Closed Not exactly home

Aika Chen

Quiet | Better | Software Engineer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
2043 (20)
They had been for like two days in New Zealand and Aika already knew that she hated there. There was so many cool places in the world and dad took them here, it sucked. Mom was out in a big world and left them with dad, at least she wasn't separated from Akihiro. It would suck even more.

Aika threw her books about astrology on the new bed and then fell next to them. She wasn't a big fan of books, but she was a big fan of astrology. "This place is dull," she quietly said to brother and laid back. "I want back home." of course, brother was the only who could hear that. He, probably, was the only who knew that she wasn't as sweet as she always acted in front of people.
Akihiro was not impressed by the move. At the very least he had Aika here as well. He fell down onto her bed, sighing heavily. "Apparently this is our home now." He rolled his eyes as he said it. "I know it's annoying. But we must do what we can." He grimaced. "I can establish us something at the school at least. With any luck we will be in the same house." he turned his head to look at her.
Aika shook her head and then corrected back her bangs. She didn't agree with the fact that New Zealand was now her home. When he fell on her bed, she rolled closer to him and put her head on his chest hopefully. "We surely will be in the same house, but we will have to live a whole year away from each other." she sighed disappointedly. "I still think that it's unfair that parents divorced and now we have to live here." Aika's feeling about the whole situation was full only of negative emotions.
Akihiro wrapped an arm lightly around Aika, rubbing his thumb over her shoulder. "We will have to write each other often," he told her quietly. Akihiro had few people he ever felt truly close to, but he had always felt like he and Aika were the only ones that really understood each other. He sighed. "When we graduate we can move back. I'll go first, of course. Find us a new home," he mused. As the eldest, it was his job to take care of Aika.
Aika cuddled closer to him as he gave the approval. "Every week! We will write to each other every week," she surely stated as a fact and looked up to him. She almost never managed to get real friends, everyone was so weird and uncool, and boring or too expressive, and never fitted to her standards. Akihiro fitted to them. "Yes, we must and we will do this. We are not going to stay in this country," she was sure that the worst thing that could happen was that they got used to New Zealand, but she was sure that it won't happen, but even thought of that terrified her. "I don't want you to go there," it was almost unfair that they weren't twins, it would save so much time for realizing their wishes and plans.
Akihiro nodded and reached to brush her hair from her eyes. "Of course." he agreed easily. He shrugged as she agreed. "While I'm at school, do extra chores around the house and convince dad to raise your allowance. I'll buy us both money boxes. If we work together we can save up and buy a nice home back in the proper country," he instructed. "When I'm old enough I'll start work in brightstone."
Aika lightly smiled at his actions and with her hand around his stomach, and lightly drew circles on his ribs. She listened carefully to every word he said to don't miss any of the instructions and to not mess up, but everything seemed pretty easy to do. "Houses are really expensive, we can start with a simple apartment and the house will come later," she offered back after his instructions. She wasn't really sure how all the money and work thing worked, but she was sure that a private house was way more expensive, after all, it took way more place.
Akihiro shrugged at her statement. "We'll see." He replied easily, sighing heavily. "I'm sure you'll be fine while I'm gone, Aika. Father has never told you no for anything, has he?" He smirked a little. Their father was very easy to sway. He hugged her a bit. "When he takes us for my school shopping we should get an owl," he mused. It would be easier to stay in touch that way.
Aika raised eyebrows and gave a slight nod. "He hadn't," she approved his thought, dad never said no to them, except that one time that they ended up here. "I want a cat, can I get a cat?" she didn't immediately get why he said that, and only then understood what she had to say. "Maybe we can get you an owl and me a cat? We will share with them anyway."
Akihiro considered her question, looking up at the ceiling. "You can have a cat. Owls are too common. I think I'll get a raven." He nodded decisively, thinking about it. "Tori. Bird. Black as night and beautiful." He nodded. "Our image will be everything. We must stick together. Find the right people. I will find us friends when I get to school. Bring me the people you want to spend a lot of time with. We will work together." He squeezed her arm softly. "Father is soft. Mother has left. I will take care of us." He promised, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Aika gave a nod. "Ravens are better than owls, they are actually smarter than owls too. At least from what I have read," she gave a light shrug. And she approvingly smiled at brother, she liked the name Tori. "I want a black cat, he will match with Tori," she liked the idea of matching pets. "Should I actually get friends? You are enough for me," Aika looked up at him with unsure face. "I can make acquantainces tho," she offered. Friendship meant that she was supposed to trust them, get herself attached to them and people from here didn't seem like a good fit for that. And she gave a nod at his promise to take care of them. Yeah, they didn't win a lottery with the best parents ever, they were supposed to look out for each other.
Akihiro smiled softly, squeezing Aika lightly in his arm. "You don't need friends, exactly, but you need a small group you can control," he told her. "With us being in different years, our schedules will be different. You'll need something so that you aren't alone when we're apart." He explained, running his fingers lightly along her arm. "Father is soft, but he loves us. And as an adult he does have the ability to protect you. In a way," Akihiro rolled his eyes. He loved his father, mostly, but he had never seen the man as very strong. Their mother had always walked over their father, and it had left Akihiro with the impression that anyone of a strong enough will could twist his father to their will. "You'll be fine while I'm gone."
Aika let out a light sight. "It sounds better than real friends," she admitted, she had a huge commitment issues and she didn't even want to work with that. "Ugh, why we couldn't be twins? It would be so easier, but alright yes. Group of people who can be controlled. Will be done," she gave a nod, and listened to him talk about their dad. "I am pretty sure that in their marriage, dad took the role of peace keeper," she lightly chuckled and corrected her hair as it was getting in her mouth. She dislikes talking about how their parents did or didn't love them, every parent loved their kids, so it just made sense to not say anything about dad loving them. "Of course, I will, but I will miss you," she frowned a bit, she wasn't used to thought about them being away from each other.
Akihiro chuckled lightly. "I understand," he agreed easily. "Think of it this way, Aika, if we were twins then I wouldn't be able to go and prepare the school for us," He told her. He tried to see the bright side of things. He rolled his eyes as she said their dad was a peace keeper. "You mean he's a wimp," he snorted. He sighed softly as she said she would miss him.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'll miss you too," he murmured, shutting his eyes and leaning his head on hers. "Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?" He asked. It had been a while since they had shared a room, but with the upcoming separation, he thought it could be a good idea.
Aika sighed and gave a nod with her head. "But if we were twins, we could do that together," she chuckled lightly. She did agree with him but at the same time, she didn't want to step back from what she said. "I didn't want to say it like that, but yeah, he is a wimp," Aika couldn't help but let out a light laugh.

"Yes," she quickly answered his offer, she loved being next to him. She curled up closer to him and closed her eyes.

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