Oh, it's been a while.

Ariel Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ariel had had an eventful first year, and now it was time for her to come back to Hogwarts for her second year! She loved it here, but she could use some more friends. She thought back to her encounter before she had begun at Hogwarts last year, that guy had mistaken her for a Muggle, but he'd definitely been cute in the way he had done it. She would never be able to forget that day, and it'd be nice if that kid'd somehow come and find her today, he had a way of making her day fun. Aiden, his name had been. She recalled the look on his face when she'd said that she was going to be going to Hogwarts, and she knew that it would have been crazy if they'd ended up in the same house, but she remembered he had been placed into Gryffindor. Ariel loved being in Hufflepuff, everyone there was so nice and she wasn't expected to be anything special, she could just cruise through the school years unnoticed and everyone would take no notice of her unless she did something memorable, which wasn't very often, but there was always the odd time where she surprised herself.

Ariel was going to spend her day on the Great Lawn today, hopefully she'd be able to relax and there wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary happening. She had calmed down a lot since recent days, and she wasn't as quick to anger, but she still had those days where she would go completely and utterly crazy at the slightest provocation. But they weren't often. The trouble was, she could never really tell when she was having one of those days, they just tended to happen with or without her say. She didn't like those days all that much, but she'd been surprised before. The lawn was beautiful, and with the addition of the lake in the distance, you could tell that the whole school was beautiful.
The Second Year Slytherin had gotten through his first year, surprisingly with no problems. He hated going back home, the few weeks he spent there during the summer break reminded him of how much he actually liked Hogwarts. Although the Professors were quite strict, once he was out of their classroom, he was a free boy.
However, Aiden was cursing himself for having missed the Quidditch try-outs. He was angry for missing something to important to him, and knew he was going to sit through the game commenting on what they could have done better, or how they could have improved. But he decided he was going to use the year to focus on his athletic skills, and watch the practices and games, to learn how to be the best player there is.
Not one for being confined by his Common Room, Aiden put on his running gear, and headed outside to get some fresh air. Aiden ran through the corridors, pushing past the people that got in his way, wishing he had his dog Sprint running with him - that was one of the low points about not being at home; he couldn't bring his dog with him. He eventually made it to the Great Lawn and did a couple of laps before slowing down to catch a breather. Doing a couple of stretches, Aiden scanned the lawn before recognizing a familiar blonde head. He racked his brains trying to remember where he knew her from. A smirk grew on his face when he remembered her as the angry muggle chick that got sorted into Hufflepuff - a surprise for all he was sure. He snorted as he thought of the word "hufflepuff". To him, it sounded something like Truffles. He ran over to Ariel before placing his hands around her eyes and whispered "Guess who!"

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