Not Gone, Just Slow

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Wren Louise

French • Ex Divination Professor Heathen
OOC First Name
Kelsey Ruth
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 ½" Flexible Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2017 (34)

Sorry to post another absence whilst my old one is still up. Different parameters, this time- I'm full of muse but I'm sick a-eff.

You don't have to respond to this one, just be aware that my replies are coming at a snail's pace.
[ul][li]I'm going off some medication and withdrawing hella hard</LI>
[li]I've had an eye check and I need glasses, but they won't be done for about six weeks so it's a little tougher to write
<LI>[li]I can't bloody eat, my stomach spits the dummy at every meal- might take a week or more to clear up[/li][/ul]Not fun, but also not permanent! Thanks for being understanding, especially my roleplay roulette partners who aren't used to my sporadic and voracious illnesses xD

Here's to better days, and swift rps!
Feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon KR :hug:
Update- stomach is well, withdrawals have ... withdrawn! Things were pretty bad when I posted, I could barely eat at all, but I'm shocked and pleased that I've improved so quickly after some treatment (a liver tonic, of all things, if you really wanted to know).

My eyes are still bunk, but I'm giving them a rest when I can. Hoping to start replying to rps slowly over the coming days.

Thanks for the well wishes!
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