October Bliss (Kasey&Hadan)

Lila was very happy today for it was her daughter's wedding day. It had come as a little shock to discover that the Kasey whom she regarded as shy and weak was hiding such a secret in her heart and had decided to marry someone whom she had fallen in love with. But after finding out that it was Hadan Blake who was a perfect gentleman Lila was more than happy.

Tears of happiness fell through Lila's eyes as the ceremony finished. Wiping them off she walked with her husband to the front to congratulate the newly weds. Kasey was busy with someone so Lila greeted her son-in-law with a warm smile and kiss on the cheek and blessed him with all the happiness and success in his marriage and life.
Roswald stood up clapping, celebrating for the young newly weds. He praise for his daughter Kasey and wish nothing but the best for the both of them. It had took him two years, almost 3 years to finally marry Lila, Hadan and Kasey were very lucky for they did not went through trimester and difficulties like Lila and himself had went through. Roswald was the one leading everyone towards the celebration afterwards. He also had a chance to talk to Hadan and his parents. "Treat my daughter right Blake" he joke with his best friend's son. "I'm kidding. I have nothing to worry about with you, and here" he handed Hadan a pair of keys that contain ownership to his brand new jaguar. "Its already in France but its charm for whenever you want to go and see it" he patted his back, than gather up the rest to head for the party. Assorted food of every kind was present, even for Lila and Kasey who where vegetarian. Roswald knew his family pretty well.
Kasey smile shone radiantly together with her dress as people came to congratulate her. However being a new bride she disliked being away from Hadan, even for a moment. Trying to cope with that as she spotted her husband in the crowd she started moving towards him when someone came to congratulate her. As they asked her to be silent, Kasey raised her eyebrows to the lady in mask.

When the lady removed her mask Kasey was shocked with surprise and happiness. Although she looked different some of her features were still recognizable, it was her sister Maddiie. Tears flew down her eyes as she embraced her sister into a big hug. She was happy that Maddiie had made it to her wedding however she was even scared for her state and wanted to know how she had got into all this mess. "Maddiie..." she said lost for words as she looked at her sister. "Wh...at... happened?" she asked not believing her eyes. "Are you okay?...You're pregnant?" she asked in disbelief. So much had happened in these few months when Maddiie was away. She could only hope everything was okay with her sister.
Maddiie chuckle at her sister reaction. There was so much she wanted to tell her, but couldn’t put herself in that position to tell her sister the truth. She had just been married to Hadan, her best friend since childhood; she didn’t want to spoil her moment by getting into details of what had happen during the winter break. ”It’s nothing you should be concern right now Kasey, I just wanted to see you. And that’s all I came for, and that’s you alone.” she express that word the most, because it was true. She didn’t want to see her family now. She wanted to see Kasey her sister and no one else. To show that she in fact attended on her special day and that tomorrow was another day to know everything.

”I will be here tomorrow, well home to say goodbye before you head for your honeymoon.” she wiped her sister tears away and grin. ”Yeah I’m having a baby, it’s a girl.” she held her sister hand now. ”No ones know about it but you, its Alex. I’m so happy but he doesn’t know what happen and I’m sure he’s been looking for me too.” she look into her sister eyes and could tell that she was saying the truth. ”But for now I must leave again and not keep you away from your husband.” Maddiie look pass her sister and saw Hadan coming over. ”Congrats sis and have fun..” she gave her one finale hug and left something tuck inside Kasey palm it was a butterfly pendant that Maddiie was meant to give to her for graduation. Maddiie let her go and step back her face covered as she apparated away. Tomorrow was another day.
Kasey wanted to know much about her sister but she figured out it was best to stay quiet or it would create a chaos and Maddiie would hate that since she didn't want to be seen at the moment. "Thanks Maddiie, I am glad that you came" she said giving Madz another hug. "Wow! Thats so cool" she said grinning widely as Maddiie said she was going to have a baby girl and the father was Alex. Kasey was very happy for them. "Congrats sis"

"I'll be waiting to see you tomorrow" Kasey said nodding at her sister as Maddiie apparated. Turning to see Hadan walk towards her Kasey smiled at her husband as she was very happy because her wedding day turned out to be perfect. "You are my good luck charm" she said as they walked together towards the reception.
Hadan walk back scouting for his wife. He just receive a gift from his in-laws wondering if the gift was necessary or not. He met her genuine smile when he look up to call for her. She call him a good luck charm, a smirk appear on his face with a confuse expression. Linking his arms around her, he lean to give her a innocent kiss. "Now what do you mean about that?" it must be something good, it made him chuckle a little. "Care to explain that to me?" he said in his british accent, arriving at the reception. He wanted to offer a dance, only they were push towards the cake. "I forgot about this part" he said bashful. His mother was already handing him a knife to cut the cake, his parents had also given them a gift that he wanted to share with Kasey. They had bought Hadan and Kasey a house just off the shorelines of France. He look down at his wife and held the knife with her help. He was going to tell her everything when they had time for themselves. Tonight it seems though they will be busy handling with everyone and their gifts. "Ready to cut it?"

Kasey smirked as she shook her head. "Can't tell you right now. I'll have to make you wait a little" Kasey said walking towards the dance floor with Hadan. She was starting to enjoy her wedding day more by the minute. Giving Hadan a kiss she asked him "Are we saving some of it for our first anniversary?" Kasey was fine if they wouldn't save the cake for one year but she knew it was a tradition in some parts, whether they would do it or not was yet to be discovered.

"Ready when you are" she said smiling at all the guests who were looking at Hadan and her and some who were flashing pictures.
"Oh that's not fair" Hadan express a little disappointed. "Remember your my wife" he gave her a coy smile, after they had cut the cake together. He than slipped his index finger onto the icing of the cake and gave it a little dab. "No secrets or I'm not going to tell you what we received from both our parents." he spread a little icing on her small little nose. Everyone let out a 'aww', making Hadan chuckle. "Girls are so dramatic" he tease Kasey, everyone who had been adoring the young newely weds were mostly girls crowding around them waiting for the cake and some even for the boutique of flowers. "Besides the gift" he return to the previous subject, "There also a honeymoon trip to St.Topez" he peck the pocket of his blazer. Soon they will have to dance for the first time, but first they took a bite of the wedding cake. With their piece set right in front already, Hadan grabbed a fork edging the cake a little and fed to Kasey. "So will you be telling me now?" he said in a teasing manner some more.

Kasey wasn't going to melt from these smiles that Hadan had to offer her. It would take much more than that for her to tell him about Maddiie and she might be softened later in the night but she wasn't sharing the secret infront of such a large crowd. "The secret isn't mine to share" she told him with a smile. Her eyes flashed for a moment as he said he wouldn't tell her what gifts they had got from her parents. "You aren't being so fair either" she told him, curiosity filling her up. Taking the bite of the cake she smiled at him as he told her their honeymoon spot. "So sweet of you to plan everything so perfectly" she told him as she gazed into his hazel eyes forgetting that she was angry with him. Leaning in she kissed Hadan happily forgetting the eyes that were glued to them.

"Um..okay" she said thoughtfully as she fed some cake to him. "But when we're alone". The lights dimmed and a spotlight came upon them. Kasey smiled thinking about the hard work everyone had done to make this night special for them. Kasey waited for Hadan to ask her to their first dance as husband and wife.
"Okay that's fair, I'm not going to hound you on it" he lean down to kiss her lips. The spotlight was on them, Hadan had place his fork down. Leading his wife towards the middle of the celebration he held her close and guide her into a slow dance. "I was really hoping you made your mind about finishing school" he said twirling her around. "But I guess I can be your personal teacher" he smirk mischievously while gliding her from one side of the area to the next. "What you say to dad" he ask bringing her back after another twirl she was back into his arms again. It was very magical, how they didn't even rehearse this part of the ceremony but it all came natural to Kasey and Hadan. She was light anyways, easy to guide but yet elegance as she stop in a poise position.
"I couldn't continue being home schooled for the next three months" she said rolling her eyes at Lila's idea of finishing homeschooling before she moved in with Hadan or moved to France. Kasey wasn't going to agree with that anymore. After having been asked to leave school after sixth year and being home schooled she could not have another dose of torture. "That's what I told my parents. You can teach me if needed" she said smiling as she moved gracefully.Twirling a few times they did their dance perfectly without any practice.

Soon the other joined them as other songs came by. After a while they were asked to dine with their whole family. Kasey sat beside Hadan and all of Kasey and Hadan's family was sitting around the circular table. Roswalld started by raising a toast to Kasey and Hadan and to their happy married life.
Serene sat right next to her husband Aden, already wash away her mascara after crying for quite a bit. Serene was just to overjoyed for her first born and was happy that he had settle down even at a young age. Aden stood up, next to speak as he held up his glass of wine. He wish them luck, love and happiness. He gave them warmth hearted advice for when situation gets them down to never give up and be each others ying and yang. He also express the thought of how much it ment for bringing two families together and couldn't ask for more. Either way in the end they decided on each other and that's what counts the most. The end was finishing up, the celebration had gone well. Everyone had said their goodbyes and wishes towards the young husband and wife. Aden spoke to his soon briefly, before he apparated with Savanna and Serene.

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