Not with a Fizzle, But with a Bang!

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Alessine Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Vinewood Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Fairy Dust
By collab I mean Kaitlyn and I just decided to advertise our characters in the same topic. We have a group of Durmstrang students that really need more social interaction from others....and who better to turn to than the lovely members of HNZ! ♥</SIZE></COLOR>
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Fifth Year - Fifteen - Pure Blood
Alessine is the daughter of ~Professor Kalif Styx and Nicolette Styx. Alessine can seem like a bully at times, especially to people who don't really know her. Alessine can actually be a really good friend to those she actually bonds with. You just need to do what she wants, when she wants it done, and how she wants it done. If people can tolerate her authority complex then she's usually pretty cool with them. Alessine can be very impulsive and quick to explode, so she doesn't always make the wisest decisions when she goes about doing things. Her dad is trying to set her up with another man in an arranged marriage of sorts, but Alessine hates the thought of anyone telling her what to do and who marry.
What Alessine Needs: Alessine really needs a best friend. Probably someone is a lot more calm and collected than she is to make sure she stays out of trouble. Friends are needed too. Alessine likes to adopt a lot of kids she gets along with into her little friends group. Alessine is in an arranged marriage of sorts so her love life is pretty much covered. As for Enemies, I'm sure Alessine has some. So if you'd like to have someone butt heads with her too, I'm more than welcome. These characters don't have to be from durmstrang, nor do they even have to be students. She just really needs some buddies.


Fourth Year - Fourteen - Half Blood
Alecto is another member of Alessine's little friend group, and at times it's kind of hard to see why. Alecto isn't the brightest crayon in the box. It literally takes her twice as long to understand things as everyone else, but what she lacks in brainpower, she makes up for in cuteness. Alecto likes to see the positive side in everything and anything. She would even try to look for a good side in lord Voldemort....yeah she's that bad. Alecto tends to get excited over the smallest of things too. Some people find it annoying, others find it amusing. Alessine likely keeps her around because she enjoys someone in her life being as happy as they are without needing much to fuel it.
What Alecto Needs: Alecto loves having lots of friends. They'd probably need to be able to put up with the fact that she's not that smart, and always seems to be in a good mood. Her love life is also taken care of...I think so she's all good for that. Alecto would also probably have people that don't like her. Alecto hates people not liking her, but she knows it can't really be helped.

Those are my two. Kaitlyn has the other three for you to lurk! You don't need have to plot with all of them, or worry about plotting with both people's characters, we just wanted this in the same thread because all five of these characters are all friends, so they are all sort of intertwined.

We are looking for a few more people to add to their group of friends as a whole too. So if you're interested in having someone be friends with the entire group....feel free to post here and let us know.​
Like what Jessye said, these are all intertwined one way or another. And here are my three lovely boys!


Elijah Odin Zhefarovich • 4th Year • Pure-blood
This should give you an idea of who he is. He is a Zhefarovich, Axel’s kid, and he hides things. Not as in hide-and-go-seek but as in secrets. His family is full of bad people, and he knows this. So he hides that. There is something else too. Elijah believes that he is gay. He has never had feelings for girls, and he has great fashion advice. Elijah is actually soft spoken, and quiet. He is not prejudice, surprisingly, since with the group he hangs out with, they are not all full of Pure-bloods. His mother is nuts, so that has rubbed off on him with his explosive temper, but one has to tap and tap and tap to get him to explode. There is not much known about him, but he is the nicest of my set of Durmstrang students as of right now.
What I need: Friends outside of the group. They will not be as close, and if he had to choose, he would choose the group. Enemies, since people could hate on him for being what he was, and maybe even tease him about being a bad Pure-blood. Eljiah could also use a love interest, but not a final. I do not know his character enough to be asking for that. But I do need a girl to make him realize that he is not gay. He is as straight as a pin. One girl to open his eyes. It will thoroughly help him with his relationship with his family.


Samouel Elijah Kyle • 5th Year • Pure-blood
Samouel is a fair guy, but since his transfer into Durmstrang, he has hated on just about everything in the school, until Alessine came and drafted him into her circle of friends, making him the newest recruit. He knows nothing of his family, and only remembers that he might have a brother out there (the loving Damon). When I say that he hates on Durmstrang, he even insults their colors and their culture. However other than that, he is just now hitting puberty, getting taller and he is working out so that he does not get picked on like he used to. He lives in a foster home but I have plans for him to be taken in by a friend. Samouel is athletic and he prefers to play sports. He actually is a big fan of tennis and hockey. Once one gets to know him, he is actually a good guy just with a bit of baggage.
What I need: Friends outside of the group of course. He needs people in general. Enemies would be welcomed, definitely. Since he does not know a thing about his past, it would be great to have a jerk come in and make fun of him. He is not the type to bully someone else, so he would be the bullied. Love interests and finals are out of the question, but crushes are always cute, so if you want to do that, then great. He will be seeing someone soon though. Then he gets with his final.


Caiden Pierce Saenger • 4th Year • Mixed-blood
Caiden is Damian’s and Krystin’s first cousin, and he is a middle child. He has several brothers and a sister (honestly I cannot remember). But he is very much a jerk. It runs in the Saenger family. While being Part-Veela, he has one nasty attitude that makes sure that even with his good looks, he is a very hated person when one sees his true colors underneath. Caiden does not see what he does not want to see. So if he thinks he is the best at Potions in his class, he will not see anyone better than him, even when proven. Caiden, I do not know what his interests are, but I do know that he hates on people he finds stupid. He often gets into arguments with Alessine, but he gets really aggravated by Alecto. However when one asks which he is closest to in the group, he would reply with Samouel because he hates on everything too. Caiden is a very colorful guy and I look forward to developing him.
What I need: Friends, if possible. I do see him having more guy friends than girls, but if you have a girl and want to befriend him, good luck. Enemies would be better for him actually. Caiden can be the bully, and if someone wants to stand up to him, that would be great. Love interests? Well, he does have a final, but he can seriously get some attention in the love department. I love the most interesting relationships, since Caiden is definitely not ‘prince charming’, anything he is in would be thoroughly entertaining since he would definitely not be all lovey-dovey.

So not all need to have plots and stuff, but it would be majorly nice to see these guys in action, and that includes the girls that Jessye has. Can't wait to see these Durmstrang people in action! ♥
Hi ladies!

Here's Maximilian, Max to his friends. He's 15 and a Durmstrang student, obviously.:p He has had a difficult life - he and his brothers are currently being raised by their great aunt in Germany (his mom is dead and his dad is in Azkaban). Max has a difficult time letting people in as his guard is always up.

Max takes school seriously, as he does almost everything else. He does well in his classes, and I can see him being a prefect.

Max isn't a mean person. He is just a little difficult to get to know, but I could see him wanting to belong to a group even if he might have difficulty learning how to be a part of the group.

I am in the midst of developing him right now so if you need any questions answered to figure out who you want to RP, feel free to ask. It'll certainly help me. ^_^ Let me know if you think he will work with any of your people. I am up for anything!
Oooh Max sounds perfect for the group! ^_^

I can see Alessine adopting him in really fast, especially if he has a harder time being in a group. For some reason that stuff is like a magnet to her. If anything she'd probably take on a big sister relationships with him, trying to make sure he's comfortable at school and stuff.

Alecto would just think he's plain old adorable and wish he was less serious all the time. She might even get on his nerves a little bit. It really depends on him and his feelings on girls like her.

Overall I think he'd be a good addition to the group! ^_^
Let me know what you think! ♥
I had to make sure Jessye was okay before I jumped the gun on saying he could be and then Jessye's characters disagreeing.
Elijah would probably be nice to him, show him the ropes, etc.
Samouel would take some time to open up to him but be a loyal friend in the end.
Caiden would insult him but after a while, that's his terms of endearment.

So, would we RP the entire group with Max or just a certain few with him at a time? =))
I think Alecto woukd get on his nerves, but I think they would still be friendly. She would be an annoying sister to him. I like what you guys suggest for the relationships, but I guess we will really see when we RP. :p

I would be cool doing either. It might be easier for you two to just each choose one to rp first though, no?
Alecto's used to that so it wouldn't be too much of a problem. :r I like that though, an annoying little sister.

It might be. xD If you'd like, we can each choose a character and have the two of them roleplay with Max first? Like Alessine and someone else? That way you have one less topic to worry about? Or would you guys prefer it another way?
I think I want Eli, since the rest will be RPed one way or another. Caiden isn't, but well... That would turn out to be pretty bad. xD
This is Elle Volkova. Elle is an introvert but confident, and can be quite snarky. She is incredibly selfish, and is easily bored. Elle is the type that would attend a party, but never host one. I can see her getting along with two of boys, and banging heads with the two girls and the other boy. With Alessine, Elle would hate her giving orders, and would do the exact opposite, just to piss her off. Elle would find Alecto annoying with her positive out look, and would constantly try breaking her spirit; and to get her to find the balance in life.
Elle wouldn't want to listen to any of Samouel's baggage issues, but she would want to help him party his blues away. She could help with Elijah's 'gay' issues, and help set him straight. Hehe pun.
And Potions is one of her favourite subjects, so if Caiden claims he is the best, she would demand he prove it.

So yeah, any thoughts?
So for Max and Eli and Alessine, does anyone have a preference on who starts it? If that's all good and sparkly with everyone?

Donna: Oooh I definitely think that Alessine and Elle will butt heads, especially because Alessine is stubborn and hates not having control. Awh poor Alecto just won't get any love from all these new people, haha it's good though. She needs more people who try to bring her down to earth a little bit.
Would Elle want to be friends with the group in general, or just the two boys?
Alessine Styx said:
So for Max and Eli and Alessine, does anyone have a preference on who starts it? If that's all good and sparkly with everyone?
Yep, that sounds good to me. Could one of you start it? :) I just think it might be easier for me to RP Max if I'm responding to another post since I haven't RPed him yet.
I can start the RP with Max. I can't guarantee it will be impressive though. Or started today. Maybe in the next few days, in between my naps.

Donna: With Elle, Samouel would not want to unload his baggage on anyone except Alessine since he is closest with her. XD But with Eli, not sure if she would be the type to 'straighten' him out, but we can give it a shot perhaps? I think her and Caiden would bump heads a lot too, but anything with Caiden I tend to find hilarious.
My question is the same as Jessye's.
If Elle were to hang out with the group, it would only be on occasion. I don't think she'd want to hang out with them a lot, but wouldn't mind it; especially if she got to stir :r ;)
Oh so it'd be like one of those "I'm only around to cause you grief sort of things." I get it. xD
That sounds like fun actually. xD Though I wouldn't go up against all 5 of them. I imagine when they aren't arguing with each other, they'd team up against one.
So which would you want to RP? Want to RP with us separately or together?
Hmm maybe both? If Elle had a friend/acquaintance in the group, then it'd make it easier for her to RP with the group, and probably stay a bit longer before walking away if they'd team up against her.
Woo both! :frantics: I can see her getting along with the boys than with the girls, unless you'd rather her be friends with one of the girls, but your earlier post made it seem like she wouldn't, so yeah. I can see her having a friend in the group somewhere....that would make it even more fun...and tragic if she were to have an issue with the group itself. :shifty:
Who do you think she'd get along with best?
What, no love for Samouel and Caiden? All for Eli?
So just to be straight, Elle and Eli become friends, and through him, she connects with the rest?
I definitely don't think she'd get along with Caiden, but I'm not entirely sure, maybe after the RP haha, but yeah she might get along with Samouel too!
And yes :r
Sorry it took a bit. xD So Eli and Elle RP? Would you want me to start it or you? I still need to start one with Cyndi and Jessye. xD
I can start it :)
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