Not long now

Jason Cordwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Jason had just been shopping and had dropped his things off at the house and now he was back in the harbour as he had agreed to meet Caysi here. It wasn't long until their wedding now, only a month. Jason was a little nervous about the whole thing but he knew it would be great. He would marry the women that he liked and that was all he wanted. He had a bunch of flowers behind his back ready to give to Caysi when he saw her.
Caysi was seriously stressed with all that was coming. Mostly the pregnancy was stressing her out, but the wedding didn't seem to stress her out at all. She was also excited because the wedding was on her birthday which seemed pretty cool to her. She walked up to Jason. " Well hello there." She said smiling.
Jason smiled widely when he saw he. " Heya beautiful." He kissed her then handed her the flowers. " Like the ones i gave you when i proposed." He laughed slightly. " So what does my little bug girl want to do. Nothing too strenuous i hope i mean i doubt you can move much with two girls in you." He chuckled.
Caysi smiled and took the flowers. " Thank you, there beautiful, they are like the ones that you did give me when you proposed." She softly laughed. " Do you just want to walk around the lake?" She asked him, smiling. " These two aren't going anywhere." She laughed.
Jason nodded. " Yeah sure that sounds cool." He smiled widely at her. He couldnt seem to stop smiling any more, it was just permanent on his face. " Oh my. Imagine if on your birthday, and wedding imagine if you gave birth." He laughed. " So it would be out anerversary and your birthday and our kids birthdays. How hectic." He smiled once again as he brought up this random topic
Caysi laughed. " Well, that would be such a tiring day, and one of the craziest days of the year." She smiled. Caysi took Jason's hand in her's as they walked down the street that led to the harbour front which had the lake paths around it. " This is basically our last month of engagement before we get married." She said happily.
Jason frowned. " Oh that means that i wont be the cool sexy boyfriend any more i will the husband and you will be the wife. Oh happy days." He laughed slightly at what he said, he was in an odd mood today
Caysi laughed. "But we can be the cool sexy husband and wife if you'd like." She said smiling
at him. "I'm not even nervous or anything, I'm actually really excited." She nodded, grinning.
"Plus, these two don't come out that long after the wedding." She smiled.
Jason smiled. " I suppose that we could be. Also i hope both girls have brown hair. Then it would be funny because they would have my hair color almost." He laughed slightly as he spoke
Caysi laughed. " I really don't want them to have this raggity nasty blonde hair." She said flicking and twirling at her hair. " It would be cool if one looked like you and the other one looked like me." Caysi smiled.
Jason laughed and ran his hand through her hair. " I love your hair stop complaining." He laughed. " Anyway, i call dibbs on the one that looks like me. I will teach her how to be a heart breaking brat." He chuckled slightly at the thought
Caysi laughed. " Well you do that, and I'll make my girl a primped up princess." She stuck her tongue out at Jay. " Then, they'll be rivals." She laughed.
Jason laughed at her when she stuck her tongue out at him. " Well mine will be combat trained and will know lots of spells to win. She will be like a 7 year old genius"
She shook her head. " Pssshh, please." She said. " Mine will be able to drive a car by the age of five, learn all ninja moves and still will be a genious." She laughed.
Jason laughed. " Well mine will be just like me in every way so there for she will be amazing at everything and win your every time." He smiled and spun her around and took her around the waist. " I winn." He laughed again
Caysi laughed. "I can't win can I ?" She asked him. She sighed. "We still have to come up with ideas on how to embarris them even more." She smiled at Jason.
Jason laughed. " Well if we let your little sister look after them for a day or so then they will get all the embarrasment they will ever need." He smiled at her
Caysi laughed. " Oh Elise." She smiled. " The months have flown by, honestly." She said to Jason. " I'm still in shock of all of this." She laughed.
Jason laughed. " I know tell me about it. I mean it only feels like yesterday when we first met. When i went over to you reading a book and drinking coffee. I didnt expect this when i first started hitting on you." He laughed again at the memory of when they first met and why he first went over to her
Caysi nodded, it did feel like yesterday. " I'm excited for the honeymoon in France though." She said happily. " I just want everything to go perfect." She smiled.
Jason nodded. " Yeah me to, but i think we will have to go to Hawaii like a week early so that we can have a little holiday before hand. I think i will try surfing, i will probably fail at it but it would be fun." He laughed slightly at the thought of him falling into the sea every time.
Caysi nodded, that was a great idea.. but why hadn't she thought of it before. " That sounds great actually." She nodded. " I would love to go jet skiing." She smiled. " While your surfing, I'll be jet skiing." She laughed.
Jason laughed. " Well i would have to watch that. You should wear one of those sexy bikini's While im in some speedo's" He laughed again then spun her around. " Im only kidding.....I dont have speedos i have a mankini." He chuckled then shivered at the thought. He had some normal shorts that were blue camoflarge
Caysi almost fell from laughing. " I sure hope that you don't have speedos." She smled. " I'm going to have to wear some sexy maternity ones, don't be dissapointed." She laughed.
Jason laughed at her comment and the fact of how much she was laughing. " Dont worry you will be my sexy heavily pregnant nearly wife, wife." He smiled then leant on some railings and looked out over the water. " We only have about one month left you know. Its gone quick hasnt it."

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