Not You.

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Professor Styx could not be move livid at the thought of someone that he used to teach once more appearing at the school. It would have been different if the person was well-behaved, but how he got Head Boy was beyond him. Perhaps if he never made him prefect. The thought of him disrupting his class while he taught Herbology made him roll his eyes. The lad had never seen him teach anything but Herbology. Professor Styx simply hoped that the boy would not interact with him. From what Professor Styx heard, the boy went through a lot. He had four children all together, but one was a stillborn. Then there was one after that one. He was sure that Aleyha would have been finished after the stillborn but the boy had one more left in him. Whatever, it was really none of his business. However, the welfare of the children and Aleyha, on the other hand, was. It all had to come down with family relations. Professor Styx gazed up from the book that he was reading while he was in his office. His eyes fell on the picture of him and his wife, with all the kids, moving. Nicolette seemed happy, but him, on the other hand, was not showing any emotion except an occasional roll of his eyes.

Slamming the book closed, Professor Styx figured he should go out and patrol a little bit, and see if anyone was misbehaving. The one thing that made teaching the job for him was punishing students. One could say that it was his most favorite part about coming to this school. The reputation alone was impressive, not that he listened to the student grapevine. Professor Styx shut the office door behind him, and with a wave of his wand, the office sealed itself, ensuring no one mess with his office. His own son was awful about his pranks, so he knew better than to leave anything unlocked. Once going down the corridor, Professor Styx rested his eyes on white-blond hair, the emerald green eyes, and finally, the very recognizable, lazy expression the professor was carrying. Professor Styx sought out to ignore the boy's presence, but felt it was not possible, when the boy started to speak to him first. Yes, Professor Styx thought that Professor Theodore Snow was still a boy, as he felt that he had not grown up since graduating.
Theodore lazily shifted from one to foot to the other as he finished placing the last of the potion ingredients back onto the shelf. "It's my day off. I should be relaxing, not doing this crap." The blonde though to himself as she shut the door to the supply cabinet then proceeded to lock it. Once he was sure all the supplies were locked up and kept away from the reach of nosy students, he figured he would go for a walk in an attempt to stay awake a little longer. He had no classes today, but he was pretty sure falling asleep at his desk in the middle of the day was going to be frowned upon by his fellow staff members. Plus he was pretty sure that the other Professor who taught Potions had a class or two today so Theodore needed to be out of there in case there was that. Theodore shoved his hands into the pockets of his robes and headed down the corridor. Not a single noise could be heard other than the heavy footsteps belonging to Theodore. "It's so quiet. How odd." Theodore found it strange the corridor was as quiet as it was. Then his eyes rested on a familiar figure and he found himself unable to hide the arrogant smirk forming on his lips.

"Well that explains why it's so quiet. Scaring the students again?" Theodore teased as he approached the Defense Against Dark Arts Professor and his former head of house. Theodore was very much aware of the fact that Styx still wasn't too fond of him, but he didn't really care so much when he was fairly sure that Professor Styx didn't like anyone all that much. In the eyes of the older man, Theodore was still probably seen as a child despite the fact that he was nearing thirty. "I'm impressed to see that you haven't killed anyone yet. Good on you." Theodore stated, his tone full of sarcasm with a hint of teasing to it. By the time he was close enough to Styx to get a good look at the man he noticed that it would appear as if Styx hadn't aged a bit since their last encounter. Aside from Theodore's hair being longer, he hadn't changed much himself. At least was tall enough to the point where his former Herbology Professor only just barely towered over him. Although he was ninety-nine percent sure that the man wasn't happy to see him, Theodore on the other hand was just simply delighted.
Professor Styx narrowed his eyes once Theodore started to speak to him. Shaking his head, he sighed. How could today get any worse? There was a number of things he could call Theodore right now. Half-breed, lazy ass, she-man, everything went through his head. However, he did nothing else. He folded his arms across his chest, and turned to face the new Potions professor. "I brought terror to your father's eyes, what did you expect from students?" Students did not have much to go on besides his demeanor. So, likely, he would bring fear to those that didn't know what to expect from him. However, he could bring even more fear into those that did know what to expect. The only one that didn't was his wife, but that was a whole other story. Professor Styx looked down upon Theodore, seeing as he was about a foot taller than him. He was honestly surprised that the boy was still around, or even alive. Actually, how in the hell did he land a job as a professor when he used to sleep in class? How did he ever become Head Boy was beyond him. He couldn't remember why he gave him prefect so long ago either.

"And I am impressed that you are still alive, and you have yet to find out what a barber is," retorted Professor Styx with a hardened expression. This boy, he just got on his nerves. Then again, everyone got on Professor Styx's nerves. That was not unusual. Anyone that crossed his path in the wrong way, or even the right way, still managed to get on his nerves. However, he had extensive history with this professor. Professor Styx merely looked down at him, before he shook his head, "Why are you even here, Snow? Shouldn't you be sleeping elsewhere?" Theodore was something else. Professor Styx didn't know how to explain it, but he just, there were no words. He narrowed his eyes at his former student.

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