Open Not So Sweet

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Emilia Manning

🎹 Portkey Regulations | Dreamer 🦋 | 2052 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 Inch Rigid Pear Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
2/2034 (28)
Emilia's life had been turned upside down when Derek had broken up with her. Things were entirely different now. For a while, she had been very sad. She had cried in her room and had skipped many meals because she hadn't wanted to face him in the great hall. But now it was Halloween, and Emilia didn't want to miss the Feast just because of him. Her sadness had turned into resentment over time. Even if hings between them hadn't been gret for a while, that didn't mean he had to break up with her the way he had. It was so cruel, doing it in front fo Diana Holland, and so suddenly. Emilia hadn't expected anything like that from Derek. But maybe she had been right about him liking someone else. She tried very hard not to think about that too much.

This would mark the first Halloween in a while where Emilia wasn't in a matching costume with Derek. She had put away the girly costume she had picked for this year at first, and had donned something else entirely. It was very unlike her, but she felt powerful as she stepped into the great hall in all black, a frown on her face in place of her usual smile. Let Derek see she was mad, let anyone see. She had tried so hard to be nice and pretty and friendly all this time, and it had gotten her nowhere. Tonight, she wasn't in the mood. Emilia walked into the great hall with confidence. She looked around for anyone interesting to spend the evening with.
Last year, Tres hadn’t known about the dressing up aspect of Halloween and as a result had watched the party from a distance. This year however she was fully prepared, and after getting herself a costume of her favourite animal, the second year had walked into the Great Hall very excited to see everything up close and personal this year. The hall had been decorated to a very fancy high standard, and the brunette pulled her head off so that she could get a good look around the room. The eye holes in her costume weren’t as great, which meant she was half blind, but she would be able to put it back on when required.

Turning her attention to some of the other costumes, there was an array of efforts made by the students, some very creative indeed. Her eyes stopped on an older blonde girl she recognised, but the slytherin thought she didn’t look to happy to be here. “Emilia?” She called out with a wave, bounding over the best she could while in a large bear outfit. “What are you dressed as?” She asked, giving the girl a good long hard look up and down now that she was close enough.
As Emilia crossed the hall, she was approached by a giant Koala bear. She stopped in her tracks, vaguely alarmed by the huge bear costume bounding over to her. Thankfully, the girl had the costume's head off, so Emilia could see who it was. She recognized Tres from Heta Omega and helping out at the club fair. She had been the girl to compliment her bracelets. "Oh, hi... cute costume." Emilia glanced at her own outfit, a bit self conscious about it now that she needed to explain it. "I'm a super villain. Like... an evil person with superpowers. I suppose." She shrugged.
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Tres’ face lit up when Emilia said her costume was cute. Coming from the Heta president she realised it was an important compliment so she took it with the highest interest. “Thank you. I love Koala bears,” she always had, originally because of her name, but she thought they were pretty gorgeous too and they just slept all day. She nodded at the Hufflepuff as she explained her costume, “What’s your super power?” She asked. She wasn’t really allowed to watch a lot of TV when she was growing up, but she’d heard about people who would fly and go invisible. “Or is being a witch your superpower?” She asked, it was like lots of powers in all one after all.
Emilia thought Tres was pretty sweet, and it was clear her compliment had made the girl happy. It lifted her spirits a bit, though she still was mostly in a foul mood. She ran a hand through her hair. "They're very cute." She agreed, nodding. The girl asked what her superpower was, and Emilia thought about it for a moment. "Fire." She said eventually. "Setting things on fire." She would probably have picked something else any other day, but right now she kind of wished she had that superpower. There was a moment where she imagined Derek's robes catching fire, but then she pushed it out of her mind. She didn't actually want him to be hurt, she just... felt hurt herself and was angry at the world. But she didn't want to scare Tres off, so she added, "and also flying without a broom."
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