Closed Of Course Not

Winnie Calida

Queen Bee
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
05/2051 (12)
Winnie had been trying to figure out a justification for her going to the halloween feast, but really there hadn't been one, so she hadn't gone in the end. She knew that if she went, nothing bad would happen, her parents wouldn't immediately find out, and it was good to socialise, but her parents were right, that it being at the mid-point of the semester. She just had to focus on her classes and her revision, and with everyone being tired from the celebration from the night before, Winnie had the library pretty much to herself, which was how she preferred it. She wouldn't let herself get jealous of the other students.
Vikram had browsed through the party last night, but only for a little bit, hoping he could find Winnie. When he hadn't, though, he knew she hadn't bothered showing up. The next day, he walked to the library. He just knew she'd be there. He had a copy of her schedule, of course, but he also knew she just gravitated towards the library when she could.

He smiled as he spotted her, walking over without a word and sitting across from her. "I missed you last night," He offered gently. "It was my own fault, though- it was foolish to consider events as a standing date. I'll make sure to correct that in the future." He chuckled, not afraid to admit to his mistakes. He offered out his hand to her. "Would you prefer me to just ask or would you like me to be more romantic? Flowers, sunsets, that sort of thing?"
Winnie smiled when Vikram sat with her, she always welcomed his company, though this wasn't one of the times when they had pre-arranged to spend time together. Instead it seemed he had sought her out. She glanced up at him and then frowned a little. "Oh, I just don't go to Halloween," she replied with a little shrug, it was nice of him to think he needed to ask - he didn't, but this was one where she was sure perhaps she should've told him. "I don't have time for halloween," she added to explain why she didn't go.
Vikram chuckled. She had sidestepped his question wonderfully. "Do you really not have time, or is it that you can't justify going?" He questioned instead. He'd noticed how highly she valued her parents opinions, and how she scheduled herself to best suit them. He knew how to take advantage of it, and offered out his hand. "Consider it an investment in me. I'm asking you to accompany me to all the events, and we both know they'll allow it simply because they want us to get on well." He reasoned. He was sure she'd enjoy it if she took the time, and if he could give her a bit more time to relax, he'd consider it a night well spent.
Winnie kept her gaze leveled on him, wondering if it really truly matter which it was. She didn't have the time, and she couldn't justify it. "They'll have issues with halloween," she replied, since she knew they could get away with the others, but halloween, halloween was pointless, and she couldn't imagine were her grades even minorly affected that they would be pleased. "You and I both know that Halloween is a waste, and will be the older we get,". This was inspite of the fact that she did really want to go.
Vikram chuckled. "Who says its a waste?" He asked. "I see it as an important social gathering. Wouldn't it be worse to be seen by your peers and any potential contacts as unsocial and unapproachable? Half of any business is the ability to interact with people in a good mannner. How are you supposed to correspond correctly if you avoid everyone?" He tried. "And besides, it's not good for your health to work so hard all the time. You need breaks to keep from burning out. What's one hour? You're the most hardworking, intelligent person I've ever met. If you really want to, just add ten more minutes to your study sessions for a week and you'll have made up the time. Twenty if you really want to drive it in."
Winnie had expected him to agree with her, had expected him to just know from his own parents that it was a waste of time. But it seemed it wasn't. She didn't think that Halloween was the time for all of that, and was sure her parents wouldn't either, but he wasn't exactly wrong. "I don't think that speech will suddenly make my parents see the merits of halloween," she told him, though there was an edge to the tone, she agreed but knew it would be fruitless to get her parents to agree.
Vikram chuckled, leaning in. "Who says we have to tell them?" He asked. Though there was the matter of the yearbook. "Okay," He rapped his knuckles on the wood. "Here's the plan. I don't care so much about the party as I do just wanting to spend it with you." He gave her his most charming smile. "What do you say we sneak away the next Halloween party?" He whispered conspiratorially. "Just us. We can dance under the stars and have a little picnic or something."
Winnie rolled her eyes at him. "I don't lie to my parents," she told him, because it didn't matter if they snuck in and avoid pictures or did something else entirely, she'd tell her parents why she hadn't been following what they wanted. "Give it another couple of years and they can be dates, and my parents won't mind as much,"

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