Open Numbered Days

Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (21)
Caleb sat in the park pulling up grass and wishing he had some kind of ball to kick around. He glanced at Lila who was reading and sighed heavily. Mom had told the three of them they needed to get out of the house and of course Simon ditched them, leaving Lila and him to walk to the park. It was chilly out but sunny so it wasn't so bad. He still wasn't used to the seasons being backwards. He was used to hot summer weather for his birthday and now his birthday fell right in the middle of winter. "Lila." he whined. "Can we play tag or something?" he asked and leaned on her to get her attention realizing this might be one of the last times he would get to hang out with his sister for a while. She was about to go off to school just like Simon and he was about to be left all alone at home.
Delilah wasn’t sure what her mother was thinking, telling them to just go outside. She was starting to wonder if her mother even realized they had moved to the other side of the world and realized it was technically winter. Of course Simon could not be bothered, and Caleb and her made it to the park. Thankfully she had grabbed a book on the way out and was content to spend the afternoon reading and counting down the days until school started. She was terrified of course, but incredibly ready for something different. Delilah tried to ignore Caleb’s whining with little success. “No.” she said bluntly and shrugged him off of her. “I’m sure there are other kids to play with.” she mumbled.
Marlee walk the park and wanted know this place a little better. There was so nice place here and diffirent from London. Marlee walked with a little singing, becouse she have a realy good mood today and she was two people. -Hey, can i join you both?- She asked with a shy voice. Marlee see girl read the book. -What you read?- Girl asked the stranger girl and hoped she would be mind if she join with him.
It was the day after her fun trip to Honeydukes. After bidding her parents goodbye, Hayzel skipped toward the park with barely time to lose Rye. She was sure he would be following her once he knew she went out by herself. Cassiah was still at home and hopefully, she would join her sooner. Sh reached the park and wandered around, looking for something to do until she came upon three kids. Two looked to be around her age, the boy a bit younger. "Wanna play?", she invited them. She was sure the little boy would love to but Hayzel was a little unsure about the girls They were a little girly girl for her taste.
Caleb looked up at the girl who approached them, she looked to be around Lila’s age. “Sure!” he said quickly before Lila could respond. She probably would have said no and he wanted to meet new people. He sighed when she asked Lila about her book, of course she wanted to talk about books. Thankfully another girl approached and asked if they wanted to play. “Yes!” he nearly shouted and stood up. “My name is Caleb by the way, and this is my sister Lila.” he said to the quickly forming group.
Delilah was startled a bit when a girl asked if she could join them but before she could say anything Caleb answered. She smiled politely even though she didn’t really want to talk to anyone today. “Um, it’s a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories.” she answered and showed the girl the cover. Another girl approached and asked if they wanted to play and of course Caleb eagerly agreed and she frowned when he introduced her. “My name is Delilah.” she corrected, sounding stern. “Only my family calls me Lila.” she muttered. She didn’t like the nickname. There was nothing wrong with it; she just didn’t feel like a Lila. She wasn’t really sure she felt like a Delilah either but at least that was her actual name. “What kind of game?” she asked cautiously, not wanting to agree to something she’d regret.
-Sherlock Holmes is grate writer. - Marlee herself was reader and she know lot of good book. -You have nice name and nickname Lila. My name is Marlee- Haywood smiled the girl and looke to and that must be her brother. Then she saw another girl who looked so familiar.
Hayzel almost raised her eyebrows at the girl named Delilah. She smiled at Caleb though. Marlee and Delilah seemed to be into books. She was too but not to the point that she had to bring it outside. "Hayzel, nice to meet you all." Turning to the boy, she grinned. "Wanna play hide and seek? We can even do it in teams.", she glanced at the girls again, wondering if they wanted to join.
Caleb smiled at both the girls. “It is a good nickname.” he said smugly and looked at his sister. He didn’t know why Lila didn’t like anyone else calling her that. But it did make him feel a little special that he was an exception. “Nice to meet you both.” he said, nodding at the two of them. “Yes!” he shouted enthusiastically as Hayzel suggested hide and seek. It was a perfect idea.
Delilah ignored her brother’s comment and rolled her eyes before looking at Marlee. “Yes, it’s really good. A friend of mine got it before we moved.” she said with a small smile. “We moved here about a year ago from London.” she explained. She was intrigued by the idea of hide and seek. “Sure.” she said evenly, trying to compensate for her brothers over excitement. This wasn’t how she expected the day to go but she felt like it could also be a lot worse. “Who should be it first?” she asked as she put her book down gently.

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