Not Worried...Just Yet

Jessica Reed

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jessica walked up to the North Tower with her bag slung over her boney shoulder. She had just come from the library, Jessica figured the OWL's were too close now to block them out. She wasn't exactly nervous about them, she rarely got worried or nervous about anything. Jessica just wanted to get the blasted exams out of the way. She entered the North Tower feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of work she had yet to do, to even feel that she could scrape an EE in most of her subjects. Jessica stared at some of the other students in the tower, some she recognised from classes, others, she hadn't seen before in her life. Yet she didn't talk to anyone, she barely acknowledged their presence. Instead she just stared out of the window and let the beautiful view take her.

The scattered trees were in full blossom, students were shaded beneath them, reading, talking, laughing. Jessica sighed in envy. She missed that. She missed being able to just 'hang' without having the ever lingering shadow of studying following her every move. The only time when it wasn't there was when she was with Jake. He just seemed to bring out her old self again. Jessica smiled in thought of him but then quickly shook her head before her thoughts took control of her, she had more important things to think about. However, instead of trying to work out how she would cram five years of schoolwork into her head in the space of a few months, she leaned her head against the window pane and began to watch the students once more, letting the beauty of Hogwarts take her once more.

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