Closed Not peaceful at all

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx needed some help. He needed a lot of help, and he was not about to ask others for help. He was dealing with something deeply personal, and it was causing him to have some issues with brewing Draft of Peace. He had a great cauldron. He had all the ingredients that he needed for the potion. But for some reason, his concentration was just not there. He did have a lot on his mind. The full moon was coming too, so it did not help how he felt. He looked physically sick, which was common every month for him. Good thing he was already pale. He turned into a pale wolf too. Maybe that was a cool fact for him. Dante brushed this aside as he mixed the ingredients, and smoke started to bellow out of the cauldron, causing Dante to jump backward onto the floor to cover his mouth and nose with his sleeve. There was no way that anyone in the dungeons would not have noticed that. He just prayed that it was not Castillo or one of the Potions professors.

@Teddy Pirrip

OOC: Few days = just over a month apparently.
Teddy hated the dungeons and frequented them for two reasons and two reasons only. The first was for Potions class and the second to use the dueling chamber. On this particular visit to the latter, something unusual caught his attention on the way. Smoke curled through the cracks around the door to a room he hadn't been in before and the acrid potion smell wafted into the hallway. Teddy stopped outside the door, his mind quickly piecing together that someone was brewing a potion in there.

Straightening his prefect badge, he pushed the door open without a second though and was instantly met by smoke, Teddy coughed and covered his mouth with his sleeve. “What the—?” he began, but words failed him. He shouldn't be this surprised to find someone brewing a potion when all the obvious signs had been in the corridor, yet here he was surprised at the scene. "Dante?" Teddy said, recognising the Slytherin in the room.
Dante really wished that he was better at potions than he was currently. He wanted to get better so that his brothers did not have to do things for him. Dante wanted to be independent but he could not be if he had people brewing these potions for him. Even if it was not Wolfsbane. He coughed, and waved his arm to get the smoke away from him as it slowly wafted away and out of the room. However, he was startled when he heard his name. It was from a Gryffindor that he was not exactly on friendly terms, nor unfriendly terms. "Uh, Teddy?" Dante asked as he got to his feet, fanning the room a bit more. He really should have brought in a fan. Or better, know some sort of elemental magic to make air blow from his wand. One day maybe. "What are - cough - you doing down here?"

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