Open Not Quite A Lake Party

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Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (12)
Magne walked into the great hall, and was very eager for the dance. He liked that the dances were so important to people, that people put in a lot of effort. He had put more in that the year before, wearing, this time an actual suit, though it was a little big for him, and seemed a little old. It had been second hand. There was no sense in buying a proper suit now when he was still growing. He grabbed a snack and was at the edge of where others were dancing, looking for an opportunity to start dancing himself.
Sofi felt like she needed to step up her game at school, especially now that she was an alt on the quidditch team. It seemed like a good idea to be more involved in school life and get herself out there a bit more. So, when the Yule Ball came around, she decided to make an appearance. She wore a yellow summery dress, one that made her feel instantly chilly as she walked into the winter wonderland.

She scanned the room for familiar people and spotted Magne first, wearing a slightly oversized suit. With a deep breath, she made her way over, offering him a small smile. "Hey, Magne. How are you?" she said. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind if she stuck around for the evening, or at least until she got into the swing of the ball.
Magne smiled at the girl who joined him. "Hey, Sofi," he replied in an easy and warm greeting. "Good, you?" he returned the question to her, though maybe was a little distracted by the dancing that was currently happening. "Do you like dance?" he asked.
Sofi smiled back, "I'm good, thanks," she replied, though she could see Magne’s attention was more on the dance floor. When he asked if she liked to dance, she let out a small laugh. "I’m not sure, I've never danced," she admitted, a little embarrassed because that did sound silly said out loud, like she had never danced before. Of course she had danced in her life, just never at a ball like this. "I mean, I've not danced in public." She added for clarity.
Magne was a little confused by her reaction to him asking if she liked to dance. He looked back out at the people dancing and then back at her. He then extended a hand to her. "Would you like?" he asked, motioning to the dance floor. He thought it could be fun, at least a little bit fun.
"Oh! You’re asking me to dance?" Sofi blurted out, the offer catching her off guard. Dancing hadn’t even crossed her mind for tonight. She froze for a second, scanning the room to make sure her sister wasn’t lurking nearby. "Uh, umm, well, I dunno. It's okay, fine, yeah okay. I'll dance," she finally agreed, taking a very squiggly path to get there and hoping she hadn't put Magne off along the way. She had promised herself she’d be more involved at school, she just hadn’t thought it would start with dancing with Magne.
Magne nodded at her question, he knew he maybe hadn't said it correctly, but he nodded, and watched as she seemed to come to a decision about it. he wasn't sure he'd done the right thing, it had just felt like the right thing to do, and they were at a dance, so he was sure there was a little logic with it. She seemed to come to her decision, and then smiled. "Dance is fun," he said brightly, before just moving, looking at her as he did so, through a few of the others to a spot within the crowd of people dancing, beginning then to dance.
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