not lost, just wandering

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
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Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
25 (1/8/2034)
It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon. the school year had just started and Willow was glad to be back at the castle. she had spent the first half of the holiday on 'holiday' with her mum, which really was nothing like a holiday and spent the second half fishing with her dad, and spending time with her cousin. both were things that she loved doing. The problem with the castle that she was now starting to realise was that the castle was big, the size wasn't the problem. the issue was that it contained so many rooms and corridors that on days like today where there was no homework, and nothing much exciting going on it was hard to track down friends to hang out with, especially friends from other houses who were likely in their common room.
Willow was getting restless, she had been in her common room for an hour trying to do something productive but she could not focus enough to get it done even though it was only a small project that should have taken her twenty minutes. she picked up her things and went up to her dorm dropping them unceremoniously on her bed before grabbing her guitar and making her way out of the lion's den to head to the lake. she paused here and there on her way, not really in a rush to get there, instead, stopping to look out of the window when she felt like it. when she reached the fourth-floor corridor she found a little window seat nestled in an alcove overlooking the grounds and the mountains beyond. maybe she didn't need to go to the lake after all. she sat down and opened the case. surely no one was walking along this back corridor at this hour. it was after all only connecting a couple of classrooms and classes had long since finished for the day. it was a weird thing, Willow didn't mind people knowing he played the guitar, it was one of the few things that made her almost cool enough so that she wasn't picked on for being weird at her old school. but she still didn't like people listening to her. she picked away, not really playing anything in particular, just whatever came into her head, playing a few bars of one song or another every now and then before something else came to mind. she closed her eyes as she played leaning her head back against the wall she was sitting against feeling the sun on her skin, warm, and protected from the cold outside by the window.

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