October Bliss (Kasey&Hadan)

Josette Rousseau


"Will you be my Valentine Forever?"
Theme Song
Setting; Fountain in the heart of Brightstone, at Sundown-Twilight

October eventually arrived; the weather sudden change was taking place all. Around New Zealand, there was no doubt that spring was finally here. Tree leaves were growing and sprouting as wild flowers blossom after a long winter nap were subsequently over. Right in the middle of the village, an assemble of family and friends was momentarily taking place. What was the occasion? Only those crowding along the fountain or what some would call it the fountain of life which resides the heart of Brightstone Village, spewing everlasting purest water you ever did see, knew what this ceremony was all about.

"It was in the prophet a week ago. How young these two are but I must say, it’s a lovely set up" Spoke one of the guest at the ceremony. "I agree I agree" piped another while the guests filled in the rows of chairs set all around the fountain where the ceremony took place. "It’s sad the sister of the bride not here to see her sister wed."

They still haven't found her?" the conversation continued.

"No not yet, they are waiting since it’s only been a couple months. Ministry still believes she ran off for a little while. No crime was ever reported after her disappearance" the discussion continued at a low whispers, but stopped when the ghostly woman appeared just before the crowd.

Josette never had to stand because most of the time she floated but with such grace, you could almost feel her whistle passed you whenever she decided to make in appearance. Today though she was summon, with such honor to perform the wedding of the young couple, gliding along the small spacious aisle till she reached the small alter set up just big enough for the bride and groom. It was a canopy of lilac flowers flowing down on an alter of entwine vine, springs of leaves brought to life as she settle her form upon the edges of the fountain. And just besides her stood Hadan Blake. With a warm smile enchanting the transparent facial appearance of Josette, she awaits for the bride to finally make her way down the aisle. A soft melody playing in the background for the guest entertainment, as well for those arriving.


Serene and Aden Blake were already seated up front with their youngest of the Blake, Savana sat just besides them. They were so jubilant for the day had eventually come for one of their children to finally get married. It was still a shocked that Hadan had kept this a secret, but it wasn't surprising since Blake had reveal yet another news to his parents the same day. He was accepted into a academy but in the muggel world to train to become a spy, Aden knew his son was always smart. It was Serene who took it a little uneasy. "Now Now Serene, we can't all be ministry officals in the wizaring world. We'll have to accept his decision no matter what." Aden spoke to his wife that day, which she finally accepted her son destiny. And now she was almost in brink of tears, watching the ceremony unfold as the music continued to play. Aden chuckle as he held his wife close, his eyes wonder towards the left spotting the Hollawarths in the second aisle across from them. Aden gave them a brief wave with his other hand, and motion his wife towards their close friends since like forever. "Roswald sure did find love with Lila" Aden commented turning back towards his wife. "Yes yes he did, they sure look great together" Serene smiled warmly at them quickly only to turn her attention back at her son now as the music continue to play on. Aden smiled back, while reaching across his wife shoulder, he would tap Savana and smiled asking how she was holding up. Once Savana gave her father the thumbs up, Aden smiled at his daughter as well turning his respect back at his son Hadan, while waiting for the ceremony to begin. Aden could tell Hadan looked a little nervous, but somehow their cursory conversation before the ceremony had helped Hadan calm down a little. "He looks nervous, you think anyone would notice?" Sden asked his wife whispering by the ear. "Its almost getting dark outside, maybe they won't notice much" she replied back while resting on her husband shoulder. "Don't forget the lanterns my dear..." Serene had forgotten, but she bit her lips down nervously, though she had faith in Hadan to do well. "He'll be find sweety I'm sure of it" she reassure her husband of his doubts, soon they say quiet to watch.

Roswald sat up front with his beloved wife Lila. As much as it killed him to be here without Maddiie he couldn't just stop being the father of all four of his children just because one was missing, he had to be here for Kasey. After all it was her big day, well night since the day was beginning to settle, the night air welcoming them all around the guest. It was airy but bewitching how the lanterns warm glow would phase into the night sky, like a famous painting. Roswald thought how much looked like that famous painting sort of giving that omnipresent as if Brightstone was forever dwelled in gloaming nights. No wonder Aden picked this part for the wedding it was perfect, beautiful and the scenery was just right. Roswald looked over towards his left and waved at Aden and Serene at his soon to be in laws. How they were all best of friends when Christina was alive. They hadn't ment Lila yet, only briefly at his wedding, but the conversation wasn't long. Aden and Serene worked out of the Ministry up in London. They were always travelling but they did wished Lila and Roswald the best of luck. It made Roswald greatful he had friends like that, it came to a shock when they heard about the news of both their children getting married. Roswald looked at Lila she was glowing with delight, he knew this was a lot more than what she expected but Kasey was happy and Lila had accepted Hadan already as a son-in-law. Roswald heartly smiled, as he leaned in to kiss his wife, "Don't worry Love I'm sure Hadan will take care of her" Roswald was sure of that, Hadan and his family were long time friends of the family. So he was sure they be fine. "Just enjoy the ceremony mi amor" he said in spanish half way, while holding her hand.

It was weird but Jake guess love had no questioning. All this time he thought to himself while looking up to see Hadan, his old childhood friend. It made a lot of sense he thought to himself. Hadan didn't want anyone knowing because of Maddiie but now that she was engaged and they were the best of friends...now Kasey. Jake had a hard time believing this, he felt his eyebrows frown along with his face expression. It was sort of frustrating but he didn't ask. For one he didn't want to ask while the ceremony was going on, another reason he didn't seem to care. It wasn't his problem to began with, besides he felt himself sighed. Maddiie wasn't here, he had to remind that she was gone for how long? Nobody know, but Jake put away his sorrow stares, lifting his lips to smile while patiently waiting for the bride. Jake turn his face with the same smile he looked at Irene, his girlfriend who they've been exclusively dating for a while, he remembered this morning they hadn't spoken much. Everyone had been to busy getting dressed, getting ready for the big day. "Hey" Jake said while leaning to kiss her cheek. "Not bad right?" he said smiling.
Jon would have rather been somewhere besides attend a wedding. It wasn't always good when you went to a wedding attending alone, him and Zehava were going downhill. With what happen between him and Zazuka, he sort of knew that had a lot to do with the estranged relationship between him and his girlfriend. She hadn't done anything wrong, it was all his doing. Jon wasn't okay with the situation and he made sure Brian knew about what had happen just a couple weeks ago. If they wanted to live blind that's on them, but after this ceremony he was going to come clean with Zehava. Truthfully and honestly, he wasn't going to hold back. In the end whatever happens between them, he just hope she could forgive him no matter what. He wasn't going to lie or sugar coat the situation he knew he would feel bad but a little better about himself. Sitting down just a couple seats down from Jake, Jon greeted his girlfriend with a nod and once towards Jake as well. Jon looked back at Hadan, his old best friend since childhood and still was till this day. Jon sat back, his muscle ached but he didn't complain, he was here for Kasey and Hadan and that was the bottom of it.
Irene sat beside her handsome boyfriend,Jacob as they waited patiently for the wedding to start..She was invited as his date which ofcourse she immediately agreed to..In her casual dress minus the punk shoes add the stilettos,she could say that it was a perfect day for a wedding..Smiling as Jacob kissed her on the cheek,she turned her head to kiss him full on the lips,"Perfect..I wonder..",she trailed off,finishing the sentence on her head,"if Maddie would appear here..and if my wedding would be like this too.."

This was Sarita first brightstone weekend off. And to her amusement her mother was here sitting right besides her, while her cousin Jon sat right next to Sarita. Sarita knew she told everyone that her mother was dead and that she couldn't speak perfect english. It was all a lie, but it wasn't entirely Sarita idea. Sarita gave her cousin Jon a stare, giving that one look before she turned back towards her mother. Who like always seemed uninterested when came to ceremony or family gathering. Sarita was glad she wasn't living with her mother anymore, she seem to be doing fine without Sarita, and just like her daughter she could careless. Sarita was wearing a black dress, witch showed a little bit of flesh but not to much to disrespect herself, she wore her hair out, flatten straight. A charmed she learned from home tutoring no thanks to her mother Helena. Sarita hadn't told her mother yet, that she found her sister and had only told Jon the news. She felt like nobody needed to know her business at least not now. Willow was clueless anways, she had no clue that the other day she was close to fighting her half sister. It would have been fun either way, if you see it in Sarita point of view. Nudging her cousin by ribcage before the ceremony even started Sarita lean over towards Jon, "That's the girl that goes out with Jake? Wow she looks like the girl Jessica Reed his best friend. Your brother has some weird taste in girls that for sure" Sarita snapped her head gossiping a little. "That little punk" well he was obviously bigger than Sarita but he was just about Sarita age either way. "He thought that Hadan was going after her but guess he was wrong about that" Sarita rolled her eyes, as she looked pass serveral guest shoulders, he had been wronged about that. Because now Hadan was marrying Kasey, which Sarita almost got along, just not as best friends like Maddiie had been with her.

Jake smiled after feeling his girlfriend lips against his. Jake looked up and greeted his brother with a quick wave, than stared at Sarita before turning around to look at his girlfriend. "Yes it is perfect, kind of different a night wedding near a fountain but its pretty" he smiled, but nothing compares to you. "So what was you wondering?" he asked her, his attention going back towards Hadan, his best friend, well best friend of the family was waiting for his bride. Who would have figure, but Jake thought they looked awesome together.
Jon looked at his cousin Sarita than at his tia Helena. He gave her that pleading look, that told her a lot. Without warning Helena gave Sarita a little slap on her thighs. Jon smirked, containing his laughter. Even if he were to get yelled at later, he didn't mind. His eyes when back to his friend Hadan, any moment now Kasey would be coming. At least she will be happy, she deserved it after losing her father. Shameless how death eaters had no remorse. Hadan will keep her happy.
Intentionally no one was suppose to have know about this wedding. It was suppose to have been just Hadan, Kasey, Jon, and his friend for a witness. Hadan looked over towards those present, his eyes locked with Jon. He gave him a greatful look, to pretend as if hadn't known about the said ceremony. It would have gone as plan, but everything changed at the last minute. Kasey had felt guilty not telling her parents. So in the end they had spilled their little secret but didn't mention that Jon was part of it as well. Jon stared back and smirked at Hadan before looking away. Hadan had wonder why Jon friend hadn't shown up, or at least his girlfriend. But no matter, his best friend was here and Hadan was standing there. His heart beating a while away, as everyone stared at him. He could hear many whisper and murmurs. The one he could practically hear close by was his parents. Hadan turn his gaze to face them slightly, but his body remain still as he gave them a reassuring smile. "I'm fine mother" he whisper, but loud enough for her to hear. His parents smiled mouthing back okay, but already his mother eyes were bright with tears. "Merlin this woman" he rolled his eyes, before looking ahead, the music still playing clearly in the background. The small band playing on the side of the fountain, soon they will be playing another sort of music.
Ashley was very happy for her best friend that now she's going to be married, Ash invitation just came a week ago about Kasey and Hadan's wedding and she's invited as her parents won't be coming along with her and her brothers have somethings to do and that's why she's coming with her little sister. Ash's mom have bought them already some dresses for the wedding, Ash got a halter dress and a pump shoes. After getting all dress up, she went to see her sister at the other room, making her way she saw Chelsea nice and ready to go. "Okay, Let's go." She told her and took her pack bag, "Where going to apparate, so, be ready in 3." Ashley took out her wand on her bag and took Chelsea's hand on the other, "On 3 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3." She wave her wand once and a feeling on suck on a tube just went on. After a minute of transportation, she felt the ground, "Are you okay?" Asked Ashley to her sister, as soon Chelsea nodded they started to walked at the heart of brightstone and saw the place very decorated. The two went up to sit at the front and waited for the wedding to start.
Savana sat in her chair, trying to hold in her glee, she was so excited for her brother, he was getting married! che couldn't believe it, even when she was sitting in her chair, next to her father and crying mother, she still couldn't get her head wrapped around it.
She looked around, there weren't many people, but still more the Hadan expected.
'ha! Like he could stop me from missing THIS!' she thought to herself, as she looked to her brother, who was obviously nervous about the whole lot.

She sat and waited, grinning occasionally, playing with her dress, smoothing it down, and fiddling with the end of it. As she heard the crack of apparation, she turned around excitedly, and waitied to see the bride, and for the ceremony to start.
Maya wore something that day that was simply nothing she would ever pull off on a regular basis. It was a short but parka covered spring dress that she was able to find while shopping at the mall just recently, man did Hadan owe her big times. She had spend almost half the day picking out this dress just for his wedding and just so Woody would be accompanied by someone descent. So Woody owed her as well. Maya looked to the side and was glad that he was here with her. She wouldn't have picked no other to have accompanied her at her best friend wedding, only a few would have came to mind along with her best friend Leslie but in the end she made a good choice. Even if their relationship was unclear to Maya this point, it didn't matter to her. "Thanks for coming" she smiled at Woody, her hands resting at her knee while one leg cross the other. It was very lovely setting, and now that it was night Maya could very much well enjoy the wedding just a couple seats away from Hadan parents. Her best friend looked different, something Maya wasn't used to seeing but he did look happy.
Woody looked around the area and realised that he didn't know anyone here-except Maya of course. He didn't care though. She had asked him to come here and there was no way he could refuse her. She looked amazing as always. He couldn't wait to meet her best friend though. He had been told that this was his wedding. Woody wanted to find out as much as possible about the person who he had found out he loved. It confused even him but she was the most amazing person he had ever met. He smiled down at her when she spoke. "It's no problem. I don't know any of your friends. Perhaps I'll be able to meet one now." He looked towards the alter. Who he guessed was Hadan was stood there with a woman. He turned his head back to Maya. "You look beautiful. Even your hair." He laughed as he joked about how much Maya didn't like her hair.
Irene smiled,holding Jake's hand.."Nah,just some things and silly dreams..Their wedding is so nice..",she waved off,hoping Jake won't ask what her silly dreams are..

She noticed his brother Jon and several others which she barely recognized..
Kasey walked slowly, taking her small steps very carefully because the fear of tripping over her dress had gripped her really bad. She was happy beyond imagination to have such a perfect wedding and the thing that stood out from everything else was that she was wearing her mom's wedding dress. Lila had insisted that Kasey was to wear the same wedding dress that Lila had worn on her wedding with Roswalld. Kasey had disagreed at first because wedding dress was a special thing and she couldn't take that away from Lila but after much of discussion she had agreed. A few alterations to fit her size and it was no surprise that she looked gorgeous today than all other days of her life.

She had a slight blush on her face as she was escorted to the aisle by her brother Benjamin. She loved him for being her best man. As her eyes moved up to the aisle the first person she saw was her to-be husband, her love, Hadan. Just the sight of him was enough to make her heart beat faster. He was looking very handsome today in this formal clothes. She finally reached up to the aisle and stood beside him. It was then she realized that all the eyes in that room were turned to her and Hadan and this made her go crimson. She had never been the brave kind and she wished someone would switch off all the lights because she was getting really nervous.

Her eyes fell on the ring that Hadan had given her and the confidence in her rose once again. She turned to look into his Hazel eyes, today they were looking beautiful than ever. Gazing at them she forgot for a moment that the whole world existed.
The weather still held the warmth in the air despite the fact it was night time now. It was a possible reason why he felt so choked up, and a little nervous but he held his cool like a gentleman that he was. He fix his eyes upon her form, never felt his heart increase twice as fast that night. He wanted more than just stare at her for that moment in time. He wanted to embrace her, and tell her much how much he love her and that she ment the world to him. He contain himself to stand straight and held his hand cupped in front of him when she reach the alter to stand besides him. Hadan turn to face the woman (ghost), and smile at Kasey every now and than when the woman spoke performing the ceremony in a more nonchalant way. It still held in the atmosphere that there was love tonight, more than anyone could imagine to be. For a second he wanted the wedding to be over so that he can turn to Kasey and say I do already. But he was a patient man, if he waited for so long to propose than he could wait another minutes to say I do. When the woman ask if they had any vows, Hadan turn to Kasey and held her hand. "Kasey I'm not your big romancer, in fact I'm really bad at it and I wonder how I got the courage to ask you to marry me. You made me the happiest man alive when you accept, I want you to know their no one else but you in life and I will never want to change anything about it. You are my world, and I adore you more than air itself...." Hadan said loud enough for everyone to hear, but his voice was charm so that can echo through the back, and so was hers."True love is hard to come by these days, and I know that for a while, but now that I found you...I couldn't ask for a better woman" he kiss the back of her hand, his breath exhailing slowly once he was finish. The woman turn towards Kasey and ask if she had vows of her own.
Kasey smiled back at Hadan but tried to stay focus on her objective, to pay attention to the ghost who was in charge of getting them married. She wanted all this to speed up because all the eyes on her was making her a little nervous. She heard Hadan say his vows and she smiled at her charming love. She blushed a little as he kissed the back of her hand and then said her vows. "Hadan, I love you more than my life and I want you to know that I will always be with you in all the happy and sad moments.You can trust me with you deepest of secrets for I will never fail you in any way. I am glad to have you in my life and want you to know that I have never loved anyone more than you" she said the words that came deep from her heart. She was so touched by this moment of her life that words failed her. "And...I will always keep loving you" she concluded and smiled at Hadan wiping away the little tear that was about to ruin her mascara.

Thinking of make up reminded her that today she had dressed up in the saloon together with her mother but had her beloved sister Maddiie been here this wedding would have been perfect. She missed Maddiie so much and wondered where she was. She didn't want to marry without Maddiie's presence but her parents had insisted on this and for that reason Kasey was here getting married and Maddiie was out there somewhere in the world, lost and all alone.
(Aww I wanted to cry ;_;)

Hadan knew this was the worst but the best of time to get married. He knew that she had lost a sister but still as days go by and all is lost, Hadan had to have Kasey in his arm tonight. She was more than anything in his world and his promise to love her would last more than internity. Beyone the grave even, Kasey is his soul mate and he knew that for a fact and nothing could never convince him. He held her hands, as the woman continued their wiccan (witch) ceremony. At last the part was coming to a closure. The ring was brought fourth and Hadan repeated back to what the ghost woman Josette had said. First Hadan had said clearly "I do", than took the ring from the silk pillow, and repeated those words of bonds that held them together. "With this ring I thee Wed" he said a little dried up, but his voice sounded so clear and loving when he slip the wedding band next to her engagement ring. Now it was Kasey turn to do the same. He held his breath, as his mother and sister shed a couples tears. Hadan smile, for he already knew his sister and mother so well. Savanna was just like Serene, it made him want to laugh, but he didn't for Kasey was close to tears as well.

Note: This happen while Maddiie was pregnant and had regain back her memory. Weeks before Chase attack her

Maddiie apparated to the ceremony location. Her grandfather god was there with her that night, so she wouldn't miss her dearest sister wedding, even if her life was threaten or not, she couldn't miss it either way. She had to thank him someday when she silently approach the ceremony, taking a seat in the back watching her sister and her old friend get married. She also had to thank Melodie and Abby for taking care of her when had lost her memory. There was a lot to be greatful, but for now she sat in silence, wishing that Melodie and Abby were here. She rested her hands on the side of her swollen belly, the mantel concealing her from head to toe so no one would recognize her. She didn't want to interrupt the beautiful occasion, she just sat watching like the rest of Kasey and Hadan friends and family who had gather around to witness of delightful events.

Kasey felt a change in the atmosphere as if something had changed or something good was about to happen. This had nothing to do with her wedding, it was altogether a different, warm feeling. But before she could get carried away with her thoughts on the new sensation Hadan said 'I do' and her heart skipped a beat. From today onwards they would be Husband and Wife. 'Kasey Blake' just the sound of her new name in her head made her blush. She looked at the wedding ring that Hadan slipped onto his finger. It was beautiful and more special than the engagement ring.

Thering for Hadan was selected by Kasey. She said "I do" when the ghost asked her. Taking Hadan's ring she slipped it into his finger and said in a clear voice"With this ring I wed thee". This moment was perfect and she wanted the time to be frozen here for eternity.
Hadan watch as Kasey face light up with joy and a wave of another emotion wash over. Its something he couldn't describe. Whatever it was, it was nothing bad, her face expression told him more than what Hadan needed to know. The last of the woman words were spoken, "You may kiss your bride now". Hadan step forward his arms ring gently around her waist, bringing Kasey into a deep kiss after she had raised her vile from her face. It was a moment to cherish, when they became one. Like everything around them sort of phase into the background, and Hadan was holding Kasey his new bride ever so closely now. "I love you Kasey Blake" he smirk after parting from her petal lips. He look deep into her eyes and met it. He now had Kasey, his world just got better.

Kasey smiled as the woman pronounced them as husband and wife and allowed them to kiss. She smiled at Hadan whom she would now refer to as her husband. How happy and proud it made her feel she could not express in words. Kasey raised the while from her face and kissed her husband. It was as if this kiss brought a whole knew feeling to her. She was no longer kissing her boyfriend but her husband, her soul mate with whom she was united for life. She smirked back at Hadan feeling happy to be held so close and lovingly. "I love you too, husband" she said after hearing for the first time someone refereeing to her as Kasey Blake.
(So in truth you was married before your sister :) )Everyone started to celebrate once the announcement was made. Bits of rice, balloons, and even fireflies hit the atmosphere as they walk down the ailse holding onto each other. Hadan felt their parents gaining up on them, when they attempted to make it to the receptions area at Madman Puddifoot shop. Serene his mother was already kissing her son cheek, while his father Aiden was patting Hadan back, congratulating them both, as the Hollawarth's did the same with Kasey. Everyone was heading for the receptions, cheering and clapping for the new weds, the village became more alive with music playing in the air and everyone shouting for the lovely newely wed. Hadan couldn't even keep up with his wife, he turn to look for her and saw her chatting with someone he did not recognize at first. He gave her some time to talk, in a couple minute the first dance would happen just outside Madam Puddifoot's shop, thanks to Maya's arrangements, Kasey will have a memorable reception, plus the many gifts they received from their guests.

Maddiie smile when the announcement was made, she stood up from her chair and still made herself not be known. When she saw everyone getting up to depart for their reception, Maddiie waited to seek her opportunity to congratulate Kasey Blake properly without disturbing the celebration. The spotlight was on her tonight, making a sudden appearance now so that everyone knows will only be selfish of Maddiie. At least it seems that way to her. She didn't want to be known anyways, only her sister will know that she came and on one else. Everyone will have to wait till tomorrow. Maddiie apparated to Kasey side, grabbing her hand to push her towards Maddiie. She held her finger up to her lip, the mantel still covering her hair, shadow her face well. You can still make out the little features like her mouth, eyes, nose, mostly everything if you was that close to Maddiie. "Hey Kasey..." she smile weakly at her sister, stepping forwards she embrace her tight despite her small belly bump rubbing up against Kasey, silent tears sliding down her face. No big commotion, but she was overwhelmed but happy on the inside.


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