Open Not So Good Luck...

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
OOC First Name
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)
Marley was back at Hogwarts and was more than excited about it. It had been a few days since they arrived back at Hogwarts and she was thrilled about it. Marley knew she had to send her dad a letter, just to keep him updated and let him know that she and her friends were doing well, and were going to keep him updated as much as she could. The Hufflepuff had arrived in the Owlery, letter all ready to go and send off. The amount of owls that were perched in the owlery had always amazed her. She attached the letter she was going to send to one of the owls when suddenly she felt an odd sensation on her shoulder. It didn't smell great either, and she instantly had a feeling of what it was. "Ewww, that's gross, why would you do that?" Marley said to the owls around her, as she wasn't particularly sure which owl it was. But Marley was now standing there awkwardly, her body still in a position of her trying to attach the letter to an owl, her face still frowning in disgust.
Teddy had a letter to his parents telling them about his place on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as alternative seeker that he wanted to send. As he climbed the steps to the owlery, his fingers subconsciously wandered to his nose. He reached the top when he heard Marley, "What? Everyone does it," he playfully quipped, only to realise she was talking to the owls and not him.
He chuckled sympathetically at the mess on her shoulder. "Oh, that! Bad luck," Teddy said, "Although apparently, it's supposed to bring you good luck!" He added with a grin, quickly switching topics to save face.
Marley looked at Teddy in confusion as he walked in, not sure as to what he was referring to. The Hufflepuff looked at her friend. "Owls are evil" Marley muttered, a look of disgust still lingering on her face. She heard loud sounds from the owls sounding like they were disagreeing with her statement. "Oh, hush, you did poop on me, which is evil enough," Marley said with a shake of her head. She quickly tied her letter to the owl, before quickly turning towards Teddy. "I dunno about it bringing me good luck so far," Marley said with a giggle and shrug. "You sending a letter? I heard that you're an alternate for the Quidditch team! Congrats on that dude!"
Teddy grinned as he continued preparing his letter. "Thanks, Marley! Yeah, I'm an alternate Seeker. It's pretty exciting. I'm sending a letter to my parents to let them know," he replied, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of bacon fat saved from breakfast. He held it out to one of the owls, a trick he had learned to entice them to deliver his letters.

"And I hear a congratulations is in order for you making the Hufflepuff tea-" Teddy's words were cut short as he turned back to Marley and burst into laughter. "Sorry, I just can't take you seriously while you have bird poo on your shoulder!"
Marley smiled happily for her friend. She was glad that they both of them had managed to be on the quidditch team. She watched Teddy then take a piece of bacon out of his pocket and towards the owl, watching as one of the owls immediately took it, which caused Marley to make her jaw drop. "What the heck?! How'd you do that? They obviously love you very much" Marley said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes jokingly.

Marley narrowed her eyes jokingly as Teddy burst out laughing about the bird poo on her shoulder. "I knowwww, It's so gross!" Marley complained a little. There was nothing really she could do at the moment. There was no tissue around at all. "How bad is it? Be honest"
Teddy grinned at Marley's reaction. She was not the first person to be surprised at Teddy's apparent skill with owls. To him it was just common sense. "Well, you see," he began with a dramatic pause, "Food. They'll do anything if you feed them."

Teddy examined her shoulder and then shook his head. "Honestly, it's terrible," he didn't even try to reassure her, not even a little bit. "And some of its in your hair!" He added, "Sorry I don't have anything to wipe it with. And we haven't covered the right spells in Charms, unless you want me to try levitate the mess off you." He suggested, doubtful that would work.
Marley playfully rolled her eyes at Teddy. Of course, he knew how to persuade the owls to like him, and it had to in fact be food. "You're like an animal whisperer or something," Marley says with a laugh and a shake of her head. Though she was only joking, it would be cool if they were able to talk to animals or something.

Marley groaned when Teddy told her how bad it was. "Ugh, nooooo," Marley says, her face forming into a look of disgust. She couldn't believe that one of the dumb owls had pooped on her. And it was on one of her favourite jackets too. "Curse you, you annoying owls! This is terrible" Marley continued with a shake of her head, as she looked at the owls that were above and around. This was absolutely terrible and devastating. "Oh no, I don't think the levitating charm will work, I don't want you levitating me instead," Marley says with a shake of her head.
Marley's reaction to the bird droppings continued to amuse Teddy. "I'm sure they didn't mean it," he said in a consoling tone, though he was clearly struggling to keep a straight face. "But I get it. Curse them, if you want!"

Teddy seemed a bit disappointed when his levitation suggestion was rejected, even though he was well aware that it was more than likely to fail. "I don't fancy trying Accio. Might end up in my face," he said with a grin. "I think you need to get cleaned up. Have you finished sending your post?" Teddy didn't expect her to stay talking to him with bird droppings all over her.
Marley nodded. "I'm sure they didn't but it was still a little rude of them to do so" Marley said with a shake of her head and a laugh. "I wouldn't actually curse them, I was only joking. I'm sure they had their reasons. I just hope it wasn't because they didn't like me or anything" Marley said with a shake of her head and a giggle. The owls here were pretty and nice, but she was still a little sad that a bird had managed to poop on her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you weren't going to levitate me. But I appreciate you trying to help!" Marley said with a smile when she noticed that Teddy had seemed disappointed at her declining his offer. She didn't want to make him sad or anything. Marley nodded her head. "Yeah, I guess I should get cleaned up," Marley said with a nod. Marley looked back up to the bird that she tied her post to, making sure it was on the owl properly. "Yeah, I think it should be good"

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