Oh yeah, she can be my best friend!

Veronica White

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Veronica was sitting idly inside the common room gazing into the inky sky where a few stars shined. With all her homework done, no Qudditch plans and not knowing the current whereabouts of her boyfriend she usually did this, star gazing. She imagined how far they were, million of light years probably she thought with a smile. One of stars shone brighter than the rest and she remembered that the stars didn't actually twinkle but they appeared to be twinkling because of the air turbulence and air packets through which their light passed before reaching the human eye. Ugh! you'll turn yourself into a nerd! her mind warned her and interrupted her thoughts.

One thing that Veronica had noticed recently was that she hardly had any friends and a few which she did have were all boys well except for Sally Kuang, who was her boyfriends sister studying in France! Veronica wasn't very social and for some reason many girls hated or were jealous of her and therefore she had no female friends. Veronica had been on a look out for finding some best friends that were female before her boyfriend started noticing that all her friends were male but she was having little luck with that. Sighing she once again started gazing at the stars.
Nicky walked into the commen room and walked over to where she saw a girl about the same age as her sitting on her own. she walked over and started to make conversation,"hey, im Nicky, i thought you might want some company."she said sitting down beside the girl. "whats or name?"she asked her. She followed te girls gaze up to th stars and guessed at what she was thinking."they are beautifal arnet they."she said calmly. she thought about what the two of them could be perhaps best friends thy both looked like they would be quite similar not that Nicky new her very well u she hoped that she one day would and they would always stick together.
Veronica turned her head to see who had spoke to her. She smiled at the girl with the familiar face whom she recognized from her classes. "Hello" she greeted with a smile. "I'm Veronica White" she said introducing herself to Nicky. Veronica was feeling it hard to believe that she hardly talked to her classmates, no wonder she didn't have any friends. "Yes, very beautiful" she said agreeing to Nicky's comment about the stars.

Veronica was glad that someone had come to sit beside her and give her some company. Nicky seemed like the nice sort and maybe she could be friends with her and learn some good things. "I've seen you in the classes" she told her with a smile. "but never got a chance to know you" she added.

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