Nothing But Fear

Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
After the events of last year, Louis was feeling more on edge than he had ever felt before. Fear was a regular emotion for the Hufflepuff, especially now that his own school was potentially a lot less safer than it was before. He didn't realise how bad the events of the Basilisk incident were until the Gryffindor Head of House spoke to everyone during the start of year feast. There was a very alive Basilisk on the school's grounds last year, while he was there, and Louis was confident that there could be another one sooner or later. He had been keeping very quiet, but he was visibly shaken. He didn't want to attend any classes this year not feeling safe. He didn't know who to turn so, but the first person to pop into his head was Professor Corrins. She was always so nice and understanding. Surely she could help him. His palms sweaty, Louis knocked on the door of her office.
Mallory was still unpacking her office, getting things ready for the school year and unpacking things in her room. She had just finished putting away some books when she heard a knock at the door. Surprised, Mallory flicked her wrist to open the door. She was surprised to see a rather upset looking boy standing there. "Louis! Darling, whats wrong? Come in, come in," Mallory motioned for him to enter the room and moved to sit on the couch. "Do you want some tea, sweetie?"
Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the professor opened the door. He had considered turning back if she hadn't answered, but was suddenly very glad that she had. He didn't like how easily she could tell that he was upset, but he stepped inside nonetheless, trying to loosen up a little despite how tense he was feeling. "No, no tea thanks." he said simply. "I'm fine, I just... I just wanted to ask you... w-why does no one seem t-to care?" Louis couldn't help the tear that began falling down his cheek. "You know, t-there was a-a freaking Basilisk in the school a-and here we are j-just pretending everything is fine when it's not." Louis was a mixture of upset and angry and all he could feel was his heart beating against his chest as his head grew hot.
Mallory was startled when Louis started to cry. She moved to him quickly, leading him to sit on the couch and rubbing his back gently. "Oh, darling, shh," Mallory cooed, reaching up to brush his hair from his eyes. "I am so sorry, dorogoy." She murmured, letting her hand fall to brush at the tear on his cheek. "We do care, my dear, really. Patrols around the castle are increased. Everything that can be done, has. I am sorry you are so upset, I understand," She tried to reassure him gently. "What happened was terrible, awful. It should never have come to pass." She cooed, trying to help in what little way she could.
Louis was embarrassed to be crying in front of a professor. It was definitely nothing he wanted his classmates to find out and he hoped that Professor Corrins wouldn't tell anyone. He just wanted to voice his concerns, regardless of whether or not they were actually listened to. After all, he didn't think the voice of a fifteen year old was really important to adults anyway. He sat on the couch, letting the professor talk to him and reassure him that everything was okay. Louis wasn't sure how true that was. He took a deep breath. "I-I just don't know how we can... continue living l-like it just didn't happen. None of this makes sense." he said, wiping his own tears from his face. "What if the Basilisk had... siblings or cousins or something. Surely if there was one of them, there could be more." Truthfully, Louis didn't know the whole story, not that he really wanted to, and he just hoped the Ministry had everything under control.
Mallory listened to Louis speak, rubbing his back gently. She brushed his hair from his eyes. Oh, dorogoy. The basilisk was made, sweetness. One of the students that were expelled hatched the basilisk. There are no others. There won't be others. They've tightened security on the forest, on the information of how to hatch one. They've done everything they could to ensure this never, ever happens again," She reassured him, giving him her most tender smile. "I promise you, Louis, they've done everything they can to make sure we're safe, you're safe." Mallory opened up her arms, offering him a hug if he wanted to be held.

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