy.He has had a big affect on her making her more playful and more like her real self.She is very patient and wants to make friends now.She is caring and will do her best to make what ever friends she makes happy.She is witty and when you are close friends with her she really shows her true self.She is quite hyper and a bit mad.She is sarcastic and generally fun-loving.At the moment she is a bit angry because of her twin Ryan so she is a bit irritable.She loves long distant running,photography and reading


Ryan Moon-fifth year Slytherin.He is Star's twin and completely different to her.For the past three years he was angry,depressed and not a nice person after he got bullied.Last year Sara got the truth out of him and during the holidays he spent time with his parents who tried to sort things out.Right now he is unsure of himself.He was once funny,kind and a good person but for the past three years he wasn't that person and now he is inbetween so he will be easily influenced by who ever he comes by or tries to be friends with him.At the moment he is quiet and not really saying anything as he is trying to figure himself out.He has thrown himself into his music and that is usually what he is doing all the time.All the anger that was once inside him is gone and he realizes how stupid he was over the pats three years.He is trying to sort out things with Star who is still odd with him.
I'm not sure about these too as friends. She's sarcastic, which he would like. Does she have a final yet? I feel like David needs a nice girlfriend to get rid of his depression a little bit.

I feel like these two could be great friends, they seem to have similar personalities. :D
She doesn't have a final but she does have a crush on someone else.I'll have to double check with Tenilee over the whole love pentagon thingy! I'll PM you when I know ^_^

That's great,would you like to start or will i?
What I really need at this point is a girlfriend to help David out of his depression a little bit.

Anyone have a character who might be up for that?
I have carefree, loud and crazy Lola Caracola. She's the kind of person that love her or hate her she's still there and loves herself and everyone else around her. This doesn't mean that she's a push over or anything like that. At the moment she's working on relationship drama but once that's over and done with I can see her trying to get him to cheer up.
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