October 3, 2040

Isabelle Vernier

examinations authority | mother of one | french
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
I've never owned a journal before and I'm not quite sure how to start it. Father gave it to me in hopes that maybe I'll feel better writing down how I feel since I can't tell him with words anymore upon moving to a new school. It feels weird but I guess I'll get used to it, especially since now I have no one to talk to when I'm lonely.

The first month here at Beauxbatons has been quite boring if I do say so myself. Mostly I've just kept to myself and not really worried about what many of the people were doing around me. This school is very different to being homeschooled and the professors teach quite different to how father taught me at home. At home I always had help with my work and there was never really such thing as 'homework' where you do extra work after class. Now if I need help with my schoolwork I have to wait until my professor is free to help me and I actually have to confront them about it and I'm not very good at confronting people.

Father keeps sending me owls asking how I'm going but I haven't replied to him yet. I don't want to tell him I haven't made any friends yet because I really don't want to upset him. Hopefully I do end up at least talking to someone.

Father and Clarissa are getting married in December and I'm really dreading it. It's not like I don't like her, it's just that I still miss mother and I don't want to feel as if she's been replaced. I told father he was free to marry her anyway because I want him to be happy. If Clarissa keeps him smiling then that's really fine with me. I'm not sure about living with her daughter though, but at least I don't have to share a room with her. It will take a while to get used to but hopefully it will be alright.

I'll keep you updated,
Father married Clarissa four days ago and I have never been to such a formal event in my life. It kind of reminded me of mother's funeral with the vast number of flowers and men in black suits. Nonetheless, I think I rather enjoyed myself. I'm sure father marrying another woman won't change too much, as long as he is happy.

I haven't written it in here yet but I met someone not long after my last entry. She was older than me but she seemed rather nice, despite her snobbish appearance and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her. I eventually came around to telling father about her and he was extremely proud of me. He wants me to try and make friends that are in my own year and I honestly couldn't agree with him more. If I become too close to her then she'll leave to graduate and I'll be all alone again before I even know it. I don't want to think too much of that at the moment though and I'm just glad that I've found someone to talk to.

For now, I'm going to keep this nice and short because I'm extremely tired and I just want to go to sleep.

I'll keep you updated,
I'm back at school now after Christmas break and New Year's I am actually much happier here at Beauxbatons than what I thought I'd be. The school may be full of lots of veelas and part-veelas and many other people that are different to me but I somehow feel like I fit in in a way I didn't think was possible before. I went into the Great Hall today for my first lunch of the year and sat in the nearest vacant seat I could find. I happened to sit next to an older girl who could see that I was new and offered to give me a tour. She seemed a bit peculiar at first but I accepted the offer nonetheless, despite knowing many of the important parts of the school myself, and followed her around. Just walking around the place with someone who isn't afraid to talk to me feels great. She was in her seventh year so I know she won't be around forever but I really do hope we cross paths again.

For Christmas father gave me a puffskein as an animal companion and I took it with me to school. I haven't thought of a name for him yet but I'll just leave this here so I can remind myself to think of one later. I'm keeping him in the cage at the moment, trying to figure out what his personality is like before going ahead and giving him a random name that I think is 'cute'. Far too many people name their pets before getting to know them which I think is extremely bazaar.

Anyway, I have to go to sleep now so I'll keep you updated.
My second semester at Beauxbatons was much better than the first in my opinion. People do not bother talking to me anymore which is good considering I don't do very well socially. I managed to get myself five outstandings this year as opposed to four in my first. My professors are telling me I'm doing quite well though considering I came from being homeschooled and I can truly say that I’m quite proud of myself.

The holidays were great. I enjoyed being back with my family, despite how annoying Anastasie can be at times. Better yet, almost as soon as I came back home after the year, father told me that Clarissa is pregnant with his baby! I didn't even know they were planning! I hope they're okay. After all, it has my father's genes so it shouldn't turn out too bad. Clarissa is only four months into the pregnancy and is already getting quite big. I hope it's not twins.

Anyway, I'll keep you updated,
I haven't written in here for a long time and I apologise for that. My last entry was even before Christmas, but nothing interesting happened on Christmas anyway. I'm not sure why people think it's such a great holiday. I understand that it’s probably the only time of the year families can really get together but they shouldn’t have to have a whole day dedicated to that.

Anyway, Clarissa's baby was born yesterday, or should I say babies. As I suspected, she had twins. They're both a girl and a boy meaning they're fraternal. She's staying in hospital with them for a while but I'm not sure how long. It's great with her not in the house apart from the fact Anastasie won't stop being annoying.

I'll make a better effort on keeping you updated from now on, although I can't promise anything,
Clarissa has been back home with the twins now for a week. Both Father and her are on maternity leave and so, even though I've been at school, the house is pretty full. Every time I send a letter through owl, it gets replied back to within a day, or even less. One time Patrick sent me an owl and he tried to draw a picture of a bear or something but it had nothing to do with the letter I had written in the first place. I'm not sure what happened to the original letter but I know for sure father hasn't read it.

School has been interesting. I am making a habit of reading ahead now that I am up-to-date with the work. It gives me something to do so I’m not sleeping all of the time.

I'll keep you updated,

P.S: This is the picture.
I'm back home from holidays, and I was going to write another entry as soon as I came back but Clarissa keeps asking me to look after the babies while she goes and buys them things. Father can't do that anymore because he goes to work, but I guess that's a good thing for me anyway so I can learn a thing or two about them. They're extremely spoilt by Clarissa and I hope they don't grow up thinking life is always that way. I've never noticed before, but it takes a whole village to look after a baby, especially when there's two of them. Not only do they look very similar, but their names are similar too. I didn't mention before but their names are Lucie and Louis and it kind of bothers me that their names rhyme. Anastasie says they're nothing alike but I’m not sure she understands what I mean.

The babies are crying so I have to go.

I'll keep you updated,

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