Not your average superhero

Gerard McCloud

Active Member
OOC First Name
Gerard was on a caffeine hype once again and had decided to head out to Obsidian Harbour. However unlike the general everyday public Gerard was a little different. He had decided that today was the day was the was the day for a My Chemical Romance style superhero look. He had a yellow mask on and a bright red cape to go over his black skinny jeans and printed t-shirt, he also had black knee high converses. He wandered around, almost skipping as he went looking in various shop windows that he past. He couldn't help but smile and laugh quietly to himself at the awe of the small children that passed. I'm just that cool, he thought to himself.
Avery sat on a bench. She was not allowed to move, at least, she wasn't supposed to anyway. Usually, rules were the law to Avery, especially when it came to Garry or Moriah. Moriah more but Gary was technically her dad in the eyes of the law, even if he was her brother. She didn't entirely understand it but she was grateful for Lilith trying to explain it.

Avery looked around and saw a sight that blew the rules out of her mind, not an easy thing to do. There was a superhero in the town. The young girl jump down from the bench and ran to him, hesitating slightly before tugging on his cape. "Hello there Mr." She grinned her toothy grin at him, she was missing her top left tooth and her bottom right tooth.
Gerard felt a tug on his neck. He looked down to find a small girl hanging off his cape addressing him as 'Mr' and smiling broadly at him. He turned to face her and then bent down till he was eye level with her. "Hello um..." Gerard wasn't used to dealing with small children on his own. Normally when dressed like this, children were either dragged on by there parents or only approached with adult supervision. So past, getting to her eye level and saying hello, he was stumped. Failing to come up with anything more, he smiled at her.

A few moments later he asked the girl "so what can I do for you young lady?" feeling that that should be an okay question to ask her. He was a superhero after all. Maybe a parent or sibling would spot her soon and help him out. He really did not know what he was doing.
Avery smiled as he came down to her level, it made her feel more important, most people just talked down to her, quite literally. "Are you a real superhero? Like Superman?" Avery spent her spare time reading the muggle books and comics when Gary had his friends round. She didn't really like them, they were all tall and loud or they were female and yelling but she was old enough to understand why.

Avery waited for his reply as she smiled, watching the sparkles on his mask. She knew all about superheros', he was wearing a mask so his enemies couldn't tell who his secret identity was. She didn't really see how it worked, you could still see most of their face and hair colour but she figured it was magic.
Gerard smiled as the girl asked if he was a true superhero although he really wouldn't push it to being like superman. "Yep I am a real superhero, but not quite like superman. More colourful, and not as old. Plus I don't find flying as easy as he does."

He noticed her watching the glitter sparkle on his mask. "Would you like to wear my mask?" He asked her, reaching up to his face to take it off, so she could wear it. Even if it probably was a little big for her.
Avery gasped and shook her head. "You can't do that! You don't want your enemies knowing your secret identity do you?" She tried to hit his hands away from his mask. She was pretty feeble though. She looked up as she heard a familiar voice.

Avery took a step back when Gary came into view. He wouldn't approve of the superhero, he didn't do much to do with muggles really. He had no prejudice against them, he just preferred magic instead. "Hi Gawwy, I found a superhero." She could say his name properly but he tended to be nicer when she said it with the lisp.
Gerard was taken aback by the girl hitting his hands away from his face. She came very close to actually hitting him in the face. He dropped his hand away from his face and said to the girl "I suppose not, what a silly thing for me to suggest."

Then a voice came from nearby, one the girl seemed to recognise. She looked up at him and called him Gawwy. He guessed that the guy was actually called Gary and that the girl was just trying to be sweet or she had a speech impediment either way. Gerard stood up then and smiled at the guy. "I'm guessing this is you're kid then?" he asked.
Gary came out of the shop to find Avery missing. He wasn't worried, she'd been out alone enough to know her way around and she was smart enough to scream bloody murder if someone she didn't know or like tried to touch her. He looked around and saw his sister talking to someone. A very special someone by the looks of it, he was wearing a cape and a sparkly mask after all.

"Ave! What you doing?" Gary felt his face melt into a smile when she used her cute voice, they both knew he couldn't resist it, probably why she had used it. "A superhero eh?" He looked the bloke up and down, he was practically shaking with a huge grin on his face. "Looks more like a poof to me." He muttered under his breath before talking to the guy. "Nah mate, she's my sister. Not old enough to have kids yet."
Gerard heard the comment the guy had made under his breathe. " I'm not a poof thanks. Not that I have anything against them but that's not me. Just a nineteen year old guy on a caffeine hype." Gerard wasn't best pleased with the guys attitude but just went with it and didn't show his irritation to much. "Oh right your sister, sorry." Gerard smiled at the guy again.

"I'm Gerard by the way." He offered a hand as he introduced himself.
Gary looked at the guy. "Right sure. " He looked down at his baby sister and the admiration in her eyes when she looked at the 'superhero'. He sighed, she would just throw a paddy if he was rude or took her away.

"I'm Knight." Gary shook his hand firmly, he never introduced himself with his first name. Gary didn't exactly fit his image. He held out his arms and smiled as his sister jumped into them, quite literally. "Oof! You're getting heavier you know." He laughed as she tried to smack him. "And weaker."
"Just trying to be different" Gerard replied with a shrug. "Knight, cool. Nice to meet you" He said politely.

He watched as the brother and sister pair did the whole happy families, hugging reunion thing and smiled a little sadly to himself. He wished he had a sister, or any real family at all. His stand in parents were great but it just wasn't the same.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm just going to Godmod Avery now, CBA to change characters loads.

Gary nodded as he hugged his youngest sister. "Yeah, sure, you too." A smirk crossed his face as he spoke to the guy in a cape. He didn't get why the bloke had to wear a cape and a mask, then again he didn't touch caffeine so he wouldn't know the effect it had on people. Judging by this guy it was roughly the same as what alcohol did to him.

"So, Ave here says you're a superhero. What are your powers?" He really didn't want to ruin it for her but he didn't mind putting the new guy in an awkward position. He had to wonder what the other 'Fallen' guys would say if they met this dude.
"My powers? Now I can't tell you that, my enemies might be listening." Gerard replied looking at Knight's little sister 'Ave', smirking and rolling his eyes.

He knew Knight was trying to make things awkward for him and he wasn't going to let that happen, no matter how much people may think he was an idiot as it was. He wasn't going to let this guy ruin his little sisters fantasy either.

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