🌹 Rose Giving Not Quite Sunrise

Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Yellow rose for @Ambrose Webb

Margo had been thrilled when she had heard rose giving had been brought back this year. She hadn't realized how much she had missed them until she picked up her basket of flowers and list of deliveries to make. It was early but not too early. Classes hadn't started yet but there were plenty of students all over which made people harder to track down. But after asking a few other students she found her way to the courtyard where she took a deep breath. "Ambrose Webb! If you're here I have a rose for you." she called out hopefully or maybe she had just made a fool of herself bright and early.
Ambrose was quite excited for the whole rose giving event. He had heard it could become quite busy and chaotic but didn't particularly care. It sounded just like another day in his life had he been home with his parents. He had been sat on one of the stone walls in the courtyard, watching people move around as they tried to deliver roses and in generally just enjoying everything that was happening. Until he heard his own name being called out. Ambrose quickly jumped up from where he had been sitting and threw his hand into the air as he walked over to the older girl. "Yeah, here!"
Margo heard someone call out but before she could find him he appeared in front of her. "Oh there you are." she said with a light laugh before reaching into her basket and grabbing the rose and the note that went with it. "Well these are for you, happy Valentine's day." she said with a smile
Dear Ambrose
Thank you for being a kind friend, I really enjoy spending time with you.
Sofi x

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