Okay. This is Rediculous...

J.T. Hunt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Silver lime Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
A week has gone by ever since JT arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted in Gryffindor. Not many things had changed ever since. He was constantly learning new information about the wizardry world but they were too much for his simple, still muggle, perspective of seeing things. There were times he was feeling he wasn't belonging among his classmates. They were much better at classes. They had at least made that damn feather levitate a few inches while he hadn't done any particular progress. There was one thing however, that had made him like just a tiny bit the magic world. It was flying. Ever since he managed to get the broom in his grip with a single command, he knew he was made for this. He had returned at the Quidditch Pitch the next day after his first flying lesson and found a broom to practice a little bit on his own. Although he flew just a meter above the ground for safety reasons, freedom was what he had discovered. The same freedom when he was roaming the streets of Albany with his gang on their skateboards, filling dull walls with their graffiti. He had returned secretly at the Quidditch Pitch a few more times, secretly when most people were still at bed. He had also skipped a few classes like History of Magic and Astronomy just to spend a couple more hours on a broom.

He was free that afternoon but he decided not to return to the Quidditch Pitch this time. Not only it would probably be occupied by older students but he had also a more important errand to run. His muggle mother was his only relative in life and he had promised her to send letters with his news. After a week it was the right time to share the experience so far. JT lost his way several times before making it to the North Tower where the Owlery was located. He still wasn't used to the moving stairs along with a lot more things housed in this castle. He had drafted the letter earlier at the Herbology class which he found slightly boring and he had included everything. The Shorting Ceremony, a description of the common room and the whole castle, what his classes where about, along with many more stuff. He hadn't implied in that letter that he wasn't really having fun. Everything was ideally mentioned in these lines. He didn't want to have his mother worrying about himself. He could endure everything if he was going to have his mother unworried about his good and his future.

When he opened the door and stepped into the Owlery, dozen pairs of yellow eyes pinned on him. The round room's floor was covered with the birds' droppings and a musty smell tickled unpleasantly his nostrils. He found surprisingly easy his owl at the lowest perches. "C'mon." he invited the male great horned owl to land on his arm and guide it towards one of the windows. "Now how are you supposed to take the letter to mom?" he questioned and wondered how exactly this bird was going to know where exactly it had to take the letter. "Okay Boo. Open your beak. Come on, don't be shy." he attempted to make the owl carry the letter in its beak but it didn't obey. "Okay. Maybe grab it with your talons?" he tried again but the owl shook its head and preferred to groom its feathers. JT sighed while losing his patience. This was ridiculous. He was trying to communicate with a nocturnal bird like it was a human and could comprehend what he was trying to say. "Don't be a jerk Boo. Take the letter." he raised his voice at his owl and waved the folder containing his letter.
After a few days at Hogwarts, Stella had decided that the worst part was the lack of electricity. According to an older student, magic interfered with electric devices, which irritated Stella to no end. The lack of electrical lighting meant that parts of the castle were too dim for Stella's liking, and the absence of computers made completing homework infinitely more difficult. It was true that even with the presence of computers, she was unlikely to find anything about magical plants online, but still, typing her essays would have been easier than handwriting them.

But the worst part was that she was essentially cut off from the Muggle world. After all, she couldn't call or email anyone, and the nearest post office was miles away. Apparently, wizards had found a way around this by using owls to deliver letters. Owls. Stella was fairly sure it was pigeons who carried letters, not owls, but the student she had talked to had assured her that yes, owls did indeed handle the magical world's mail delivery.

After finally accepting that the student had been telling the truth, Stella had set about writing her letters. There was one for her father, a rather curt note to inform him that she was fine. The other was for one of her closest Muggle friends, Addison, detailing everything that had happened. She wasn't completely sure if she was supposed to keep everything about the magical world a secret; no one had expressly forbidden her from saying anything. However, Stella was sure she could trust Addison, and besides, she owed Addison an explanation after suddenly ditching her in the middle of the school year.

Clutching her letters, Stella made her way up the North Tower to the Owlery, where she was greeted with the sight of dozens upon dozens of owls, some resting patiently on their perches while others suddenly swooped down, nearly hitting her. Feathers and droppings covered the floor, causing Stella to wrinkle her nose. She hesitantly approached the owls. Thankfully, there was another boy in the room in case she needed any help, and she had a feeling she would need a lot of help.

It soon became apparent that it was the boy who needed the most help at the moment. His owl was avoiding him, refusing to take the letter in his hand. Stella winced when the boy raised his voice. "Maybe you should offer it a treat," Stella suggested. When she and Addison had tried training Addison's puppy, they had gone through an entire box of treats. While dogs and owls were two completely different species, she didn't see her idea wouldn't apply to the situation. "I don't think yelling at it will help."

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