Now your in trouble

Jason Cordwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Jason was on his way to meet Ana again. He couldn't really remember their last time together as they had gotton very drunk. He walked to the place where they had agreed to meet. Jason had gotton there early like he always did as it was easier for him.He saw her walking towards him and he smiled and walked up to meet her. " Hello how are you?"
Ana walked along the path with her arms wrapped round her stomach. She knew what was in there and she wasn't sure whether she actually wanted it or not. With what happened last time, she didn't want to have to go through that again. She smiled slightly when she saw Jason. "Hey, I'm alright, I guess. What about you??"
Jason grinned then shrugged. " Yeah im good i suppose. Also i have some amazing news to tell you." Jason was practicly beaming now. He hod found out that Caysi was pregnant with his child and he couldnt wait for it to arrive
He laughed excitedly. " Caysi is pregnant." He hugged her tight. " Isnt it amazing, the woman i love is carrying my child." He released her with a huge grin on his face
Jason's smile widened. " Really, wow thats great news. Have you told Riley yet i bet he will be chufted that your pregnant again." He laughed, he was just too happy today.
"No. I don't want to tell him until I'm sure I want it." Ana looked down at the floor. She didn't like keeping something like this from riley but then she didn't want to hurt him by saying that she didn't want it either.
Jason nodded. " Well i can understand why you feel that way but im sure Riley would be happy eigher way i mean he is a prety laid back guy and wont get too attached to anything unless he is one hundred per cent certain about it." Jason knew alot about Riley as they had been best mates for a long time now
"I know, but..." Ana stopped. She didn't want to have to go through the Natalie scene again and guessed that Riley didn't either. She hadn't even recovered fully from it yet and already she was pregnant again. She didn't even know how she was pregnant. She shook her head. "I just don't want to see him hurt."
Jason nodded. " I understand, dont worry just wait until your certain then tell him. Well at least until you get a visible bump because i doubt if he would miss it he is very fast to catch on things." He laughed. Jay was still overly happy and hoped that he could cheer Ana up a bit more. " So how would you like a drink. Well you will need a non alcoholic one obveously but still." He smiled widely at her

(Sorry i carnt be bothered to change my charactor, i will just reply with riley for now ok.)
Ana smiled. Jason had a point. She was glad that she was friends with him. She was able to open up to him about her and Riley without worrying that he'd go to Riley and spill the whole lot. "Yeah, OK." She started walking with him in the direction of the nearest pub.
Jason smiled widely. " Cool lets go then." He walked with Ana still smiling. He couldnt belive that he was going to be a dad and so was his best mate. They could share stupid stories about what their kids did. They could plot things to embarrass them as they get older. He was so looking foward to this. He held the door open for Ana then walked in after her. " So what do you want?"

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